Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ball Games, Halloween Shows and Anything Else I Can Think Of!


I understand baseball much better than football. There aren't moving lines, or flags thrown. I know you hit the ball, run the bases and, if you're lucky, make to home base. I think, but I'm not sure, if there's a game tonight. 

Yesterday afternoon, Jeff, Bella and I went to WalMart for our weekly shop. We didn't buy a lot of things. Just going to live off the groceries we have in the pantry and freezer. Believe me, with the exception of needing the trifecta: milk, eggs, and tomatoes. Probably should have been arrested for spending so little.

While Bella and I were sitting on the bench waiting for Jeff, a man approached us. He asked if he could pet Bella, and I very nicely said no. He then asked if the reason he couldn't pet her was because she was aggressive. Really? A service dog is not aggressive. They have a job to do, and they do it well, even with distractions. People can and do have trouble staying away from her. Not to brag, but she's a beautiful dog. This stock picture will show you approximately how beautiful (I'm not biased I swear) she is. The other picture is a terrier that looks almost exactly as Daisy!

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 Right now on television, is shows that are things Halloween. I love these shows. The creativity that these contestants have is mind blowing. Their is a show where contestants have to use pumpkin. The things that the contestants can sculpt from a pumpkin, is amazing.  I know when the boys were little, the only carvings we did on a pumpkin, was the basic: eyes, nose and mouth. Easiest carving ever. To be fair, I only watch these cooking shows when Jeff isn't around. He doesn't have the same love affair with these shows, as I do. Fair enough. Soon it will be movies on the Hallmark channel, sappy, and same plot. But, I love them just the same.

Cooler weather now. I don't much like winter, because it's cold and sometimes snowy. Winter weather, when I was working, used to put me into a spin - do I go to work - do I not go to work, etc. Right now, it's long sleeves, sweaters and pants. All very comfy. We have already had the gas fireplace serviced for the winter. Stacking and bringing in wood is a thing of the past. Thank goodness. When the boys were home, these chores belonged to them - and then they moved out! When we left WalMart, Bella told me that it was time for ice cream. Went to McDonald's, and bought two cones. Bella loves ice cream and sometimes you have to remind her, that she doesn't get to have the whole cone! This she simply doesn't understand. It would make more sense, but certainly messier, to buy Bella her own cone! Spoiled much? Nah.

Running off. I think today, I will try and organize all the Tupperware. I've tried putting a number on both the bowl and corresponding lid. That did work for awhile, but then after several washes, the ink wears off. Back to square one. I also know that if I don't have a lid to fit a bowl, I should simply toss out these lids.

Gotta run. Things to do. Will I actually get them done? Um, it's 50/50.




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