Monday, October 21, 2019

Home Alone


Jeff has been at migration (a pilot thing) for a week. I know he's had a good time. Pilots to talk to, meetings to attend (if you want to) and at the end of it all, a banquet. 

Jeff, and one of the other co-owners, took the plane up to a state up north - Wisconsin, Michigan to have the plane worked on. All of these things could be, and probably are, wrong - but get the idea.

This morning, they are taking a commercial flight home. When you're flying in your own plane, there is no security check, definitely have reserved seating, since there are only 2 seats up front. There's also 2 seats in the back, which is where Benjamin and I sit. Of course, there is no in-flight service, other than what you bring along with you.

Since Jeff has been gone, the Keurig coffee maker won't work, so I've been drinking tea instead. Used the fireplace yesterday, because it was raining and damp. Couldn't figure out how to make the flames smaller. There is one flame that is taller than the rest, and I wanted to fix that. Watched videos, on how to adjust the flame, but I  fixed nothing.  Last night, I was watching a movie, and then suddenly the screen went black. Why? As a person who most of the time can't fix anything, I pressed buttons on the remote, but to no avail. Good news: I have lots of books to read.

While Jeff has been away, I have become Bella's best friend. When I'm in my recliner, she launches herself onto my lap. Bella is not a lightweight and probably weighs somewhere between 50-60 pounds. She's like a weighted blanket. But unlike a blanket, only she moves around. I'm just the lap! I've tried to stop the air conditioners from working, but I'm pretty sure that I wasn't a success, since I can still hear something running. When we had the two units installed, we also received two new thermostats, which I find hard to use. The old ones, you simply switched the "thingy" from hot to cold and vice versa. Oh well, I did try.

I've got today to finish (or start) something. Laundry (blah) is on the list, but it's a necessity. I also need to put my summer clothes away, and bring out the warmer things. This is a job that I don't want to do either. I guess I'm picky about what I should do, or for that matter, what I don't want to do!

While yesterday was a constant downpour, today is bright and sunny. I'm hoping that Jeff's plane doesn't run into any bad weather.

Enjoy your day.

 Image result for picture of frazzled woman trying to fix things

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