Monday, October 12, 2015

Sunny Monday


Today is a holiday for the Feds and city/county employees.  The rest of the world is at work.  I was out this morning running an errand and was caught off guard by the children playing outside of a daycare center.  Then it finally dawned on me - today is a holiday for some people, Jeff being one of them.

It's a lovely fall-like day with lots of sunshine and lots of leaves.  It's probably going to be a pick up the leaves kind of day.  I wish that our oak tree would just one day drop all of it's leaves at once.  Then you could blow them up into a pile, pick them up and not have to futz with them for another year.  Unfortunately, that's not the way it works.  The squirrels are doing their darnedest to make sure that they get every acorn the tree has to offer.  But the squirrels don't just take the acorns.  Nope, these little critters actually chew off small branches and then they land on the yard along with the empty acorn shells.

I wish I could tell you that the squirrels are "squirreling" away more acorns this year than last, but sadly I cannot.  Until we have our first frost, Jeff and I will have to routinely tidy up the yard.  A lot of our neighbors don't have oak or maple trees in their yards, so they don't have the same problem that we do.

It's nice enough that I could and should take my Kindle outside on the porch and swing and read.  Maybe I will.  But first I have to make sure that Jeff will have something for his lunch tomorrow.  I generally try and make him tuna or chicken salad and either of those dishes will last him for several days.  Luckily for me, Jeff doesn't seem to tire of eating the same thing day after day.  

Yesterday, I made my first fall dish - chili - easy on the beans!  It made for a yummy meal for me both last night and again today for lunch.

Today, we're celebrating:

  • National Free Thought Day
  • National Gumbo Day; and my favorite
  • National Kick Butt Day! 
Enjoy your day and try to get out into the sunshine.


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