Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween


I don't know about your weather, but here it is a gloomy, rainy day, with rain in the forecast. And, because Mother Nature has no mercy, we're going to have strong winds around 6:00 pm. The weather may keep some children away, except for perhaps teenagers.

When my brother and I were young, Mother made our costumes. We went as king and queen,with the appropriate colors done in crepe paper. We were both wearing very dark colors for our "robes". Unfortunately, it was raining that night, and by the time we got home, our skin had been "dyed"! Use your imagination - if that dress were to get wet, well you get the idea.
Image result for crepe paper for costumes 

As we got older, our costumes weren't as elaborate as being king and queen. In France, we dressed as hobos, and we had "cigars" that blew "smoke". Yes, we were children, which isn't much of an excuse, but when we got to somebody's home, once they answered the door, we "blew the smoke" into the air. We thought it was funny. Parents not so much.


Fast forward to the present, and going trick or treating, sometimes could harm a child. There was a time when people would give out apples, with razor blades inside. My research today, shows that was, for the most part, not true. When Scott and Andrew were little, Jeff or myself would pull them in a small wagon to go house to house. They were little children, and cute (not prejudiced I swear). 

As they got older, and went out by themselves, I told them every year, not to eat any candy, until they got home. There was two reasons for this: (a) we put all the candy out on the table, remove apples, popcorn balls and any other treat that was homemade; and (b) with the candy on the table, Jeff and I (mostly me), could pick through the candy, and take a few pieces of our favorite candy. 

When children are young, a lot of them carry those little plastic jack o' lanterns. Those little buckets didn't hold much candy (which I'm sure the parents liked). And, then we come to teenagers. They arrive on your doorstop carrying a pillow case. They are not cute by any means. Just want to get candy - a lot of candy. Leftover candy? We're giving out mini Snicker bars. We live on the top of a hill, and it is a dead end. Most years, some children simply don't want to come up on our street. And, with weather such as it is today, only the real hard core (teens I suppose), will stay out for a long time.

As I write this, the wind has already arrived, and the tree that I can see from my window is beginning to sway. 

Happy Halloween everybody. Tomorrow, it'll be November (where did the months go)?

Image result for picture of halloween 



Wednesday, October 30, 2019



Jeff and I were watching the game last night (which the Nats won), but I fell asleep mid-way through the game. I guess the only thing that matters is winning. Tonight, is the game, as Jeff says, worth all the marbles. 

The salary that some of the baseball players receive, is beyond staggering. For instance, the Nats pitcher, will receive $38.3 Million dollars. His full contract is for 7 years (2017-2023) and is not His 2019 salary is the second-largest single-season sum within the contract, as he’s slated to make $45 million in the final year of the deal in 2023. I wonder what somebody who receives that large of a paycheck, spends it on. 

Trust me, there are many athletes, in baseball, football and basketball, that also make staggering amounts of money. Are they all worth it? I'm not an owner of any sport, so I, obviously, don't know anything about players' salaries. But, what I do know, that for all of my working years, I never was paid even remotely close to a million dollars. Would I have been worth it? Oh you bet - at least my ego thinks so!!

Before, tonight's game, I'll get a nap sometime in the afternoon, so that I'm rested come 8:00!! This game is a must see. And, I don't want to miss any of the game.

I don't know which team, if any, you are rooting for, but I know that the fans in this area, are hoping to come home with, both the title and the trophy.

Image result for what kind of trophy does the winning world series team get 

If the Nats win the World Series, the local communities will obviously loose their minds. So fingers crossed for tonight.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Documentation for Driver's License


I don't know how it is in your state, but here in Maryland and Virginia, you have to bring to the MVA certain documents that prove your identity.

One thing you have to provide is a certified copy of your birth certificate. First hurdle - I actually don't have a birth certificate. I ordered one from Illinois, and added it to the other required documents. You need a bill in your name, social security card, social security statement and finally your passport. 

Collecting all of these documents, does take time as well organization. While my memory isn't very good now, I was at least able to round up the necessary pieces. We had made an appointment, a wise choice anytime you have to go to the MVA. It literally took all of 5 minutes for the clerk to scan in my documents. Now I'm "legal"!!

I also know that some people are turned away for lack of proper documents, and that would be frustrating. If you don't have your birth certificate, or other required documents, you're sent home, to try again.

This is a busy week for us. Nothing fun, just things that need doing. You simply have to put one foot in front of the other.

We'll definitely watch tonight's game. Oh, please let the Nats win. It would mean so much to us local folks. Particularly, since our football team has disappointed us pretty much all of the time.

We are now into sweater weather. Wearing a sweater is actually, in my opinion, very nice. Having to wear a coat - not so much.  Of 6,586 respondents, 59 percent placed the sweater weather cutoff into the 55 to 65 degree range. Most specifically, the average nationally is 60 degrees. ... The warmest region is the West, where an average of 62 degrees is cool enough to signal sweater time. All the information you didn't need or want to know. But, you also know me, and my love of searching for the history of how and why something is.

I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.



Monday, October 28, 2019

Sorry I'm Late


Sorry about being late this morning. I do have a good excuse. Jeff and I had early doctors' appointments. This appointment was so early, we had to set the alarm! Ugh. For all of our working years, as well as for you, that stupid alarm chirps every morning. Once retired, there are very few times that you have to get up. And, since there are so many things to deal with, sleeping in is wonderful. Unfortunately, for Jeff, the girls let him know when it's time to get up. They're anxious for breakfast. 

We stayed up last night to watch the ballgame. We were rooting for the home team, but in the end, all of our yelling at the television (a true waste of time), the Nationals didn't win. They just didn't seem to be on their "A" game. Perhaps the next game, will have a different outcome. I'd cross my fingers, but for obvious reasons can't type that way. I'm good, but not that good!

Years ago, Word Perfect (remember them?), had a typing contest. I never applied to take the test, but I could have. I've been typing since junior high on a manual typewriter. This was the kind that when you got to the end of a line, you had to manually return the typewriter to the next line. And, there was a small bell that would warn you that you were close to reaching the end of the line.You know me, I have to check random things out, so here is my finding:

The highest typing speed ever recorded was 216 words per minute (wpm), set in 1946, using an IBM electric typewriter. Currently, the fastest English language typist is Barbara Blackburn, who reached a peak typing speed of 212 wpm during a test in 2005.

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of typing on a manual typewriter, learning to use it, and use it well, required very strong pinkies to hit certain keys. Since it was a manual, you did have to press all the keys hard, but it does take awhile to build up strength in your pinkies!

Once we moved on to electric typewriters, a good typist, could type without looking at the keys. I had one class, where all the keys were covered up. Since you couldn't see letters, you had to rely on your memory to hit the right key.

Most typing tests that I took over the years, by wpm was slowed down a bit, because I had to take my paper out, go to the other side, and begin typing again. 

I may be retired, but I type every day, my blog for instance. The problem I'm having right now, is that sometimes I don't remember where to find things like &, #. This is frustrating.  

We had the top down on the car for our ride back home. Thanks to modern things like a wind screen, you can probably keep the top down, most of the time, unless it's raining.

I hope you are having, or will have, a great day. It's beautiful fall weather here in Maryland.




Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Year Round Gift!


Yesterday, Jeff and I met Scott and Wendy at Costco for the picking out of a new television. Since I take television watching as one of the main things I do, I seriously wanted the very best picture.

You know how they say that size matters? Well, in the world of televisions, size really does matter. How much wall space do you have available? Our now defunct television was 60 inches and fit perfectly on the wall. But, our five year old television was not worth repairing. You know all about instant gratification - and that's what I wanted last night. 

Scott who wanted us to buy a behemoth size television, we just don't have the wall space for it. We finally settled on a 65 inch, which Scott assures me has all the latest bells and whistles. Under normal circumstances for me, I generally can't remember what the fancy stuff does and/or how to make it do the fancy stuff! Turn on the tv (check), volume control (check), record shows (check), and that's all I really think I need to know. But, electronics has become big business, and more and more people are turning in their electronics on a more frequent scale. Most people, want today's products, not yesterday's. Fortunately, Jeff and I don't follow that rule. If it's working, and we're satisfied with the picture, etc., why trade it in? I guess we're just getting old!

After buying the television, which was put in Scott's new car, we went to his house for dinner. Wendy had prepared home-made macaroni and cheese and pork chops. Dinner was excellent at always.

On our way home, Jeff and I listened to the ballgame on the radio. While listening on the radio gets the job done, it's not nearly as exciting as it is watching it on television. When we got home, we turned on the game to watch the final moments. Unfortunately, the Nats didn't win last night. Perhaps they will win the next game. Fingers crossed.

Today, is a rather gloomy looking weather day. I told Jeff that I thought we could probably turn the a/c off now, and open up the windows.

While we were gone last night, we left Bella behind. I'm never sure what to expect when I get home, if Bella is alone. I did make some cautionary moves - glasses, shoes, etc. It appears to me, although I haven't been in the back yard yet, that she was a good girl.

Have a good day. 


Friday, October 25, 2019

Buying for Christmas


I can see you! I know that you're letting out a groan and even perhaps, eye rolling. The hard facts are: that Christmas is coming (news alert - this occurs every year); and, the earlier you buy presents, the less stress you will have. I speak from experience on this. I have for many years, compiled a list in my head (that's scary), of what I want to buy.

This week, while reading a book, an old Benjamin's Christmas list was stuck inside. I don't know what year it was, but the printing was very large, so he was obviously much younger. I've decided to keep this list (of course I am), just for sentimental reasons. There are so many sentimental items in my hope chest now, that I'm soon going to need to buy a new chest! I have friends who are not as sentimental as I am, and have told me that they have packed up their children's things (like hand prints on a ceramic tile, pictures drawn by their children, etc.) This is so not possible for me. I can open up the chest anytime I want and when I pick up an item (like Wendy's wedding dress); or the outfit that Benjamin wore after leaving the hospital, I can go back to the individual memories. I know, you're thinking I'm nuts (and we know that I am), it would break my heart to have to get rid of the things I've been cherishing over the years.

At the last family dinner, I passed out pieces of paper for everybody. I told them to write on their list, the must haves (M) and the wants (N). Benjamin was the only person to actually fill it out. The list is handy, but I often go rogue when buying. But, even if I do that, I still have that person in mind.

I just recently bought two gifts, and I like them so much, I think I'm going to keep them for myself. Sounds greedy I know. Trust me, I'll find something else. For me, it's all about the hunt. Once I have bought something, then the real chore begins - wrapping! Sometimes, Stacey will come and wrap for me. For the boys, they are satisfied with a box closed with packing tape! That kind of wrapping I can do. It's not pretty, but it certainly 
gets the job done!

And, if you're wondering, and I know you're not, there are only 61 days left. Sometimes, Jeff and I will go to a store after Christmas. We're not needing anything, but it's interesting (nah fun), watching people scramble for things to buy. The big ticket items go quickly, like televisions, for instance.

Big baseball game tonight. While there many other things I could watch on television, I really want to watch the game. It's gotten pretty exciting.



Thursday, October 24, 2019

They Won Again


And who am I talking about? Oh, you know, the Nationals baseball team. That's two wins in a row, pushing them onward to hopefully making it to the ultimate challenge - winning the world series.

The last time a world series game was played in D.C was in 1933! Okay, that's definitely a long time ago. We're more than overdue to be the champions. Tickets today, are pricey at best. The most expensive ticket for one person is $4,424.00. That is madness. You can also buy tickets for standing, that will set you back the least amount of money. But, remember you have to stand! It costs me nothing to watch it from home - no commute, no drinks being spilled on me (and yes, that has happened at some other venue we attended), and, of course, not having to pay huge prices for baseball food. 

In 1933, tickets cost $6.60, or $130.35 in 2019. Wow, I know the tickets were low back then, and $6.00 might have been a scramble for some folks. When you see below how much a person made a week, then you can also see that purchasing a ticket for $6.00, might have been a hardship. A quick look at food. Hot dogs cost around $6.75 today and beer around $11.00. I guess long gone are the words "buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks". I don't know for sure, but I don't know if you can still buy cracker jacks.

So let's look back at 1933:
Consider the cost of living. In 1933, a gallon of gas cost 10 cents, a pound of hamburger meat was 11 cents, and a loaf of bread was seven cents. A can of Campbell's Vegetable Soup was priced at 10 cents.

The average wage for a laborer was $20 per week and an average house rented for $18 per month. An average new house cost $5,750.

Automobiles: The 1933 Ford Model 40 Victoria was priced at $595. A Buick with a rumble seat cost $825, but the Buick 60 series would set you back $1,350. Plymouth 6 models ranged from $445 to $545.

Back to today. Prices all things baseball are way higher than back in 1933. But, we have television now, so if we want to avoid the crowds, we stay home. 


The Washington Senators' Griffith Stadium during the 1933 World Series

and Now:

Baseball Field, Stadium, Baseball, Field 


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Beautiful Autumn Day


Woke up this morning to just a spectacular day. Temperatures pleasant, and no rain in the immediate forecast. How does a day get better than that? Well, Ada is coming this afternoon to clean and the Nationals won last night's game. I'll be watching tonight's game, with finger's crossed for another win for the home team.

I've never been interested, in the least, about sports. Partially because I know very little or nothing about how the game is played. Okay, I at least get baseball - it's easy to understand for me. Football? I'll watch the game but the lines keep moving, flags are thrown, etc., and all of this confuses me.

Jeff has put our old television back in the den. It's small, by today's standards, but at the time was big enough for me. I think it's 50 inches. But I could be wrong. The bigger tv, died suddenly when I was watching a movie. Luckily, we have a warranty, so we can take it back to Costco for a refund. That's fine. But, there are two problems: (1) Jeff needs someone like Scott or perhaps a neighbor to take the tv off the wall; and (2) we have to take it to Costco. And, after all of that drama, we buy a new tv, and probably a bigger one. You know how much I love television, but since it didn't work while Jeff was away, I put a real dent in my books that needed to be read. The next time I see Stacey, I will give her these books to give to her mother. And, then I'll start on a new stack of books - love reading - and always have.

 Image result for picture of nationals baseball team


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Things Are Better Now


Jeff came home late last night. I stayed up, because I knew that if I was in bed, the girls would make a huge fuss that he was home. 
After being alone for five days, I think that when he goes to migration next year, perhaps we should hire a "sitter" for me. You know, somebody who could and be with me for a few hours a day. Even if all we did was watch television, it would be company.

Everyone I know, are still working, and because they are younger than me, will be working for probably another (just guessing) 10 years.

My car is at Scott's house, with apparently no plants in the immediate future, to return it to me. So, I'm pretty much stuck in the house. And, most of the time, I'm okay with that. 

But, when both the Keurig and television were "broke" for several days, of the two, I missed the television the most. If, you are for the most part, not able to get out and about, then books and television, become your best friends. Oh, and in order, television comes first.

I'm a recluse and all of my friends and family know this. Since I stopped working in 2013, I've been pretty much alone. A year or two ago (and, Jeff I don't remember the exact year), Jeff started working from home. While he remains upstairs and is lazer focused on his job, I know that if I need him, he'll be able to come and help me. 

I have numerous doctor and therapy appointments, and since my family won't let me drive, Jeff has to take me everywhere. It's not enough that he's tethered to a "mental" person, but also somewhat of a physically disabled person. While working with a personal trainer, I have become stronger. I can now get out of the chair without holding onto the arms. And, the trainer has taught me what to do when I fall. That bit of training came into play last week, when I fell on the top stair while getting out of the basement. But, I knew what to do. Melissa taught me, I bend one leg at the knee and the other straight behind me (a pusher if you will). I did just that and was actually able to get off the floor all by myself! Big success on my part.

I wish I wasn't in this condition, but as they say, you can't change the past. You can only go forward. Actually, I don't know which is worse - my mental health or my physical health. Kind of a crap shoot either way. 

My families are busy with their own lives. Benjamin is in school now, and has joined cross country running and soccer I think. And, he's going to be the lead in the school play. Do I miss the field trips that Stacey, Benjamin and I did together? Oh, you bet. I miss seeing him regularly. But, in reality I also know that there's not much to do at Mom Mom's house. And, we can no longer sit in the recliner any longer, we just don't fit. I swear it's his fault. Just writing this, makes me a bit teary (sorry).

Okay, I've whined enough for one day. The sun isn't out, but it's not raining either.



Monday, October 21, 2019

Home Alone


Jeff has been at migration (a pilot thing) for a week. I know he's had a good time. Pilots to talk to, meetings to attend (if you want to) and at the end of it all, a banquet. 

Jeff, and one of the other co-owners, took the plane up to a state up north - Wisconsin, Michigan to have the plane worked on. All of these things could be, and probably are, wrong - but get the idea.

This morning, they are taking a commercial flight home. When you're flying in your own plane, there is no security check, definitely have reserved seating, since there are only 2 seats up front. There's also 2 seats in the back, which is where Benjamin and I sit. Of course, there is no in-flight service, other than what you bring along with you.

Since Jeff has been gone, the Keurig coffee maker won't work, so I've been drinking tea instead. Used the fireplace yesterday, because it was raining and damp. Couldn't figure out how to make the flames smaller. There is one flame that is taller than the rest, and I wanted to fix that. Watched videos, on how to adjust the flame, but I  fixed nothing.  Last night, I was watching a movie, and then suddenly the screen went black. Why? As a person who most of the time can't fix anything, I pressed buttons on the remote, but to no avail. Good news: I have lots of books to read.

While Jeff has been away, I have become Bella's best friend. When I'm in my recliner, she launches herself onto my lap. Bella is not a lightweight and probably weighs somewhere between 50-60 pounds. She's like a weighted blanket. But unlike a blanket, only she moves around. I'm just the lap! I've tried to stop the air conditioners from working, but I'm pretty sure that I wasn't a success, since I can still hear something running. When we had the two units installed, we also received two new thermostats, which I find hard to use. The old ones, you simply switched the "thingy" from hot to cold and vice versa. Oh well, I did try.

I've got today to finish (or start) something. Laundry (blah) is on the list, but it's a necessity. I also need to put my summer clothes away, and bring out the warmer things. This is a job that I don't want to do either. I guess I'm picky about what I should do, or for that matter, what I don't want to do!

While yesterday was a constant downpour, today is bright and sunny. I'm hoping that Jeff's plane doesn't run into any bad weather.

Enjoy your day.

 Image result for picture of frazzled woman trying to fix things

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...