Friday, July 31, 2015

It's August


You may be sitting down and scratching your head.  Your calendar says it's July 31st, so why am I heralding in August?  Why?  Because I tend to round things up, it's just what I do.  I just can't believe how quickly the summer has flown by.  Before we know it, we'll be needing sweaters and jackets!

When I flip a month over in my calendar, I quickly check for important dates that I might miss - birthday, anniversary, the day we moved into our house I believe 29 years ago.  That doesn't seem possible.  We've been here long enough, that living in California seems a lifetime ago - and actually it probably is.

The stores are ramping up for school - the kids aren't excited - the parents are.  I remember the August rush to buy jeans.  When you have all boys, you just go to the jeans section and get each boy "x" pair of jeans.  Shopping for boys is relatively easy, because they don't care.  When the boys were very young, they didn't have an opinion on what kind of shirt I bought.  But, when they were older, they did have opinions.

Growing up, I loved going to the store to buy school supplies for the new year.  New pencils, new notebook, new pens, colored tabbed dividers for the notebook, erasers, etc.  Once you've been in school for a while, the new notebook gets covered up with writing.  Girls particularly like to draw hearts on stuff, it's just what we do.

I was pretty organized as a teenager, and as I sit here, I'm still somewhat organized.  I have file folders with names on them: utility bills; telephone bills; insurance papers, etc.  I also have a folder for each car, which is where I file the repair bills and anything else that relates to that car.  Jeff has relied on me for 40 years to know where things are - like our passports (in a folder marked passports, obviously).  The pink (even though they are white) slips to our cars once the loan has been paid off.

I have now moved away from filing electricity bills in the appropriate folder.  I stopped doing so, because we never ever go back to look at an electric bill.  Instead, I now have a box for all of our paid bills.  I also have a box for all the bills for the plane.  For the plane, I still file anything relating to Jeff's medical.  Pilots don't want to lose their medical - which means they can't fly.  

So enjoy the day, whatever you do.


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Catching Up


Sorry for my absence yesterday, but I was having a procedure done to help control my pain.  But, and it's a biggie, I first have to deal with the pain caused by the procedure!  The device has been implanted in my back and I control the amount of "zaps" of electricity (for lack of a better word) that I need.

When I first used the trial stimulator and I cranked up the zaps, I was sure that people would be able to see my legs move, which is not the case.

I appreciate Jeff staying home with me today.  Not exactly how he wanted to spend a vacation day, but I'll try to keep my whining to a minimum!  A good vacation day for Jeff, would be spent with his head as well as the rest of his body in the air!

Sitting doesn't cause me as much discomfort as bending down to pick something up off the floor.  New strategy - leave the stuff on the floor.  If it's food, the dogs will take care of it for me.  If it's not, then eventually I'll sweep it up.  Sometimes you just have to let go of things you can't handle at the moment.



Sunday, July 26, 2015

Brain Games


After my medical mishaps in 2013, I now have some short term memory issues.  One of the problems is that when I'm asked to do something - I agree - and then promptly forget!  This is as frustrating for me as it is for Jeff.

I have been making a conscious effort since I came home in 2013, to try and improve my brain.  I don't even know if that's possible, but I figure I have nothing to lose.  By playing games that require thinking, I know I can't make my memory worse - who knows it might even improve.

Jeff and I watch Jeopardy at night.  Sometimes I know the answer in my head, and unfortunately that's where it stays.  I do admire the players on Jeopardy, because they seem to know the answers to questions that leave me clueless.

Family Feud is another game I enjoy.  Again, I try and come up with the top "x" answers to the question, and sometimes I even guess the right answer.  Another good reason to watch Family Feud is because Steve Harvey is very funny.

I play Words with Friends, but generally can only come up with a two or three word, compared to the other players who produce lengthy words worth lots of points.  I do my best, but anyone who plays Words with Friends with me, is in no danger of me taking over the game!

I have also discovered Jigsaw World on Facebook.  I spend a lot of time thinking about where pieces should go in the puzzle.  It takes me hours to finish a puzzle, even the small ones of less than 200 pieces.  Other people who have put together the same jigsaw, post their times - in minutes - not hours.  I don't bother to post my time, it's good enough that I can finish the puzzle in the first place. 

Since I've been in recovery so to speak, for two years, and since my memory isn't as good as it once was, I suspect that I'm as good as I'm going to get.  Note to self: there is a reaction to any action, whether it be good or bad.  In my case, the reaction to my actions of 2013 is my memory.  This is something that I need to accept because I have nobody else to blame, but myself.


Friday, July 24, 2015

Air Conditioning Saga


More than a week ago, we paid for a new furnace and an a/c unit for the downstairs of our house.  We have a separate unit for upstairs.  And, we paid a lot of money for these two items and expected to receive first class treatment.  If I pay nearly $10,000 for the units, then I also expect to feel like a "pretty woman" from the people who were working at my house.  Anyway, I didn't get the "pretty woman" treatment, and there have been a number of issues surrounding the install.

Both the county and the WSSC inspectors have red-flagged our install, which means that the worker bees need to come back to the house, fix the problems and then I have to get the inspectors to come back out.  

The last time I had a technician come out to check on the amount of water that is pouring off from the roof or eave somewhere into a five gallon bucket, that needs to be emptied every day, I was told that there was no trouble found.  I was told it's normal to have water run off and that perhaps I should invest in something like a flexible hose that would take the water out into the yard.  This last visit, felt more like I was being petted on the head.  After all, I'm just a woman and I'm not one to argue, so I take everything at face value.

Jeff, on the other hand, now has the install supervisor coming out on Monday to check on all of our problems, including the water.  When he told me they were coming out, I dreaded having to be here to once again be patronized, and not knowing what questions I should ask.

Once again, Jeff to the rescue.  He's taking Monday off so he'll be here to oversee the corrections.  Jeff knows that I feel overwhelmed with all the mumbo jumbo that's thrown at me, so if he's here the mumbo jumbo will stop, if it even gets started.

Nearly 41 years ago, Jeff showed up in a white car (he didn't own a white horse) and has taken care of me ever since.  He is my knight in shining armor and since he knows how much I stress about things, tries to smooth out the wrinkles in my path.

Words cannot adequately describe what it feels like to me to have Jeff slay the modern day dragons and smooth out the wrinkles in my path.


Getting Turned Around


Today, I went to have an EKG test done so that the surgeon knows I have a healthy heart before surgery.  I went to one of those walk-in clinics that says they do EKG tests, but after waiting 30 minutes, they came out and said they didn't do a 12 lead EKG - I have no idea what that means, but at least they didn't charge me.

I went to the local hospital and had to get out of my car to get the stupid little ticket.  I went into the hospital and had the EKG done and initially decided that I would walk to my doctor's office.  It' was pretty hot outside, and I had on sandals rather than tennis shoes.  While my doctor's office is in the next building - it's a very long walk to that building.  After wearing myself out trying to walk to the office building, I headed back to get the car.

Trouble was I was pretty worn out by the time I got back to the parking lot.  There are many parking lots around the hospital, and I headed off in the direction where I thought I had parked.  But I was wrong, so I went to yet another parking lot and still couldn't find my car.  There is nothing quite as terrifying to me, as not knowing where I left my car.  Maybe because of my somewhat damaged mental state, I can begin to panic quickly.

I eventually found my car and once I turned on the a/c to max, and sat for a few minutes, I was alright.  I then drove over to the doctor's office, which as it turns out, would have been too far for me to walk to anyway.  Got all the required test results in the hands of the doctor's assistant and went back to my car (which I remembered where I parked it) and came home - exhausted and shaky.

I was upset by the time I got home, so I wrote to Jeff to tell him about my morning had been.  His reply back to me was like receiving a hug.  He told me to relax, take a Xanax and watch some mindless television until I had unwound.  I followed his suggestions and by the middle of the afternoon, was feeling much better.  There are not enough words to express how thankful I am that Jeff takes such good care of me - I know at times it isn't easy!


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Waiting on the Inspector


Today, we are going to have an inspection of our new furnace by WSSC.  So, I have to stay put until he arrives.  Trouble is, the "window" of his arrival is anytime between 7:30 am and 2:00 pm!  

I'm sure that if I go upstairs and start a shower, the inspector will show up.  That would be Murphy's Law after all.  I've got things to do and places to go, but as far as the places go, they're going to have to wait.

To make sure I was up and dressed, more or less, I got up at 7:00 - we retired folks hate having to set  our alarms!  Dictating what time of the morning you wake up, is one of the perks of not working anymore.  But, on the other hand, for the most part, the pay sucks!  :) 

Tomorrow, I have to get up early again so that the contractor who installed the new furnace and air conditioner can come out and fix the "red tag" items the county inspector found.  However, Monday looks good, at the moment, for sleeping in a bit!


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

MRI and Nerve Stimulator


This afternoon, I have to have an MRI.  I absolutely hate them.  I get instant claustrophobia once I'm inside the tube.  It feels like a casket to me and I am always asking the technician if they can see and hear me.  

Once I have a permanent nerve stimulator put into my back, I will never be able to have an MRI again.  I think that's a good thing, since I hate them so much but you never know when modern medicine will come up with another way of testing your body!

I am anxious to have the stimulator implanted, because I did so well on the trial one I used.  Only problem with the trial stimulator, it was so heavy that if I hadn't found a way to hang it around my neck, it would have pulled my pants off!  And I assure you nobody needs or wants to see that.

I'll end up with a small remote that I can use to increase or decrease the amount of "zaps" (my word, but not one the doctors like hearing) my body gets.  The idea is that your brain concentrates on the zapping, and pain becomes nearly a non-issue.  

With the trial stimulator, I sometimes had it cranked up so high that I thought I would be able to actually see my legs jerking around - but that didn't happen.  Just another over imaginative thought of mine.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Don't Push Me Around!


It's taken most of my adult life, but I'm beginning to actually assert myself.  I am tired of being treated poorly and with little or no respect from bank tellers, customer service representatives, and clerks in the store (if you can find one).  

Last night, Jeff and I had dinner at Bob Evans, we like the food, and it's reasonably priced.  We had to wait to get water - and yes I know you have to wait - but this wait was overlong.  We asked for extra napkins and by the time they arrived, we had already eaten.  The only thing that was timely was the bill!

This morning, I went to the credit union to deposit two checks.  I, personally am not on either account, but making a deposit hasn't been a problem before.  Today, however, was a horse of a different story.  I had a snippy teller who informed me that I wasn't on the accounts, and I said yes I knew that.  Well, we'll have to put a hold on this money.  Seriously?  We were talking about $200.00 and $169.00 - and they're going to put a hold on the money.  

If I was trying to take money out of either of those accounts, then the teller would have a right to be suspicious, but putting money in really shouldn't be a problem.  I seethed all the way home and dropped Jeff an email that I had some trouble at the credit union.  He urged me to write to the account manager and let him know that a hold on the deposits had been required.  Since I had the teller's badge number on the receipt, the "gentle" reminder about customer service would at least be pointed to the right person.  

Maybe it's age, but I'm getting fed up with less than sterling service.  When we receive a bill, we pay it.  We don't send in a payment without a signature, or put the check in the wrong envelope.  Nope, we pony up - we had service - and now we have a bill.  Pretty simple really.

When I'm speaking to a customer service representative, I go out of my way to spell my first and last names.  I am patient and understand too well that the person answering the phone is not the person who screwed something up for me.  Too many years as a secretary, and sometimes having less than courteous phone calls directed my way, makes me very aware of what I'm saying and how I'm saying it.

Okay, crawling off my soap box now - feel so much better.


Veterans Airlift Flight


Tomorrow, Jeff is flying to Ohio to pick up a disabled veteran and his service dog.  The veteran has been in Ohio training with his new dog.  After Jeff picks them up, he's flying them home to North Carolina.

Jeff loves these flights for two reasons.  The most obvious one is that he gets to fly!  When you're a pilot, any excuse to be up in the air is a good thing.  Second, by flying a disabled veteran to either a hospital, home or to their family, is a way of giving back.

The veterans and their families are always grateful to the pilots who provide this service on their own time and with no regard to how much fuel and/or time is involved.

We could, I suppose, give money to some charity group.  But, then I wonder if the right people are getting the money or clothes we donate.  So instead of that, by flying a "VAC" flight, Jeff and I know that his time flying a veteran, is a gift.  A gift that won't be divvied up by corporate folks.

Here's to private pilots who fly disabled veterans around the country.


Sunday, July 19, 2015



We're only halfway through 2015 and already the news, papers, and other kind of media is a buzz over who's going to run, who's popular with the little people and, of course, how much financial backing each political player has at his/her disposal.

There are five declared candidates from the Democrats and fifteen declared candidates from the Republicans.  As they say, let the games begin!

For the next year and a half, we're going to hear the good and bad of everybody running, and everyone will be fair game.  If there are any skeletons in the closet, you can be sure they'll be dragged out and made public.  

Even if I was of a brilliant mind, and thought about running for office, I wouldn't.  Why?  Because candidates and their families are put under the microscope and in today's world, there apparently is no subject that is off limits.  

From a female point of view only, I would love to see Hilliary become the Democratic candidate.  Talk about a huge step for women!


Friday, July 17, 2015

The Townhouse Has Sold!


After nearly a year of hard work by Scott and Jeff, Scott's townhouse was sold and this afternoon he turns over the keys to the new owner.  The new owner is a very lucky man, because Scott and Jeff put in new flooring, carpets, cupboards, counter tops, new bathtubs and painted every square inch of the house.

When the townhouse was put on the market, we assured Scott that somebody would love to move into a "brand new" home.  Who wouldn't.  Last night, as Jeff and I were packing away the last bits of things inside the house, the realtor for the buyer came by.  He said that his client was very happy with his purchase and would have probably paid more than the asking price.  Wish we had known that before the house was sold!

Now that Jeff and Scott don't have to spend every weekend working on the house, I have no idea what they'll do with all their "spare" time!

Not that I'm prejudiced, but Scott and Jeff did an amazing job redoing the house.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Parking Lots and Short People


Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment and you have to pay to park.  I hate these non-manned parking lots.  I can never pull my car close enough to grab the ticket to go in.  My arms are very short and even though I move my mirrors in, I still struggle.  So, there's no hope for it, but to put the car in park, get out of the car and grab the little ticket.  Luckily, it was a slow morning so there wasn't another car waiting for me to get out of the way.

After the appointment, you go to a little kiosk and insert your ticket and it tells you how much you have to pay.  After you pay, the little ticket is spit out and you can now go on your way.  Once at the exit area, I have the same scenario as before, only in reverse.  Put the car in park, step out of the car just enough to little the little box grab the ticket, and raise the arm so I can leave. 

I know that if there was a parking lot attendant, that would cost some corporation money, and heavens we don't want to bite into a corporation's profits.  I always dread these automatic ticket booths because my arm isn't long enough to grab or insert a ticket.  Jeff has no such difficulties, he simply pulls up, grabs the ticket and goes to park.  

I'm convinced that the world isn't geared to short people.  All the pants and/or blouses that I buy, have to be taken to the tailor to be hemmed.  So not only do I get to pay for the clothing in the first place, but then I have to pay for alterations.  If you have ever looked at the inseam sizes of petite clothing in catalogs, they are generally 28 inches long.  My pants are usually 25 inches long.  I'm wondering where they get these little people from.  I suppose if I wore high heels, then a 28 inch inseam wouldn't be a problem.  Since I don't wear heels on a regular basis and I hate pants that drag on the ground, they always have to be shortened.  The alteration lady knows me on sight - I'm her "it's too long" customer!

I've always believed that I wasn't as much overweight, as I was over tall!


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Sinking Bed


Years ago, Jeff and I purchased one of those beds that you can pump up or down, depending on whether you like a soft mattress or a hard one.  And it's been lovely, until now.

Jeff's side of the bed has lost his "umph" and no amount of trying to get the bed to inflate has worked.  His side actually looks a lot like a hot dog bun, with this sunk in middle.  I know it's not comfy, so last night he slept in the guest room, and I'm betting that he slept well.  Nobody wants to wake up several times a night to try and pump the bed up.

Is it fixable?  I have no idea.  When we were first married, we had a waterbed and loved it, until it leaked, or gushed onto the floor.  Turned out that a waterbed also made a wonderful trampoline!  After the water bed, we sensibly went back to the regular box springs and mattress.  

I'll wait and see what Jeff wants to do about the bed.  Perhaps it's time to return to the old and true regular mattress.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015



For those of you who know me well, also know that my life, up to this point, has been filled with bouts of depression from time to time.  When my daughter-in-law passed away after giving birth to Benjamin, my depression took hold of me and for years I've been tangled in it's grip.

I happened to see a show on HBO called "My Depression, My Up and Down and Up of It".  This animated show shows people in a way I never could express in words, what depression actually looks like.

I was so taken by the show that Jeff and I watched last night, that I have now purchased the book.  It's a picture book and written by Elizabeth Swados.  

From the ominous black cloud that hangs around the young woman, to the falling into a dark hole, and a ride on the Suicide Bus, gave me a realistic look on what depression looks like.  I have had the dark cloud, the downward spiral and been on the suicide bus twice.  

The beauty of the book is that it explains I believe, to people who are not or never have been depressed an intimate look at what depression looks and acts like.  Depression is like a large train barreling down the tracks, and you never know when it's going to make a stop - for you.   Once it stops, then the battle begins, and it's a tough battle.  You take medications, see a psychiatrist, and try to pull yourself out of the hole.  Unfortunately, this is a battle that for some of us, have to deal with multiple times, leaving us weary.  

My depression is manageable now with the help of an amazing doctor and medication.  Is it gone?  For the moment it is.  Will it be back?  Unfortunately, I believe that it will return at some point and it will be like hitting a wall of bricks.

For now though, I am fine and hope I can stay that way for a long time.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Yellow Plastic


Ever noticed while looking around your house at the number of plastic things you own that have turned yellow?  No?  Let me tell you about some of the things I've got that are "aging" in my house.

The radio in the kitchen, where part of it used to be white is now yellow.  The receptacle for falling ice in the refrigerator is now yellow.  I went online to look for an answer and found one.  Unfortunately, the answer is really long and full of words I can hardly spell and would never be able to pronounce!

The internet tells me that for old computers and consoles the culprit is flame retardants.  Who knew?  It appears that there are four main ways to remove the yellow, and the methods are: bleach, sanding, comet and peroxide.  If you want to venture into cleaning up your yellowing plastics, you can find the "how to" on the internet.  Or, you can accept that things just turn yellow with age.  After all, most of us turn gray at some point in our lives.

I tend to not let the yellow get to me.  There are enough other things that I can worry about, and letting plastic age is not on my worry list.  And, for the record, neither is my hair turning gray, it's part of life.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Buzzing Along


I've two days left of my trial stimulator and I've come to accept the buzzing that the stimulator gives me.  Obviously, you can adjust the amount of stimulation you receive, but with more stimulation, for me at least, any pain is obscured.  

I tried yesterday to explain to the St. Jude's representative, that it was like being zapped.  I don't think he liked that word, but it's the closest word I can come up with to describe the tingles.  

On Monday, I will have the temporary removed, and I'll be able to shower again (yeah).  If the doctor and I believe that this device helped, then I would go to a surgeon and have the stimulator permanently implanted in my back.  There would be no more MRI's in my future, but that doesn't bother me much.  And, I would have to carry a card explaining in some situations why I set off bells and whistles!!  Luckily, when flying on N874T, I don't have to go through security.

The question I must ask and answer for myself in the next two days, is the device helpful, and I believe so.  The temporary device comes with a fairly large and heavy remote that when I tried clipping it on my pants, they were in danger of coming off!  Nobody needs to see that.  To keep from shocking people with a view of my rear, I found a small knitted bag that I knotted and secured with packing tape.  I put the remote in there and wear it around my neck.  It works that's all that matters.

So until Monday, I'll be here at the house buzzing, fully expecting to see my legs move (which they don't) and waiting to take a shower after the device is removed.  It's definitely the little things in life that matter so much.


Friday, July 10, 2015



I have long been an avid supporter, as well as a fan, of shopping with Amazon.  Who wouldn't be? Shipping is lightening fast, returns are easy and you can buy almost anything that you need and/or want.  

Amazon has become my go to place when shopping for something.  Last week I bought a new toaster on Amazon, and I was guided not only by the price of the item but the high reviews it had received.  Feedback is everything.

There are daily deals and on July 15th it will be Prime Member Day with more deals than they have on Black Friday!  Now I know that I don't need anything, but it never hurts a girl to look.  If you have a prime account, then you can look for free shipping through that account.

I am also a huge fan of Kindle Unlimited where you can read certain books for free.  If you're not a huge reader, then you might not get too excited about free books.  But, I can tear through a book in a day or two (Jeff would tell you that's because I don't read every word - and I don't).  With Kindle Unlimited you can have 10 free books out at a time.  When you want a new book, you check in one you have already read.  

Sometimes I will buy a Kindle book for two or three dollars, if I feel I just can't wait for it to become a free book.  I've given up on the library, because I need large type books and the libraries just don't have enough of them.

It's been year since I've actually been to a mall.  Do I miss it?  A little bit.  I did enjoy walking around and seeing the new clothes, but since I no longer work, my wardrobe is pretty casual.

So mark your calendars for the 15th and let's see what Amazon has in store for us!


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Air Conditioning - Again!


Today, our new air conditioning unit and furnace will be installed.  I can't begin to tell you how happy this makes me.  The downside is the cost of these units, but on the plus side I will be able to keep the house cool and stop sticking to furniture!

Yesterday, was super hot and by the time Jeff got home, I felt like a worn out dishrag.  Because of this device I had put in on Monday, I can't even take a cold shower!  Argh.  And, running your arms under cold water every few hours doesn't work so well.  

I don't know how long it will take to remove and then install this new equipment, but I'm sure we're talking about many hours.  While they're working, I'll be upstairs parked in front of a fan, trying to stay cool.

Heat doesn't bring out the best side of me.  I get crabby and don't want to do anything.  All this week I have kept repeating the mantra "they're coming on Thursday."

Next time I write to you, I should be cool as a cucumber.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Air Conditioner Man Cometh!


I'm facing another day with no air conditioning downstairs, where I spend all of my day (ugh).  I have fans which somehow make me feel somewhat better, even though all their doing is blowing hot air.

I have received a call that the new a/c unit and furnace will be installed tomorrow.  I was dreading and even expecting that there would be a delay, at the worst possible time of the year, to having air conditioning again.  All I have to do is get through today and it's supposed to be hot and humid.  

Since we have no a/c downstairs, dinners have to be either "nuked" or put on the barbecue.  I refuse to turn an oven on in this heat.  Tonight, I'm going to throw together one of my famous one pot wonders - assorted foods and seasonings - and call that dinner.  Literally, all you need is meat, I'm using hamburger, small noodles, cream of mushroom soup, big scoop of salsa and a can of hot chilies and tomatoes.  After all of that has cooked, I add sour cream and mix again.  It's super easy and has always been well received by my family.

For today, I'm going to find the coolest clothing possible.  After yesterday's procedure, I have a remote control that I can either increase or decrease the amount of electricity (for lack of a better word) that I receive.  The remote is heavy and yesterday it threatened to pull my pants down, and that's something nobody wants to see!  I found a small knitted bag that I can wear around my neck and keep the remote handy - and bonus - keep my pants on!

Stay cool.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Trying Something New


Today, I'm going to my doctor who is going to insert a temporary nerve stimulator in my back.  The idea is that when I have pain, which is most of the time, there is a little remote thingy that I can use to send some electric (for lack of a better word) up my spine.  Once that signal hits my upper back, it supposedly shuts off the pain.  

Don't ask me how this works or why it works, but it's something that Saint Jude's has come up with and the DVD they sent me shows people with this device, gardening, walking and basically enjoying a pain free life.  I can only hope this will be the same for me.

I will wear this temporary device for about a week.  If it works, then I can have it permanently placed in my back.  If it doesn't work - I've tried and am only out my copay.  The way I see it is that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So here's hoping.


Monday, July 6, 2015

It's Toast


Amazon sent out my new and shiny toaster and it arrived on Sunday.  With the service and variety of things you can buy, I don't know how anybody else stays in business.

The new toaster has buttons you can press for frozen, reheating and bagels.  Those options pretty much cover my toasting requirements.  I have for more years than I can count, always had toast and coffee for breakfast.  Healthy?  Probably not since I like to slather butter on my toast or bagel, but I pretty much don't care.

Yesterday, after the toaster arrived, I had to make a piece of toast.  It was a quality check, nothing more (sure it was).  Anyway, the toast was toasted perfectly and I deemed my new purchase a success.  I had Jeff cart the old toaster to the trash - I see no reason to keep a toaster that only works on one side.  I believe that when something new comes into the house, it stands to reason that something old should go out.  That sounds good in theory, but it doesn't always happen.

Mind you, I haven't yet thrown out the box that the toaster arrived in.  I'll wait a few weeks before I do that.  There's nothing worse than trying to send something back to Amazon, or anybody else for that matter, and have no box!  But since I'm not a box hoarder, the box will be out in the street probably by next week.

And speaking of toast, since our air conditioner downstairs is dead, and the heat continues to rise, it's getting a little toasty downstairs!

Stay cool.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Day After the Night Before


Yesterday, it didn't rain here - it poured.  All I could think of was the hoards of people who were heading for DC to watch the concert and fireworks.  I like fireworks, but I don't want to have to ride a crowded metro to get there, use a porta potty, and face those inevitable lines or sit on the grass.

Nope, stayed home.  Had barbecue chicken for dinner and watched a little television.  Every time it rains, I'm internally grateful that I don't have to go outside to water my new plants.  It seems that every time I go out in the backyard, little things that I can't see, bite me!  This truly isn't fair.  If they were bigger then I'd stand a chance at swatting them away.  Oh well.

Today will be spent doing laundry and fixing some sort of salad (tuna, chicken, etc.) for Jeff's lunch tomorrow.  Laundry is boring but needs to be done eventually, otherwise you run out of clean clothes, which most of the time really only matters to women.

Since our downstairs a/c unit is dead and we haven't received an update on when we will get the new unit, I'm grateful that it's not super hot and humid at the moment.  Looks like it will heat up early next week (yeah).  I have joked with Jeff that one solution to no a/c is to get in my car and drive around and around!  I don't believe he thought that was such a good idea.  :)

I'm also trying to think of what I can fix for dinner that doesn't involve the oven. Seems silly when it's hot in the house, to turn the oven on.  I could achieve the same results if I threw the meat out on the sidewalk - but for health reasons - I don't/won't do that.  I have standards after all.

It's time for me to get my hinny in gear and get working on more chores.


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Replacing Old Appliances


Jeff and I are of the mindset, and perhaps even the generation of people who see no reason to change out appliances as long as they are working.  Since we don't give much of a thought about artistic decorating, we don't care if our stove and refrigerator match, for instance.  Are they both working?  Yes - well that's good enough.

This week our so far very reliable, and much used, toaster decided it would only toast two slices of bread, not the usual four.  We've had the toaster a long time, but we want a four toaster.  Off I go to the best shopping spot ever - Amazon - and search for a toaster that has high reviews and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

By the way, this wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.  There are still the under $30.00 toasters, made of plastic, that would probably do the job, but I want a toaster made with something besides plastic.  I was surprised at the price of some of the toasters, paying over a $100 for a toaster sounds ridiculous to me.  I found a toaster with high reviews (4 stars) for $40.00.  One good thing about Amazon is the easy return policy.  You don't like it - you send it back.

I have an older washing machine the kind with the agitator in the middle.  Now when this machine breaks, it might prove challenging to find a machine with an agitator like the one I have now.  But, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  Laundry isn't much of a big deal in our house anymore.  With the boys gone, there are generally only two loads of laundry each week: whites and coloreds.  

Since we have had to purchase a new furnace and air conditioning unit this week, my hopes of a new reclining sofa are dwindling.  I like the sofa, just sometimes I have trouble getting this old body out of it!  

It's a wet 4th of July here, so there's no need for me to go out and water my new plants. If we want to watch fireworks, we'll see them on television.


Image result for fireworks

Friday, July 3, 2015

Air Conditioner Troubles


When I last left you, Jeff was talking to the technicians about the sorry state of one of our air conditioners.  Since the technicians disabled the downstairs unit, we are staying "comfy" (more or less) with the use of fans.  Luckily, the upstairs unit is working perfectly, and the bedroom is nice and cool/cold when it's time for bed.

The salesman came to the house and he and Jeff talked numbers, product options, etc.  Manly stuff.  I stayed out of the discussion, because I really didn't have anything to add to the conversation.  All I knew was that I wanted a new a/c - the when, how, etc. was above my "pay" (ha ha) grade!

Jeff and the salesman came up with a new a/c, thermostat and probably some other stuff that I don't know or care about.  The only thing I care about is the when - as in when will they be able to install the new unit.  Oh, and this unit is coming with snow legs, which lifts the outdoors unit up a few inches which should prevent old Sam from peeing on it!  Here's hoping anyway.  Sam has never met a flat surface that he didn't believe wouldn't benefit from him marking his territory!  Note to self:  I'm never going to have another male dog!

So while we're cooling the downstairs with fans, where we spend the majority of our time, I'm not going to add to the heat by turning the oven on.  Food either cooks in the microwave or on the barbecue or eaten cold.

Whatever you do today, stay cool.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lawn Chair Gardening


I know you're probably scratching your head to try and figure out what I'm talking about.  Trust me, I'll put you out of your misery!

Those of you who know me also know that my legs and back give me trouble when standing or walking.  But, I didn't let a little thing like pain keep me from planting my two new plants.  I pulled over a plastic Adirondack chair (much cheaper to own and doesn't ever need painting) to where I wanted the new plants.

The new plants are small, especially picked because of their size.  To dig a large hole is a lot of work, but a small hole I can manage.  I grab my shovel which was made for children, but is ideal for me.  I do stand to start the hole.  But after I've got some depth to the hole, I sit in my chair and use my little shovel to dig out more dirt.  Really this is easy to do with a little shovel, would be probably impossible with a "real" shovel.

Once I've got the hole deep enough, more or less, I take my new plant and plop it into the hole.  Once the plant is in the hole I know immediately whether I need to dig a deeper hole.  If the plant fits, the rest of the work is a piece of cake.

Still sitting in my chair, I start pulling the discarded dirt from the hole, back to cover up the new plant.  Once I'm satisfied that I've adequately covered up the plant with dirt, I then stand up and press down on the new plant before watering.

After I'm finished watering the new plants, I return both my tiny shovel and plastic chair to the patio, so that they'll be ready for the next time!


Image result for picture of new plants

 Ames True Temper Real Tools For Kids Round Point Shovel With 36-Inch Handle KSM (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Bassetts versus the Air Conditioner


I don't even have to ask how many of you already know the outcome of this scenario.  The a/c won - of course.  

Yesterday, the a/c company sent out their "A" team technicians who finally on the third visit in less than a month, determined the actual problem.  And, like all things, the news wasn't good.  The cheapest diagnostic test that could be performed would be around $600.  And, no that wouldn't actually fix anything.  We'd be out $600 and then still have to perform some sort of life-saving procedure on a very old air conditioner.

The technicians thought that due to its advanced age (1993 model), that it might be cheaper to replace the old unit with a brand new more efficient unit.  I told the technicians that anything beyond the actual service call was beyond my authorization (kidding) and that they would have to talk to Jeff.  

As luck would have it, Jeff pulled into the driveway while the technicians were still here.  They explained that the downstairs unit was "DOA" and any life support they could do would be expensive.  The technicians actually disabled the unit, so we now only have air conditioning upstairs, which I think is a good thing.  I like a cool/cold bedroom and even though the downstairs was hot, it was blissfully cool when I went to bed.  Thank you for small favors.

The salesman is going to call Jeff and then they can talk about our options in replacing the old and broken down one.  If you install a high energy efficient one, the electric company throws in a rebate of around $1800.  The rebate will help, but Jeff and I both know that a new unit will cost some number with a comma!  

Since I'm home all day, I have several fans blowing air around, which makes things a little cooler - or is that just in my mind?  Regardless, the fans are on high and if I leave them on long enough, who knows maybe they'll blow the dust off the coffee table!

Stay cool where you are.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...