Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Terrible Horrible Tuesday


On a scale of 1 to 10, my yesterday was way, way higher than a 10. On my first day on the "job" of being alone, was a complete disaster. 

It started with a call from "Social Security". That should have been a red flag to me, but I guess, actually I know, that I was trying to be helpful to the person who made the call. This was a mistake. I know that SSA does not make calls, and here's where my "spidy (sp) sense" should have kicked in. I was an absolute fool, and gave out my SSN - big mistake, and one that I regret deeply.

Then the person said that my SSN had been used in Texas to buy drugs. And, I was going to be fined $98,000 or go to prison. Those words alone should have stopped me cold. I did ask the person what number she was calling from, but couldn't get an answer from her. She suggested that I hire a lawyer (why) to defend myself. After bombarding her with questions, she just hung up. Okay, I suppose the world will not end, but it feels like it to me. This scam has affected 145,5 Million people in a year. So, maybe I should feel better, since I'm not alone in being stupid. I did report this event to the Attorney General's office as well as another office, whose name I can't remember.

Okay, so that was my morning. I ordered an atomic phone - never needs batteries - is charged by the movement of your arm. Cool. I ordered the watch and it came to me with a leather strap, and I had ordered the watch with a strap band.

The company sent me a pre-paid label to return the watch. I put the label on the package and put it on my porch for pick-up. While trying to navigate the UPS site, I was just going around in circles. When I finally just called UPS, they said the label was not pre-paid and it would cost me $11.00 for pick-up.

Right about now, I'm beginning to lose my patience, and if I wasn't a lady, I might have used the "f" word. That's how frustrating this transaction had become.

I called the company where I bought the watch and explained that UPS told me my label was not pre-paid and it would cost me extra money for them to pick up the package. I told the company, that I was on the edge of a cliff over this transaction. All I want is the right watch. The company called UPS while I was on the phone. The company and UPS worked out the details, so I could have the package picked-up. Success. Only problem was that by this time, I was way beyond my patience level, and started crying on the phone. The UPS lady told me that I needed to settle down. All that did, was put me in a rage. This process took almost all of yesterday afternoon to get everything worked out.

Scott and Wendy came to the house to pick up Scott's little electric car. When Scott came into the house, I completely fell apart. He assured me that everything was going to be alright. I took a Xanax (I should have taken two), and began to calm down. When it was time for Scott and Wendy to leave, Scott gave me a real hug, and I basically jut cried during the hug. He told me that everything was going to be okay. 

He saw the leaves in the street, and was kind enough to pick the leaves up for me. I was moved to tears, not only from frustration, but more importantly, that Scott knew I needed help. And, came through for me. There's not enough words to describe how much his help and support meant to me. It appears, that in time of need, my boys will come through for me. 

I watched the ballgame last night, and the Nationals won the game. I think this means they are going to the World Series, but I'm probably wrong. I know the Nationals have played the Cardinals I think four times( (feel free to pick out a different number), and the game was definitely worth watching.

Ada comes today, so once she's gone, the kitchen and bathrooms, in particular, will be very clean.




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