Saturday, September 26, 2015



Jeff came home from work one day this week and told me about a book he heard about on the radio.  It's called "Big Magic", and it's a book written to inspire you to write, anything and everything.

I bought the book and it now is on my Kindle in a font about this big, because my eyesight is poor and I can no longer read a regular book.  If I buy a book or go to the library, I always go to the large print section.  Which is why it's so cool to be able to enlarge the text on my Kindle.  Of course, with a font that big, there aren't a lot of sentences on a page - but I'm okay with that.

The author talks about letting a project go too long and how a great idea that you had, might have withered and died.  Perhaps my Wilma and Jonas book, which I haven't acknowledged in a year or so, might be hard to revive.  You're going along and writing 60 mph, and then you stop.  Once you stop, inertia tends to seep in and before you know it, you've moved away from the project.

I have gone through my blogs from 2012 to 2014, and picked out the best blogs.  I have sent those blogs to an editor.  When deciding which blogs to send, I opted not to send blogs that were basically "blog blocks", meaning I didn't have a particular subject or idea on that particular day.  The hope is that with assistance, I/we can put the blogs in some sort of order (by date/subject or whatever) and who knows if I'm lucky, somebody might actually want to publish them.  

I would very much like to see my name in print.  I don't have any illusions about knocking the socks off of a publisher.  I just want them to not toss my words into the trash can.  

Writing is like art, it's very personal.  You are putting yourself out there, in my case, with words.  I have always joked with Jeff that if I ever made more than $1.50 with my writing, we could buy a bigger and faster plane.  This would, of course, after I have a body lift!  Notice I said body.  I think the doctor could start at my ankles and just pull all of my skin up to my hair and then chop off the excess bits!  Believe me, there would be a lot of excess bits.  But boy would I look good.

Some days I sit at the computer in the morning and words just flow out of my head.  Other days, there is nothing but dust bunnies inside my head.  I hate those days.  I have been writing my blogs for a fairly long time, and feel a certain responsibility to try and write every day.  People expect a daily blog and I try to deliver.

It's gray outside today and might rain.  Weather like this makes me realize that winter is just around the corner.  I no longer drive after dark because my cataract makes doing so very difficult.  So for my safety and the safety of others, I turn into a pumpkin around 6:00 every day!



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