Monday, July 20, 2015

Don't Push Me Around!


It's taken most of my adult life, but I'm beginning to actually assert myself.  I am tired of being treated poorly and with little or no respect from bank tellers, customer service representatives, and clerks in the store (if you can find one).  

Last night, Jeff and I had dinner at Bob Evans, we like the food, and it's reasonably priced.  We had to wait to get water - and yes I know you have to wait - but this wait was overlong.  We asked for extra napkins and by the time they arrived, we had already eaten.  The only thing that was timely was the bill!

This morning, I went to the credit union to deposit two checks.  I, personally am not on either account, but making a deposit hasn't been a problem before.  Today, however, was a horse of a different story.  I had a snippy teller who informed me that I wasn't on the accounts, and I said yes I knew that.  Well, we'll have to put a hold on this money.  Seriously?  We were talking about $200.00 and $169.00 - and they're going to put a hold on the money.  

If I was trying to take money out of either of those accounts, then the teller would have a right to be suspicious, but putting money in really shouldn't be a problem.  I seethed all the way home and dropped Jeff an email that I had some trouble at the credit union.  He urged me to write to the account manager and let him know that a hold on the deposits had been required.  Since I had the teller's badge number on the receipt, the "gentle" reminder about customer service would at least be pointed to the right person.  

Maybe it's age, but I'm getting fed up with less than sterling service.  When we receive a bill, we pay it.  We don't send in a payment without a signature, or put the check in the wrong envelope.  Nope, we pony up - we had service - and now we have a bill.  Pretty simple really.

When I'm speaking to a customer service representative, I go out of my way to spell my first and last names.  I am patient and understand too well that the person answering the phone is not the person who screwed something up for me.  Too many years as a secretary, and sometimes having less than courteous phone calls directed my way, makes me very aware of what I'm saying and how I'm saying it.

Okay, crawling off my soap box now - feel so much better.


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