Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Year Round Gift!


Yesterday, Jeff and I met Scott and Wendy at Costco for the picking out of a new television. Since I take television watching as one of the main things I do, I seriously wanted the very best picture.

You know how they say that size matters? Well, in the world of televisions, size really does matter. How much wall space do you have available? Our now defunct television was 60 inches and fit perfectly on the wall. But, our five year old television was not worth repairing. You know all about instant gratification - and that's what I wanted last night. 

Scott who wanted us to buy a behemoth size television, we just don't have the wall space for it. We finally settled on a 65 inch, which Scott assures me has all the latest bells and whistles. Under normal circumstances for me, I generally can't remember what the fancy stuff does and/or how to make it do the fancy stuff! Turn on the tv (check), volume control (check), record shows (check), and that's all I really think I need to know. But, electronics has become big business, and more and more people are turning in their electronics on a more frequent scale. Most people, want today's products, not yesterday's. Fortunately, Jeff and I don't follow that rule. If it's working, and we're satisfied with the picture, etc., why trade it in? I guess we're just getting old!

After buying the television, which was put in Scott's new car, we went to his house for dinner. Wendy had prepared home-made macaroni and cheese and pork chops. Dinner was excellent at always.

On our way home, Jeff and I listened to the ballgame on the radio. While listening on the radio gets the job done, it's not nearly as exciting as it is watching it on television. When we got home, we turned on the game to watch the final moments. Unfortunately, the Nats didn't win last night. Perhaps they will win the next game. Fingers crossed.

Today, is a rather gloomy looking weather day. I told Jeff that I thought we could probably turn the a/c off now, and open up the windows.

While we were gone last night, we left Bella behind. I'm never sure what to expect when I get home, if Bella is alone. I did make some cautionary moves - glasses, shoes, etc. It appears to me, although I haven't been in the back yard yet, that she was a good girl.

Have a good day. 


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