Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Day After the Night Before


Yesterday, it didn't rain here - it poured.  All I could think of was the hoards of people who were heading for DC to watch the concert and fireworks.  I like fireworks, but I don't want to have to ride a crowded metro to get there, use a porta potty, and face those inevitable lines or sit on the grass.

Nope, stayed home.  Had barbecue chicken for dinner and watched a little television.  Every time it rains, I'm internally grateful that I don't have to go outside to water my new plants.  It seems that every time I go out in the backyard, little things that I can't see, bite me!  This truly isn't fair.  If they were bigger then I'd stand a chance at swatting them away.  Oh well.

Today will be spent doing laundry and fixing some sort of salad (tuna, chicken, etc.) for Jeff's lunch tomorrow.  Laundry is boring but needs to be done eventually, otherwise you run out of clean clothes, which most of the time really only matters to women.

Since our downstairs a/c unit is dead and we haven't received an update on when we will get the new unit, I'm grateful that it's not super hot and humid at the moment.  Looks like it will heat up early next week (yeah).  I have joked with Jeff that one solution to no a/c is to get in my car and drive around and around!  I don't believe he thought that was such a good idea.  :)

I'm also trying to think of what I can fix for dinner that doesn't involve the oven. Seems silly when it's hot in the house, to turn the oven on.  I could achieve the same results if I threw the meat out on the sidewalk - but for health reasons - I don't/won't do that.  I have standards after all.

It's time for me to get my hinny in gear and get working on more chores.


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