Friday, October 4, 2019

You're Either In Or You're Not


Ominous title, don't you think? Well, it's probably not what you're thinking. 

It's open enrollment time for Medicare and Medi-gap coverage. Jeff and I have always selected "Plan F". The premium cost is somewhat higher than for other plans, but on the plus side, Medicare pays 100% which covers most of our medical needs. Between the two of us, I have more medical expenses than Jeff does. 

In 2020, if you aren't already in Plan "F", you can't select that plan. This is where you're in, or you're not comes into play. We happen to like Plan "F", and see no reason to opt out for another Plan. That means, we're just going to stay where we are. We don't see any reason to change, especially when we are happy with the coverage we get with Plan "F". 

This same analogy applies also to certain investment  offerings. I have had money in a certain fund for years. If you already in this investment, you can add more money, if you like. But, the fund is closed for any new customers. This is another case of "you're in or you're not". This means, that if at anytime I leave the fund, I can't go back. It's as simple as that.

Jeff and I aren't the ones who worries when stocks go up or down. We all know that stocks do this, so we don't panic. After all, it is what it is. Most of the time, we don't even bother to see how our investments are doing. You can't do anything about it anyway, unless you decide to sell. Which we don't.

Jeff and I are old school. We don't need or want changes in our lives, for the most part. You could even call us stagnate, we're okay with that.


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