Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Post Physical


Jeff zipped home yesterday afternoon to take me to Hopkins in Baltimore for my annual physical.  And yes, I'm too chicken to drive myself to Baltimore in case you're wondering.

My weight was pretty much on target from my last appointment.  And shoes do add some weight don't they?

Pretty much healthy as a horse physically.  Now mental health, that's a completely different story, but I am making progress.

I, of course, decided (without telling Jeff) that we would stop at Bob Evans on our way home for dinner.  When I told him, as we were driving, he didn't seem too surprised, because we eat there often after being in Baltimore.

By the time we got home, Sam's inner tummy bell was ringing loud!  Sam and Maggie split a package of "hamburger bits" at 5:00 and by the time we got home, it was way past 5:00.  To stop Sam from jumping up and down and getting under our feet, we fed the dogs before we did anything else.  Once fed, Sam in particular, finds a favorite spot to rest on and then he's pretty much done for the day.

I didn't do much of anything yesterday, but for some reason, was really tired after getting home.  Early to bed and for Jeff early to rise.  Me - not so much - at least the early to rise part!


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