Tuesday, September 4, 2018



Gadzooks, we're in September already, and school has started. This means that "unofficially", it's the end of summer.

As I made my coffee this morning, using our Keurig machine, I thought back to the times when the smell of coffee brewing in the morning, wafted throughout the house. this smell alone, meant that somebody was up in the house.

When we visited my Grandmother, she and my mother would get up early and have coffee.  This was their opportunity to just talk to each other. I'm pretty sure that this time was special for both of them.

Oh, back to coffee.  With the Keurig, which is a delight to use, just doesn't produce a coffee smell, unless you are basically on top of the machine.

Thinking about coffee, for all of our marriage, I have been the "nose".  Something smelling off? I'm your gal. I probably was a blood hound in my past life?

I have hand lotion that I bought in Hawaii, and every time I use it, I am transported mentally back to Hawaii.

Baking cinnamon rolls, always brings me back to the years and year of Christmas. While presents mayhem was occurring, the rolls were cooking. Maybe that remembrance has more to do with the actual event, rather than the aroma.

And, of course, last but not least, is Chloe perfume. The company doesn't make the original Chloe any longer. When I found this out, I was depressed. I have used Chloe perfume and powder for more years than I can count. I never spray on too much perfume because I don't want the "smell" of me to enter the door before me! Knowing that I could no longer buy the original Chloe, led me to Ebay, where I buy used bottles. The bottles may only have an inch or so left, but that doesn't matter to me. Getting the perfume is just that important to me. I think mentally it defines me. I haven't used another perfume since first discovering Chloe. You know the saying: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". That's Chloe to me!

I don't like scented soaps, whether it be in the washing machine, or just hand soap. Jeff and I pretty much always buy unscented soaps. We are devote users of Neutrogena (sp?) soap. There is a very, very mild scent, but nothing that "smacks" you in the face.  To say, that Jeff and I are in a rut, would be an understatement. But, we like what we like, what we like, and that's it. Both of us, dread knowing that a product we like and use, has been discontinued. But, hey that's just us.


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