Thursday, September 6, 2018



Have you noticed a pattern here?  Well, there is generally so much to talk about when it comes to the girls.

They are both 2 years old, and you would think that their shenanigans would be over. At times, that's true. But alas, that's not completely true. We still don't, and perhaps never will, leave paper anything (cups, plates, napkins, etc.), where Bella can get to them! It would be one thing if she took these items, and destroyed them inside the house. Nope, she goes out the doggy door and creates quite a mess in the yard.

Daisy, has started peeing in the house.  I thought we had gotten rid of that behavior a long time ago. Um, maybe not.  We decided that before we got all worked up about this, we'd take her to the vet to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with her. No physical problems, which was a relief, and $163.00 later, we hopped back in the car and headed to WalMart.  Since Daisy can't go in a store, she and I hung out in the car. Jeff turned the a/c on and I adjusted the radio to 60's music. I quickly realized that I had left my Kindle at home! So, I engaged in people watching, which is always fun.

While we were at the vet, Daisy was pulling and almost managed to get out of her collar. Answer? A harness for her, for when we have to take her out somewhere. She doesn't get to go out often, and that's partly our fault. Perhaps when she is in a harness, it will be easier to take her out for a walk.

Okay, next problem, which is nasty. Daisy, prefers the concrete floor in the basement like a "litter box"! She will actually pee about 6 inches away from the doggy door.  I've thought about diapers, but I know (not from experience), that using them would be a daunting task, to say the least.

All household products we used, failed to keep her from using the floor. I have now bought a product, that I used only one part of the floor, and I'm pretty satisfied with the result.

Jeff and I have appointments at Hopkins today. Bella will go with us, and Daisy will have to stay home. If Bella is staying home, we have to "Bella proof" the house. That actually means the dogs have to go in the basement.

It's amazing how much we do for our pets. When Jeff and I got married, so many years ago, we thought that $25.00 or so, was the maximum we would spend on a dog visit to the vet.  Obviously, we always spent more than $25.00, but once you know what's wrong with your pet, you have to weigh your options.  Could old Sam be treated somehow, which would have stopped him taking two steps and then peeing.  Because Sam was 15, we opted to put him to sleep.

Now in 2018, we spend considerably more for a vet visit. Even a limit of $200.00 turns out to be just a number. And, a number that we have increased over time, for the girls!

So, here's to puppies and dogs - you irritate us some of the time, but we love you anyway.



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