Saturday, October 10, 2015

Movie with Benjamin


I took Benjamin to see Transylvania 2 yesterday.  Since it was a school day, there was exactly four people in the theater.  No trouble picking out a seat - bonus!

But by the time you buy the tickets and popcorn and Whoppers, you have just spent nearly $30.00.  I just checked to see what the cost of a movie ticket was in 1967 - $1.20! So you could easily go to the movies and have popcorn and a soda and not spend more than $5.00.  We've come a long way since 1967, and not always in a good way.

When we still lived in California, Jeff traveled to Maryland for several months before we moved here.  I would occasionally take the boys to a movie on Friday nights, as a treat, but know that even with buying four tickets, I didn't spend anywhere close to $30.00.

The animation movies that Benjamin and other children are so fond of, are now superior to those back when I, and perhaps you, were children.  As an adult, I enjoy watching the children movies, as much as Benjamin does.

And even on my first day with Jeff in 1974, I didn't ask for popcorn (since I hadn't finished my dinner), but I did go to the concessions area, and I did inhale!  I have always loved the smell of popcorn, and to be truthful, love eating it as well.

Do you remember Jiffy Pop.  Just before it was finished, I was always convinced that the silver dome would explode!  Now you can make popcorn in the microwave, which is super convenient.  And, because I am who I am, always add just a little more butter to the already buttered popcorn.  Nobody ever said that eating popcorn was healthy!

I can generally talk Jeff into going to one movie a year - but it had better be a great movie.  The last one he saw was the one where Disney was making the movie Mary Poppins.  I haven't found a movie so far this year, that I believe he would really enjoy.  Of course, there is still several months left in the year, so I still have time.


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