Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Looking Out From The Inside


Yesterday, Jeff took me to Frederick to visit the plane in our new hangar!  We waited six years to get our girl inside and out of the weather.  We have also, after six years, removed her from being part of the Flight School's planes available for rent.  No longer will we have people flying the plane, who don't care if they damage something - after all - it's not their plane.

There is just enough room to scoot around one wing to get to the back of the hangar.  Jeff has put in a table and chairs, a white board and a bucket of cleaning supplies.  While a hangar isn't anything really exciting to look at, it was wonderful knowing that we would no longer have to worry about snow or ice building up on the wings or being pelleted by hail.

After we left the hangar, we made our usual run to Costco and WalMart.  With my new "zappy" friend, I was able to shop in both stores without having to sit down and rest.  I will admit, though, that once home, I increased the number of zaps I receive, before finally sitting down.  While the stimulator isn't a cure all, it is making my life better, and for that I'm very thankful.

While Jeff cooked us hamburgers for dinner, he also blew the leaves into a pile so that I could pick them up today.  Our oak tree, which after 29 years is huge, is also haven for squirrels.  This is the time of the year where you don't dare walk out barefooted, because if you do you just might step on an acorn - ouch!

Today and perhaps tomorrow Jeff and I need to shuffle vehicles around.  Our truck is in for regular maintenance and needs to be picked up today.  Our convertible is in the shop for repairs to it's seat and also needs to be picked up today.  

Jeff needs the truck to get the trailer at Scott's house so that he can purchase and bring a golf cart to the airport, which will help with getting the plane in and out of the hangar.  Andy wants the truck so he can buy drywall and have someone start finishing his basement.

Unlike the guys in my life, I don't need to go anywhere.  My car is in the garage.  I know that I will likely be pressed into service today to take Jeff to pick up the convertible.  Oh and get the truck out of the shop too.

Many years ago, we went to a farmer to buy half a cow.  He also had a big four door truck for sale, which we bought.  It's called Blue Ox and between all three families is in heavy demand.  

We got home late yesterday, so my kitchen is a disaster zone.  If a food didn't need to be refrigerated, it stayed on the table or counter.  Today, I will put things away and return my kitchen to it's normal chaos.  

Jeff is still on vacation today.  It's so nice outside that he's on the front porch eating his breakfast, drinking coffee and reading the paper.  So peaceful.


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