Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Getting My Eyes Examined!


This morning, I am driving myself to a nearby city to have my eyes examined, rather than my head!  Since my last eye exam, which was last year, I think my eyesight has gotten worse.  There are times that I can't always read the text on the television.  Jeff is kind enough to read to me.  

Perhaps instead of a therapy dog for my mentalness ( I don't think that's really a word), I should probably find a dog that could read to me.  Oh, how nice it would be if that was an actual possibility.

I have been going to the same ophthalmologist for many years.  He is pretty old now and for my exam today, I'm going to see a new doctor.  The thing is that this doctor doesn't live here in town, which forces me to drive on the interstate, like a big girl.  So if you live in Maryland, stay off the roads this morning, 'cuz I'll be out!

So after I have my exam, and new prescriptions in hand, it will be time to order glasses.  Due to the cost of my lenses, I seldom get new frames, though I would love to.  My glasses have prisms and bifocals and I generally don't leave the optician without it costing a pretty penny.  Come to think of it, a pretty penny that has a comma in it!  I will probably leave this morning with a prescription for my regular glasses.  If the prescription has changed a lot from last year, then I will need to upgrade my sunglasses too.  

I also have a cataract and perhaps the new doctor will tell me that it's time to do something about it.  I no longer drive at night because of the halo effect around lights on cars and signs.  It also makes seeing the white lines on the road a bit difficult.  Now that winter is just around the corner (more or less), I won't be out driving in the evening.  This, is obviously good news for all the Maryland drivers!

Feeling a bit anxious about driving today.  I normally just stick to driving close to home.  I like being familiar with my surroundings.  But I have made some progress.  I now drive on the highway to actually get my head examined, which is a big step for me.  I don't think it's as much about the drive as the possibility of getting lost that scares me.  My car has a big engine, and I know that when I step on the gas there is no hesitation in her performance.  The only hesitation will be me.



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