Thursday, October 29, 2015

Leaf Pickup


A double treat for you today - two blogs!  For the last several weeks, every day or so Jeff blows all of the oak leaves into a pile to be picked up and put in brown bags.  Our oak tree, now 29 years old, has a lot of leaves and they are never dropped all at once, which would be handy.  Nope, between the wind and the squirrels, only so many leaves fall to the ground each day.

If you leave the leaves and let them stack up, so to speak, the blowing them into a pile and the picking up can be a burdensome task.  It rained very hard here yesterday, and now there are leaves needing to be rounded up for removal.

At this time of year, you can hear the near constant drone of a leaf blower, lawn mower or some similar device being used to tidy up yards.  I watched this afternoon, when my neighbor's lawn people literally blew all of the leaves out of their yard and blew them into a big pile in the circle of our street.

Now what do you imagine is going to happen to that large pile of leaves?  Yup. You guessed right.  The wind is going to come along and blow those leaves all over the street and more than probably into our yard.  I'm sure these guys are getting paid to pick up the leaves, but it was much easier to blow them out into the circle.  

To add further insult, these same gardeners just mowed the neighbor's lawn and carried the grass they cut to put on the leaf pile.  Simply amazing.  I hope that my neighbor doesn't pay much for the service, but I guess "out of my yard" is akin to out of sight, out of mind!

Okay, climbing off my soap box now.  Time to think about getting dinner started.  In case you're wondering, no this isn't the pile of leaves in front of our house.  Just wanted to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. 


Image result for picture of pile of leaves

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