Friday, October 9, 2015

Watching Movies With Benjamin


Benjamin has been staying with Jeff and me for a few days.  When he's here, and Auntie Kim is around, she takes him outside to play.  Yesterday, they rode a horse.  Over the course of 7 years, Auntie Kim provides all the outdoor play and I do the reading, baking cookies and watching movies with Benjamin.

Last night after Benjamin came home, he decided it was time for us to watch a movie.  Now Benjamin doesn't exactly just sit and watch a movie.  No, he bounces around and if there's music that he likes, he dances - and he's quite good at it.

So in the course of only an hour or so, we "watched" Santa Paws, Annie, and Dinosaurs.  We didn't see any of them to the finish.  Benjamin gets a little restless and so we bounce from one movie to another.  I don't mind.  I have seen all of these movies with him countless times.  If we were watching Shrek, I could probably even recite some of the dialog!

Benjamin is still asleep, so I was able to drink my coffee while doing what I like to do most - reading a book.  So many books, so little time.

I think sometime today, I'll take Benjamin to the movies.  There aren't a lot of what I think of as kid-friendly movies showing at any one time.  And that is because there's more money to be made in action adventure or drama movies for adults.

While Benjamin is sleeping, I could always dust or something.  But then I think why should I bother, the dust just keeps reappearing.  And Maggie's dog hair is always blowing around.  You should never wear black when visiting us!


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