Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gloomy Gray Day


The weather outside couldn't look any worse.  Gray clouds and some rain.  Bad weather certainly isn't slowing the squirrels down.  When I picked up the paper this morning from the driveway, I was hit in the head with an acorn.  Do they have kamikaze squirrels?  If so, then there all living in my oak tree.

And the squirrels aren't content to just take the acorns.  Nope, they have to bit of a small branch of leafs which mixes nicely with all the fallen leafs in the yard.  While I love fall and the change in temperature, our yard never looks worse!  Jeff can blow up all the leafs in a pile and by the time he's gone back inside, it's time to start over.  

When we first moved here 29 years ago, that first fall our then baby oak tree, dropped a few leafs and we thought that was cute.  Fast forward and the tree is huge and she drops hundreds of leafs now.  I'd like it better if all the leafs dropped on the same day.  Then you could gather up the leafs and acorn bits and be done for the year.  But that is wishful thinking on my part.

Jeff managed to see our under the porch house guest the other day and says it's a ground hog.  He mentioned getting a company out to set a trap to catch him.  Apparently, ground hog catching doesn't come under the regular services of a pest control company.  We have no idea if we have an entire family of critters living under the porch, or it's just this one lonely guy.

Time for me to get some housework done - blah.  If given the choice, I'd choose reading over dusting any day of the week or month.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Post Physical


Jeff zipped home yesterday afternoon to take me to Hopkins in Baltimore for my annual physical.  And yes, I'm too chicken to drive myself to Baltimore in case you're wondering.

My weight was pretty much on target from my last appointment.  And shoes do add some weight don't they?

Pretty much healthy as a horse physically.  Now mental health, that's a completely different story, but I am making progress.

I, of course, decided (without telling Jeff) that we would stop at Bob Evans on our way home for dinner.  When I told him, as we were driving, he didn't seem too surprised, because we eat there often after being in Baltimore.

By the time we got home, Sam's inner tummy bell was ringing loud!  Sam and Maggie split a package of "hamburger bits" at 5:00 and by the time we got home, it was way past 5:00.  To stop Sam from jumping up and down and getting under our feet, we fed the dogs before we did anything else.  Once fed, Sam in particular, finds a favorite spot to rest on and then he's pretty much done for the day.

I didn't do much of anything yesterday, but for some reason, was really tired after getting home.  Early to bed and for Jeff early to rise.  Me - not so much - at least the early to rise part!


Monday, September 28, 2015

Time for a Physical


Today, is my annual physical.  I asked my doctor what I weighed last time I saw her, and have for the past two months been slowly working my way to at least that number.  Occasionally, the scale would dip below the number, but one meal later and the scale went the other way!  So frustrating.  At least when I weigh today, my weight will be almost the same, minus the weight of my shoes.  I'm always looking for something, anything to blame my weight on.

Sugar is my downfall.  If I had to pick between eating a regular meal, or just a dessert, I'd pick the dessert every time.  Jeff is a salt person, so we make the ideal "Jack Sprat" couple except we would substitute fat for salt and lean for dessert - or the other way around!

I haven't met too many desserts that I don't enjoy.  What I am always looking for is a really moist chocolate cake.  The stuff they sell in restaurants, just doesn't match my ideal.  When you make a chocolate cake, you can add mayonnaise to the batter which will then produce a super moist cake.  I don't make chocolate cake anymore, since Jeff doesn't much care for chocolate and the boys are long gone.  

Jeff bought me chocolate truffles for our anniversary.  I have been eating them sparingly.  Not because they're not good, because they are, but because they're so good.  

I'm hoping that my doctor today will be pleased with my ability to hold my weight steady.  It's not at a number that I like, but at least it hasn't increased.  Yeah.  I've never eaten so much fruit in my life.

After the doctor, we'll grab some dinner and then a run through Costco.  You always need something at Costco.  I'm not sure we've ever left the store with less than $100 in groceries.  They just have everything.

Wish me luck.  P

Flat color design vector illustration with round yellow icon for blue floor scales and gray contour sport supplements around on blue background. Long shadow design.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday Night Television


I know that most, if not all of you, don't stress over recording television shows. I, on the other hand, take my television seriously.  Since new shows are starting now, I now have 11 shows I want to record tonight.

This number of shows will take some maneuvering to get them all in.  Most shows air more than once in a week.  I'm counting on that fact and hoping that I can move some shows to later in the week.

And because football has started, that has a tendency to mess up my Sunday night shows.  I know a lot of you love football, and that's great.  For me - not so much.  I think it would be great if sports of any kind had their own channel, so that people who love sports, could watch them 24/7.

Jeff has over the years, left the television scheduling to me.  I am aware of the shows that he does like: NCIS anything, Madam Secretary and Blacklist to name a few.  I always make sure that I record those too.  

I record some reality shows and I love cooking shows.  A favorite of mine is Worst Cooks in America, which this season has celebrities showing their cooking prowess (or not).  I don't consider me a chef by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know which end of the spoon to hold!

Wish me luck in being able to capture all of my shows.  I think I need a Tivo that can record more than four shows at once.


Saturday, September 26, 2015



Jeff came home from work one day this week and told me about a book he heard about on the radio.  It's called "Big Magic", and it's a book written to inspire you to write, anything and everything.

I bought the book and it now is on my Kindle in a font about this big, because my eyesight is poor and I can no longer read a regular book.  If I buy a book or go to the library, I always go to the large print section.  Which is why it's so cool to be able to enlarge the text on my Kindle.  Of course, with a font that big, there aren't a lot of sentences on a page - but I'm okay with that.

The author talks about letting a project go too long and how a great idea that you had, might have withered and died.  Perhaps my Wilma and Jonas book, which I haven't acknowledged in a year or so, might be hard to revive.  You're going along and writing 60 mph, and then you stop.  Once you stop, inertia tends to seep in and before you know it, you've moved away from the project.

I have gone through my blogs from 2012 to 2014, and picked out the best blogs.  I have sent those blogs to an editor.  When deciding which blogs to send, I opted not to send blogs that were basically "blog blocks", meaning I didn't have a particular subject or idea on that particular day.  The hope is that with assistance, I/we can put the blogs in some sort of order (by date/subject or whatever) and who knows if I'm lucky, somebody might actually want to publish them.  

I would very much like to see my name in print.  I don't have any illusions about knocking the socks off of a publisher.  I just want them to not toss my words into the trash can.  

Writing is like art, it's very personal.  You are putting yourself out there, in my case, with words.  I have always joked with Jeff that if I ever made more than $1.50 with my writing, we could buy a bigger and faster plane.  This would, of course, after I have a body lift!  Notice I said body.  I think the doctor could start at my ankles and just pull all of my skin up to my hair and then chop off the excess bits!  Believe me, there would be a lot of excess bits.  But boy would I look good.

Some days I sit at the computer in the morning and words just flow out of my head.  Other days, there is nothing but dust bunnies inside my head.  I hate those days.  I have been writing my blogs for a fairly long time, and feel a certain responsibility to try and write every day.  People expect a daily blog and I try to deliver.

It's gray outside today and might rain.  Weather like this makes me realize that winter is just around the corner.  I no longer drive after dark because my cataract makes doing so very difficult.  So for my safety and the safety of others, I turn into a pumpkin around 6:00 every day!



Friday, September 25, 2015

The Thing That Lives Under The Porch


We have a cement porch on the front of our house.  After 29 years of ground settling and who knows what else, there is a rather large gap between the ground and the porch.  This space, I believe, is haven to who knows what kind of animals.

I know that sometimes when I let Sam out to pee on his favorite boxwood, which is almost completely dead - go figure - he can smell something.  He will go behind the boxwood, where the large gap is and sniff around.  Sam knows that something is down there.  Westies are bred to go to ground.  They can find small animals and mice are a particular favorite thing to hunt.

So I have lived with the knowledge that I'm fine with whatever is under the porch stays under the porch.  This is the same mantra I have about mice coming into the house.  Stay in the garage and we can all be friends.  Get into the house and it's mouse traps for you.

One day this week, I opened the front door and scurrying across the sidewalk was an animal.  This guy was big.  He was black with a bushy tail and probably a foot long.  He didn't look like a racoon or possum.  He actually reminded me more of a porcupine!  When this guy saw me, he took off like a marathon runner and dove under the porch.

I always imagined that Chip and Dale (chipmunks) lived under the porch and that sounded nice, because they're so cute.  But this dude was big and ugly.  You wouldn't be able to catch this guy with a simple mouse trap, he's just too big.  

Since I've seen him and he's seen me, it's likely that our paths won't cross again.  I'm as afraid of him as I'm sure he is of me. 

We used to put dried ears of corn out in the winter for the squirrels to chew on.  The squirrels loved having a buffet right in the front yard, but it also meant that they had no reason to leave our oak tree.  Because I don't really want this guy under the porch, there is no way I'm going to start feeding him, which would only encourage him to stay.

I'm not positive that our "house guest" looks exactly like this, but it's a pretty good example.  Since both the animal and I were stunned to see each other, I didn't see his face, only the bottom end, which looked a lot like this.


Image result for possums in america

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Opening Up Things


There was a time, which was probably a long time ago, where it didn't take a person minutes to open a package.  It seems as if everything comes sealed in plastic.  To open a package, you really must own a box cutter.  Scissors work but not as effectively.  If you don't have something sharp to use, you might be forced to tear the box open with your fingers.  And ladies, this maneuver does absolutely nothing for your nails!

Once you manage to get the box open, you are greeted with one of several things.  You either get those stupid little foam pieces that tend to float and flit all around the room.  Or, you get those little pockets of air that are fun to poke.  My favorite by far is the plastic that you can put on the floor and stomp on them like a two year old!  Great way to work off some extra energy.

Maybe it's just me, but I find I have some difficulty in opening up food items.  Ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise, just to mention a few have that little safety seal foam covering underneath the cap.  Okay there are little tabs that you are supposed to be able to pull and the seal thing comes off.  Only for me not so much.  I have much better luck using a knife to tear that seal off.

Practically everything you buy, with the exception of cans, has some kind of protective or safety seal.  Prior to 1982 this kind of packaging wasn't being done.  After Tylenol had pill bottles that were injected with cyanide, by some unknown person and people died, the packaging of things changed dramatically.

And pill bottles with the instructions to push down and turn doesn't always work for me.  Because of my history, I don't handle pill bottles anymore.  Jeff takes all of the pills, and I do take more than a few, and fills my pill box every week.  

I understand the need for safety and I know it's for our own protection, but sometimes it is just frustrating beyond words to not be able to open up a container.  Jeff isn't always around to help me open up a bottle or jar.  That's where box cutters, scissors or letter openers are handy!


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Claw


When you go into some stores and movie theaters, there is always the "claw" game.  Benjamin, like all children, love the play.  Trouble is the "claw" eats up quarters faster than I can find them in the bottom of my purse!

Inside the tube are really big toys, like stuffed animals.  Unfortunately, there is a disproportionate amount of big toys to the really small ones.  I have never played, or watched Benjamin play, and gotten anything bigger than say a pencil.  

I would love to see just once, somebody pull out a big toy.  If this thing was in Vegas, I'd be betting on the house to win.  Like a gambler, every time a child comes up either empty or with something really tiny, they are convinced that the next time they'll win big.  Sound familiar?

As a grandmother, it is my duty to let Benjamin play either a video game or the claw.  That's what grandmas do - it's as simple as that.


Video for the claw machine

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Just Another Day


Big news!  It rained here yesterday, which means that the lawn and plants might actually survive.  Last night Jeff and I went out for dinner, to eat steak.  

There is nothing I like better than a juicy piece of steak and last night's meal was lovely.  Since we ordered a "dinner plan", we each had a salad, the entree and dessert.  Since the plan came with dessert, both of us were able to select a dessert.  I selected a default dessert, but then also opted to order a second dessert called a Pumpkin Lava Cake.  I know we're talking about a lot of dessert, but we go out so seldom, and it was our anniversary, that I felt a splurge was in order.

Jeff also gave me chocolate truffles yesterday, which I'm going to eat occasionally as a treat.  I will also have to have them put away when Scott visits - he likes our food a great deal!

I spent a lot of time yesterday moving my Kindle books from the old Kindle to the new.  This takes time, especially if you have 484 books on your Kindle.  What can I say?  I like the option of having a variety of books to read.  Since my new Kindle can store thousands of books, I've got lots of room for more books.  I believe you can never have too many books.

Once my old Kindle has been stripped of it's books, I am planning on selling it.  There is nothing wrong with it, it's just that the new Kindle allows me to enlarge the text to the point where I can read without glasses!

I still suffer from a preference to read books than do housework, for example.  As a teenager, I was constantly in trouble when Mom would tell me to come and do something, and I'd yell back that I had to finish the chapter!  Only difference now is that I can read all day if I want, and many days that's exactly what I do.


Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Anniversary


Today is our 41st wedding anniversary.  Who knew when we had our first date (a blind one at that), that we'd have so many years together.

                                                        The Keeper:

Forty-one years ago, my Dad gave me away.

To a man I hadn’t known long, but Dad had a good feeling
so I knew I couldn’t go wrong.

Through all of our years together, we have ebbed and flowed.  We have been there
for each other as we both lost our parents.  We stood together, when Wendy passed

We did our best when caring and loving Benjamin, who is a delight.

We have helped our boys turn into men.  We have given advice if it’s wanted, and
try to keep our opinions to ourselves.  And, we are very proud of who they have become.

Over the years, each of us have changed.  We now have gray hair or no hair at all.
We bag, we sag, we’re spotted and bones are beginning to creak.

This man, whom I married so long ago, has for forty-one years, had my back.
I can count on him to pull me out of the hole, when my depression begins to
creep back.

I owe this man much.  Even with my depression, anxiety and all of the turmoil of 2013,
he has never let me down.  I know I sometimes stretch his patience to a breaking point.
He has always been able to talk me “off the ledge”, and assures me that everything
is going to turn out to be fine.  And it is.

It’s hard to realize that the woman that I was before 2013, isn’t coming back, at least
not all of her.  And though he knows my memory has seen better days, he remains

He makes me want to be a better woman, and I am trying. 

Happy anniversary to the man that I knew from day one, was going to be my best friend
and life partner. 
                                                 With Much Love,     

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Television is Back!!!


Just got this week's TV guide, and it's so good to see our favorite shows are back.  I hate the summer television season, there is just not much to watch.  And, for somebody who watches a lot of crappy reality shows, that's saying a lot.

As I do every Sunday, I have circled the shows that I want to be sure get recorded this week.  NCIS and NCIS New Orleans are back, both of which are Jeff's favorites.  Amazing Race and Survivor are also returning, and they are favorites for both of us.  Oh and let's not forget Shark Tank with "Mr. Wonderful".

There is also a spattering of new shows, which I will record.  I like to watch new shows at least twice, before I pass judgment!  I'm fair after all.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday have the most shows to watch on my list.  I have a season pass for all the favorites. I care, so I put all my crappy shows at the bottom of the list, so they don't preempt any of our more popular (i.e., that Jeff and I both like) shows.

Get your Tivo revved up, get ready and start recording.


TV Guide Magazine Subscription

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Early Anniversary Gift


Monday, the 21st is our 41st wedding anniversary.  That's saying a lot when you think about how many marriages crash and burn each year.  

We don't do anything over the top to celebrate, but I do feel that a steak dinner is definitely in order.  Who doesn't enjoy eating a good steak?

I have a Kindle DX which is no longer being sold by Amazon, unfortunately.  I did find on Amazon, however, that I can buy a used Kindle DX with a 9" screen.  A screen that large would definitely make reading much easier for me.  Amazon is definitely pushing other models, particularly one called Fire.  All of these other devices are designed to do more than allow you to read books.  I don't want to surf, post pictures or any other sort of thing - I only want to read books - a lot of books.

I found a used DX, which will be here next week.  Once it arrives, and I know that it works, I will have to move my books (of which there are many) from my current DX to the new DX.  After I have emptied out the old DX, then I can look into selling it.  It's in perfect condition.  I just want a bigger screen.

I have had terrible eyesight since my early 20's and my eyes are only getting worse. I find it very difficult to read books unless they have large print.  With the Kindle, I can make the font bigger, which makes reading a lot easier.  I tried talking books a few times, but the drone of the voice soon put me to sleep!

I'm more than pleased to be getting the new Kindle.  It's way more practical than diamonds and furs!  

Thanks Jeff.


Friday, September 18, 2015

Social Security and Wages


Social Security sent me an email that my annual Social Security Statement was available.  The statement is relatively useless, but what it does do is show you how far you've come.

In 1966, while still in high school I earned $621.00.  I didn't earn a five digit salary until 1981.  And in 2014 I earned $27.00.

From the statement I can see my salary increase year by year and before I "retired", I was making pretty good money for a secretary.  Though the term secretary has been turned into administrative assistant, or some other title that only sounds impressive, it doesn't bring any more money to the table.

I remember how each year I would wait for my annual review and my raise.  The raise was never anything to write home about.  I'd get 2%, maybe even 3% on a very good year.  Most of a raise was eaten up by taxes, but it was always important to me to get an excellent review and a raise.

Though my career is now behind me, I know that for all the years I worked, I was a good secretary and always took very good care of my boss(es).

When I look at my wages from 1966 until 2014, I'm amazed at how little I actually made and how long it took before I made what I considered real money.  Jeff was/is the primary bread earner.  My salary allowed me to shop on Ebay, have someone do my housekeeping and have regular visits to get my nails done.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Key Batteries


There was a time, and some of you may remember, when you actually had to use a key to unlock your car or trunk as well as start it.  I think those days are long gone now.  I keep my car key in my purse, and I can start the car and/or unlock it by just having my purse nearby.  

As we deal with more and more battery operated devices, there are times when something you're using, like a car key, just craps out.  I dropped Jeff off this week to pick up his car.  When he's been driving, I obviously have to readjust everything - seats, mirrors, etc.  

I know which buttons to press on the steering wheel in order to display my speed in the window in front of the steering wheel.  As I drove home, I went through the sequence of pushing buttons, but only the temperature would appear, where it should have displayed speed.

I was frustrated beyond reason.  When Jeff got home, I wrongly accused him of somehow monkeying with my settings (for which I apologized).  Jeff got into the car and noticed that I had a message, which I had ignored.  The message?  Your key battery needs replacing!  Once Jeff had replaced the battery, my settings were restored to their normal "upright" position.

I don't think we give enough thought to how many things are key-less, and run on batteries.  Do you happen to have in your kitchen drawer a battery to fit into a car key?  Luckily for me, Jeff did have one such battery.  Knowing that it was the last one, Jeff has ordered new batteries.  If you don't have replacement batteries, you may someday find yourself in the dark at home, or worse yet with a car that doesn't have it's "brains - the key" attached.

Jeff has always tried to make my life easier by taking care of life's irritants, whether big or small.  Thank you Jeff.



Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Phone for Old Eyes


It occurs to me that I may be the last person on earth who doesn't just love their cellphone.  I have one, don't know it's number and almost never carry it with me.  The battery is always dead and I have trouble remembering where it is.  For me, a cellphone is useless.  

I don't call people.  Nothing against my friends, I just don't make many calls.  They know I don't particularly like talking on the phone.  And, when using a cellphone, I have some trouble hearing the other person.

Cellphones have tiny buttons to push and I have trouble navigating to where I want to be.  I don't use the calendar or the contacts.  The phone is basically an emergency only phone - and since I don't carry it - I hope I never have an emergency.

I've been looking at a Jupiter phone.  It's got big buttons and doesn't do much.  There are two Jupiter phones.  One is basically only to call people and the other one does more things.  I'm interested in giving up on my current cellphone and think I would like to try a Jupiter, with it's easy yes/no navigation, or an equivalent.

Samsung also has a "senior friendly" flip phone.  So it appears that some companies are actually interested in making phones for old eyes!

Unlike most of the people I know, who are always tuned into their phones, I have never found a cellphone to be necessary.  And, since nobody knows the number - guess what - nobody calls me!

When I make calls, I like using a phone, a real one.  You know the kind that is connected by wires.   I may in fact be the last person on the planet, who isn't tied to a cellphone 24/7.  And, truthfully, I'm okay with that.



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Looking Out From The Inside


Yesterday, Jeff took me to Frederick to visit the plane in our new hangar!  We waited six years to get our girl inside and out of the weather.  We have also, after six years, removed her from being part of the Flight School's planes available for rent.  No longer will we have people flying the plane, who don't care if they damage something - after all - it's not their plane.

There is just enough room to scoot around one wing to get to the back of the hangar.  Jeff has put in a table and chairs, a white board and a bucket of cleaning supplies.  While a hangar isn't anything really exciting to look at, it was wonderful knowing that we would no longer have to worry about snow or ice building up on the wings or being pelleted by hail.

After we left the hangar, we made our usual run to Costco and WalMart.  With my new "zappy" friend, I was able to shop in both stores without having to sit down and rest.  I will admit, though, that once home, I increased the number of zaps I receive, before finally sitting down.  While the stimulator isn't a cure all, it is making my life better, and for that I'm very thankful.

While Jeff cooked us hamburgers for dinner, he also blew the leaves into a pile so that I could pick them up today.  Our oak tree, which after 29 years is huge, is also haven for squirrels.  This is the time of the year where you don't dare walk out barefooted, because if you do you just might step on an acorn - ouch!

Today and perhaps tomorrow Jeff and I need to shuffle vehicles around.  Our truck is in for regular maintenance and needs to be picked up today.  Our convertible is in the shop for repairs to it's seat and also needs to be picked up today.  

Jeff needs the truck to get the trailer at Scott's house so that he can purchase and bring a golf cart to the airport, which will help with getting the plane in and out of the hangar.  Andy wants the truck so he can buy drywall and have someone start finishing his basement.

Unlike the guys in my life, I don't need to go anywhere.  My car is in the garage.  I know that I will likely be pressed into service today to take Jeff to pick up the convertible.  Oh and get the truck out of the shop too.

Many years ago, we went to a farmer to buy half a cow.  He also had a big four door truck for sale, which we bought.  It's called Blue Ox and between all three families is in heavy demand.  

We got home late yesterday, so my kitchen is a disaster zone.  If a food didn't need to be refrigerated, it stayed on the table or counter.  Today, I will put things away and return my kitchen to it's normal chaos.  

Jeff is still on vacation today.  It's so nice outside that he's on the front porch eating his breakfast, drinking coffee and reading the paper.  So peaceful.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Purses and Shoes Oh My


There are two things that most, if not all, women love: purses and shoes (not necessarily in that order).  For years I carried a Coach purse, but even when empty the purses weighed a lot.  And, I carry a lot of "stuff" around in my purse.  While I love the Coach purses, especially the red one, I have started investing in cheaper, seasonal bags.

I was brought up in the era where you didn't wear white after Labor Day.  Okay, that concept was kicked to the curb a long time ago.  But some habits are easier to get rid of then others.  This year for the spring and summer months, I had an appropriate white and tan purse.  It had lots of pockets and I liked that.

But now it's after Labor Day, and last week I went in search of a new bag, in a more appropriate fall color.  I found a fake snakeskin bag in brown.  I checked the inside, of course, to make sure that it had the right amount of places to stash stuff.  It did and I bought it.

The way I transition from purse to purse, is to dump out the contents of purse A on the kitchen table.  Then I pick through the remnants, which this time gave me $1.20 in change; a few hard as nails gummy candy; and more tissues than any person needs to carry.  I also found out that I was dragging around not one but two lipsticks (same color), as well as two mirrors.  Heavens I don't much like looking in the mirror, so I can't figure out how two managed to find their way into my purse.  Once I tossed out all the unwanted items, my new purse was loaded, and is ready to go.

Women love shoes.  Even if we have lots of shoes, you can always use/need another pair.  When I was a teenager, I had shoes that matched many of my clothes.  The reason for this is: shoes were cheaper in the 60's, and my parents paid for my shoes.

I haven't owned a pair of heels in I can't remember when.  I'm now more into comfort over fashion.  Since my body doesn't readily adapt to bending over to tie shoes, I wear clogs or shoes with Velcro.  I still own all of my shoes that I wore when I was working, but they have been moved to a spare closet.  Unlike giving away most of my going to work clothes, I haven't yet parted with any shoes.  Why? Probably because I love my shoes and merely liked the clothes.


Image result for picture of shoes and purses

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...