Thursday, March 31, 2016



You know how much I love television.  And one of my favorite types of shows are the reality ones.  Are the shows scripted?  Probably so, but this doesn't deter my enjoyment.  My theory is that if you are going to go on television and make a fool of yourself, I'm happy to watch you do that.  

Last night was Bering Sea Gold.  If you're successful in finding gold, then the boat captain could stand to make a lot of money.  If you're just the diver - not so much.  I think it must be a hard way to make a living, but at least they only work for themselves.  To keep things interesting for the viewers, sometimes they are given a few scripted lines to say.  And the announcer is, of course, Mike Rowe, who has a great and very recognizable voice.

Survivor just keeps coming back and back.  Thirty-two seasons.  Some of you may remember how little the contestants had in the early seasons.  Those people were starving.   Things are better for the contestants now, but they do daily battles with the weather and bites from one insect or another.  I know I wouldn't last two seconds on Survivor!  I'm just not tough enough.

Amazing Race is another must see show for me.  Some of the things that the people have to do on that show are often horrible or terrifying.  Okay, no auditions for me for that show either!  Guess I'm just going to have to earn my reward as an armchair viewer.

I'm pretty sure I watch too much television.  But, I simply don't care.  Since I'm no longer working, my world has become quite small.  I read books.  A lot of books actually.  Thank heavens for Kindle Unlimited which lets me have 10 free books checked out at a time.  While I know that I'm reclusive (you think?), I'm doing okay.  I like my world trouble and worry free, and for the most part it is.  When life gets out of hand, I can always turn to my best friend, Jeff.

Goal for today: finish cleaning up the spare room, which means putting all of Benjamin's toys away.  I think I'll also get my broom and dust pan and sweep the garage.  During the fall, leaves find their way inside the garage all the time.  Now it's time to make them disappear.

Have a good day.



Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


The month of March is nearly over.  Everywhere I look I see and hear the signs of spring.  Birds are chirping, plants and flowers are beginning to pop out.  Our lawn gets mowed on Tuesday and it's always wonderful to look out and see a freshly mowed lawn.  Kind of reminds me of what a carpet looks like after it's been vacuumed!

We have three ornamental grass plants in the yard and during the spring and summer they are beautiful.  After winter weather, the grasses are essentially dead.  The grasses, at this time of the year, remind me of hay.  And in order to get new growth, the old stuff has to be cut down.  Yesterday, I had the lawn guys cut the grasses down to their stumps.  Doing so, makes it easier for the new growth to show.

Today I believe I will tackle the spare bedroom where I keep Benjamin's toys.  The last time he was here, he dumped the contents of the containers on the floor and then forgot about them.  Benjamin is coming to the house on Friday, but even so, feel I must get things tidy.

I need to try and do one extra chore each day.  I don't count dishes and laundry as part of my extra chores.  Nope, it's got to be something I don't do every day.  I could and should do some filing up in Jeff's office.  But doing so offers me very little satisfaction.  Okay, I throw the paid bills into the appropriate boxes and there they sit.  In reality, I don't really know why I hang on to paid bills.  I can't recall a time when I actually needed to see our electric bill from a year ago.  To be honest, it's just easier to keep adding bills to their appropriate spot, rather than take the time shredding!

Apologies for the short post.  Some days, there's just nothing to say!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Leader of the Laundromat


I own several double-sided heavy cotton rugs that are in my bathroom.  The rugs are lovely and there is none of that rubber backing that melts off.  The problem is that lately Mr. Sam has found one rug in particular in the bathroom that he uses as his bathroom.  I'm not happy about this - not at all.

The rug is very large and really heavy when wet.  I have tried to use my washing machine for this rug in the past, but I ended up with a "walking" washing machine.  To avoid the walking, I have to lean on the machine to keep it balanced.

Today, I ventured into a laundromat for the first time in let's say 40+ years.  For the size machine I needed the cost was $5.00 - highway robbery.  But, I knew that I had to wash it so hopefully (fingers crossed here) that Mr. Sam will stop doing his business on it.

There was a telenova playing on the television and as I watched women drag in large and heavy bags of dirty clothes, I was grateful that all I had was one rug.  I wasn't even going to stick around and dry it.  Our dryer has no difficulty with the rug.  It just takes a long time, and as it turns out, I have plenty of that.

In my first life, when I/we were super poor, I had to make the trek to the laundromat to wash our clothes.  At one point, my parents bought us a wringer washing machine. It can take hours to use this kind of machine and the rollers are deadly.  You had to make sure that buttons and snaps were on the inside of the clothing, or you ended up with no buttons or snaps!  I guess it's true that whatever doesn't kill us, makes us strong.  Then I'm pretty sure I'm darn tough.

When I met and married Jeff, one of the first things he bought me was a washer and dryer.  You would have thought he had gifted me with the Hope Diamond.  I was in heaven with the new machines.   I know many women who would like to receive an appliance as a gift, but I'm okay with those kinds of gifts.  Bring me a new vacuum, new stove or whatever and I'm a happy and very lucky lady.


Image result for wringer washing machine

Monday, March 28, 2016

Inspection Day


Today's assignment?  Wait for the county inspector to come out and inspect (duh) the solar installation.  An option available to me was to call the inspector and find out when, more or less, he would be here.  But, since it's rainy and I have nowhere in particular to go, I'll just sit back and relax.  

Our Easter dinner that we cooked was great and there were lots of 'tovers' for Jeff's lunch today.  And, bonus - won't even have to cook dinner.  Pop the food in the microwave, grab a fork and dinner is served.  What could be better than that?

I've grown tired of watching for Marriott's stock to rise.  All it seems to do is go down and obviously that's not what I want it to do.  Maybe I need a "stock whisperer"!  Said "stock whisperer" could also do double duty with helping us win the lottery.  I'd love to win millions, but frankly at this point, just paying for the actual ticket would be a bonus!

I guess I had better get my rear in gear and get myself dressed.  Wouldn't do to be in the shower and miss the inspector!


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter


Christmas and Easter are the two days of the year when churches are filled.  As a child, I remember having a pretty dress to wear, something ruffled no doubt.  Our Easter baskets were a delight.  Mom didn't buy, and perhaps it wasn't an option way back when, prepared baskets wrapped in cellophane.  If you have ever bought one of these baskets, then you know it's 90% grass and only 10% candy and/or a toy.  

I hope it's sunny where you are, because it definitely isn't here.  It's overcast which doesn't improve a person's mood.  Or my mood at any rate.

I went to Michael's yesterday, which was teeming with women all looking for last minute things to buy for an Easter basket.  I have never allowed a holiday to sneak up on me and catch me unprepared.  Anyway, the ladies were debating which kind of egg coloring kit to buy, large or small plastic eggs, as well as making a host of other decisions.

I avoided the "bunny" aisles and therefore wasn't pushed around or hit by a shopping cart!  A small line at the cashier, but considering it was a Saturday wasn't too bad.  I also went to KMart and managed to get what I wanted and found the cashier in the garden center standing around, so I didn't even have to wait in line!  A bonus I'm sure you'll agree.  The problem at KMart was the children.  They spied all that candy and they wanted some and they wanted it now.  

We're cooking a ham for lunch/brunch/dinner today.  I'm preparing a few side dishes.  I have already made the layered lettuce salad, which is yummy.  Perhaps I'll also make the hash brown dish and if I do that, Jeff is guaranteed a great lunch tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day.  Oh, and don't forget - never ever eat the bunny's ears first!


Image result for easter eggs

Saturday, March 26, 2016

New Car - Emissions Test


Yesterday, I took the new car with the top down of course and went to have the emissions test done.  Since it was the last Friday of the month, there was a bit of a wait.

When it was my time to go inside, I stopped and put the car in park.  The inspector wanted to know how many miles were on the car.  Hmm, how about I don't know that.  He told me to turn the car back on and the current mileage was displayed.  So far so good.

Then he asked me to put the parking brake on.  I was clueless.  Since I don't believe I have ever used a parking brake, I wasn't even sure what I was looking for!  Again, he helped me out.  By now I am suspecting that he thinks I'm probably too stupid to even be driving!

After the test, the inspector had to remind me to remove the parking brake.  I clearly wasn't having a clear minded day.

Good news, which I didn't doubt, was that the new car passed inspection and won't need another one until 2018.  Hopefully, by that time I'll know how to use the bells and whistles in the car.

I did enjoy very much driving home with the top down.  But a little on the cool side, so I left the windows up.  While driving, I felt very much like a sophisticated lady!

Don't forget to color your eggs today.


Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday at Last


Ever notice that some weeks seem so long?  The days drag by and you, meaning me, find no energy to do what needs to be done.

We have no young children at home now, so the messy but fun business of coloring eggs is now a thing of the past.  When the boys were young, we didn't just color a few eggs.  Nope, we colored a lot of eggs.  And, each year had to step up our game about hiding the eggs.  One year we put an egg on a ceiling fan blade - they didn't find it - until we turned the fan on!  Fun times.

While I was on "P&P" patrol with Mister Sam this morning, I walked over to look at the plants I had put in last year.  Since I wasn't able to dig big holes, I really believed that these plants wouldn't survive the winter.  Happily, they have.  

I am going to the grocery store this morning to get a few things.  We enjoyed the lettuce salad I made last weekend so much, that I think I'll make it again today.

This is short and I apologize for that.  It seems that today I just don't have much to say.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Pre-Solar Panel Installation Day


Tomorrow, solar panels will be installed on the roof of the house.  I don't think they are the prettiest things to look at, but since I barely notice the top of the house, I won't mind them.  

Jeff is taking tomorrow and Thursday off to monitor the installation.  I'm not a good supervisor and don't want or need the responsibility of making sure everything is done correctly.  As I've said before, men like talking to men - not little women!

I think my job for the next two days is to make sure that the gate gets closed completely so that the dogs don't run away.  If they do manage to get out, they never go very far.  They know that we give them a good life.  When we bought the recliners for the den, did we give away or try to sell the sofa? Nope.  It's where Mister Sam spends most of his time.  We don't get much company so there is no reason to keep the sofa and perhaps one day we'll try and find it a new home; but, for now it's staying.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that having the panels on the roof will make a difference with the electricity bill.  We face east and get afternoon sun on the back of the house, which makes it very hot inside.  I try and not run the a/c full steam ahead in the summer, but I also don't like sticking to leather furniture!

The other good thing about having Jeff home for two days is that I don't have to pack lunches for him.  I don't mean to sound lazy, but in order for him to have food to take for lunch, yours truly has to be thinking about what I can fix for dinner every night.

Our installation won't look exactly like this one, but you get the idea.


Image result for picture of solar panels on house roof

Monday, March 21, 2016



The calendar says spring, but the temperature doesn't.  The trees are budding and birds are making nests and noise, but it's still cold.  I know by now that there are only so many perfect days in a year.  Either it's too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry.  We humans are never satisfied.

During the long dreary winter days we long for warmer weather.  Most of love spring, it's a reaffirmation of life.  I have daffodils popping up in flower beds, most of whom were planted many years ago and forgotten.  

Our large oak tree isn't really awake yet.  That tree is the last one to start sprouting buds.  And we'll probably not realize it, but one day we'll walk outside and the tree will be surrounded by green leaves.  

An advantage of spring and summer means that there are no leaves to rake up, blow up, sweep up and pick up.  It wouldn't be so bad if there was a leaf edict that said all leaves must blow down on "x" day.  But no it doesn't work that way.  You start off the fall with a few leaves and you pick them up.  And then there are more leaves than you can reasonably pick up all at once.  Or at least that's true for me.  Jeff blows the leaves into a pile and my job is to pick them up and stuff them into lawn bags.  

Tomorrow will be warmer and then on Wednesday and Thursday we'll have 70 degree weather.  It's important that the weather on those days is good because our solar panels are being installed on those days.  And, they can't install the panels in the rain.

Since I didn't do it yesterday, because I was just being lazy, this morning I have washed all the dishes that I used to cook my food in on Saturday.  To be fair, I did soak those dishes, but decided that I have nothing but time so why not wait until today?  I'm happy to report that they are all scrubbed up and in the dishwasher as I write.  

The next thing on my agenda for this week is to make sure that there is toilet paper and a towel in the basement bathroom.  I don't want the workers to traipse through my house for two days.  Jeff will be taking Wednesday and Thursday off to supervise the job.  I'm glad he's doing that, because I wouldn't know a good install from a bad one.

Last year when we were having so much trouble with our air conditioner, I continually was patted on my head and told "don't worry, we fixed it, it'll be fine."  And it wasn't.  Funny thing though that when Jeff came home during one such repair visit, there was a whole different story being told.  End of story - we ended up having to buy a new air conditioner!  When men are talking to men a lot of monkey business is cut short and the problem and solution is resolved quickly.  

If the weather warms up this week, it will be a perfect time to take the new car out for a spin.  I have yet to really enjoy the wind whipping through my hair on a sunny day.  Since I generally don't care what my hair looks like, getting it all mussed up in the name of brain clearing doesn't bother me at all.



Sunday, March 20, 2016

Luncheon Review


Yesterday, Jeff and I had friends over for lunch.  Lunch was the reason we all got together, but was not the highlight of the day.  Over munchies and wine (perfectly colored wine to be exact), we sat at the kitchen table and talked forever.  

We swapped stories, some embellished, others that were "you couldn't make this stuff up" and enjoyed the sound of laughter.  They say laughter is the best medicine and I know it's true.  Too often the worries and stress of your life, get in the way of laughing till you cry.  

I had been looking forward to the lunch.  I had planned my menu and even "dusted" (alright I flicked a rag over some furniture that was at just the right height.  Not too high or too low.  Why on earth would I want to get down on my knees and dust the legs of the coffee table?  The real problem with that is once I'm down on the ground, I'm like a beached whale - can't get up.  There is nothing so sad, and funny actually, about a grown woman crawling around the floor until she/I can get to a piece of furniture that allows me to stand up!  

I also considered the fact that most people don't look at furniture legs.  Why would they?  The legs just hold up the top where I place my objects 'd art.  Or, in simpler terms, pictures of Benjamin and the occasional clown.

Jeff cooked country style ribs with our homemade sauce.  Too delicious for words.  I have never gone to a restaurant and ordered ribs.  They're too messy and the only ribs being served in restaurants are the kind with bones and very little meat.  I'm a carnivore.  I don't want to gnaw on some old bone.  

When you are preparing food to be served to guests, there is always in the back of your mind (or mine at least), that there will be something wrong with your food.  Since I'm more of a laid back cook, who measures sometimes, but mostly doesn't, I always have a bit of trepidation when serving my food.  I know the recipes I use are solid.  They are all tried and true and family favorites.  I don't have the time (actually I do have the time), but not the inclination to waste time on so-so recipes.  In my recipe collection, there are no icky, or good for you - but taste like a paper bag recipes.

I don't have to think about what Jeff and I are eating today.  We're doing 'tovers' (leftovers to the rest of you) for our lunch/dinner tonight.  I generally have pizza on Sunday night.  I think of Sunday as my day off from cooking.  

I want to thank everyone who came to the house and for sharing bits and pieces of their stories.  I had too, as usual, throw Jeff under the bus when it came time to talk about the philosophy class we took together.  While it's true that we were both in the class, there was only one of us who did the work the majority of the time.  (Insert happy face here).

Until next time Alums and Chums.

Hugs to you.


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Luncheon Saturday


If you know me well, and most of you do, you also know that I generally don't host many parties, lunches or dinners.  In my world, I like everything to be just "so", and sometimes it's a goal that's hard to reach.

For lunch today, with my Marriott Alums and Chums (catchy don't you think?), I have cleaned the house - sort of.  I have dusted all the low places and vacuumed up the dog hair.  Of course, that was yesterday so with regard to dog hair, I should, but won't, vacuum again today.  It is what it is.  It would be sufficiently easier to just vacuum Maggie!

Yesterday, I made a layered lettuce salad: lettuce, onions, peppers, celery and frozen peas topped with a mix of mayonnaise and sugar, then cheese and finally bacon.  This dish is best eaten after it has been in the refrigerator a day.  I also made a pistachio desert: baked layer of butter, nuts and flour, topped with pistachio pudding, cream cheese and cool whip.  Finally, another layer of cool whip and chopped nuts. That too is sitting in the refrigerator to be consumer later today.

All I have left to do is make my hash brown casserole, which is a family favorite and corn casserole, also a favorite.  Oh, and empty the dishwasher and put all the dishes away - this is huge for me, as I generally leave one or two things in the dishwasher, so it doesn't get lonely!

I've already washed the wine glasses, which were a gift from my Grandmother in the 60's to be put in my hope chest.  They are really water glasses with stems, but they can and will hold wine today.  When getting the glasses down from the nether reaches of the cupboard, I accidentally dropped one of the glasses, which is a bummer.  But life goes on.  After today, I'll wash the glasses and return them carefully to the uppermost cabinet for who knows how long.

Jeff is putting a leaf into the table, so that we can sit around and eat comfortably.  Growing up, my parent's kitchen/dining room was where people wanted to be.  The same kind of thing happens in our house too.  Guess it's just cozy.

Both of the dogs, once they do the meet and greet dance, will probably head off to a corner to sleep.  This is an advantage of owning older dogs.  And, I know that both Mister Sam and Maggie are very friendly and love people.  Though they will act like they are starved for affection, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Got to run - things to do.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

No Blog Today


There won't really be a blog today, because I'm super busy here at the homestead.  I have friends coming over on Saturday for lunch, and well the house needs cleaning.  Of course, the minute I do any cleaning, the quicker it will mess up again!  Mr. Sam in particular loves nothing better than getting on the chairs in the living room where I have put towels on the seats and "rearranges" them!

So today I clean and tomorrow I bake.  For dessert I am making a pistachio cream cheese dessert, that is quite yummy.  I'll also make my layered lettuce salad, because it's better when it sits overnight - the ingredients "marry" which makes the salad taste really good.  

The other two dishes I'm serving can be made on Saturday morning, because they are both simple and quick.  We'll (meaning Jeff) boil the ribs before putting them on the bbq and he'll make a homemade sauce, which is outstanding.  

Oh, by the way Happy St. Patrick's Day.


Image result for st. patrick's day

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

30th Anniversary!


If you're thinking I'm talking about a wedding anniversary, you'd be wrong.  Jeff and I have been married for 41 years and counting.  Nope, I'm talking about the cross country trek we made in 1986 from California to Maryland to live.

We had an early morning flight out of LAX and had made hotel reservations at a hotel near by.  We pulled into the hotel, got the kids and dog out of the car, plus all the luggage and headed for the reservation desk.  The clerk took one look at the dog, and said that we could all stay, but the dog (Devon), could not.  She didn't care what we did with him, just that he wasn't going to be a guest.  We were talking one night and it was already late and we were leaving at the crack of dawn.

We loaded everybody and everything back into the car (maybe it was a van, I can't remember) and headed for another hotel.  We were able to get room in "the inn" at the Marriott, who didn't care that we were bringing in a dog.  Not only were they magnanimous in their service, they also called ahead to the Gaithersburg Marriott to make sure that we had connecting rooms, etc.  A very nice touch.

Going to the airport in those days was pretty easy compared to now.  No screenings, no taking shoes off, nothing like that.  Just before we boarded the plane, we put Devon, who with the help of a sleeping pill, was put in his crate and put in the cargo area.

Our carry-on luggage was a bit more than usual.  Each of the boys had their own individual carry-on, equipped with small things to keep them amused (hopefully) during the long flight.  Jeff and I each had bags, plus an extra bag of all the important papers we needed and didn't feel could be trusted adequately in a suitcase.

When we landed in Maryland, it was cold.  Remember, we were coming from California.  We lined up at the curb with everybody else waiting for the car rental shuttle.  Nobody would let us on.  I guess it was too much to take in - five people, one drugged dog, a mound of suitcases and hand luggage.  At one point, when the shuttle arrived, Jeff just got in the doorway before everybody else, and we were finally able to get on and have a seat.

Our ride from the airport to Gaithersburg, filled the boys with amazement.  They had never or seldom seen trees (oak, maple, etc.).  Their world, up to that point, had been filled with palm trees and a tan or brown landscape.  Arriving in Maryland, they were amazed at how green everything was.

We stayed at the Marriott, with adjoining rooms.  The hotel had put out gift baskets for us as well as a dog basket for Devon.  Talk about feeling at home.  We certainly did.

I don't remember exactly how long we stayed in the hotel, while we were waiting for our furniture to arrive, but it was a pleasant stay.  And the boys loved eating all their meals in restaurants or at McDonald's!

There might have been a time when California looked more like home, but that time has long since passed.  In the years since we've been here, both Jeff's and my parents have passed away.  My sister lives in California and Jeff has a half-sister and half-brother there as well.  

Maryland has been home to us for a very long time.  The boys are here as well as Benjamin, which are several good reasons to stay put.


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Super Tuesday


Today and for sure tonight, the only thing you're going to be hearing is the results of voting on Super Tuesday.  I will listen to the news once, but don't want to sit around and watch the same talking heads telling the same story.  For gosh sakes, I've got reality television shows to watch, and they have as much if not more drama in them, then the news does!

I don't engage in discussions about politics.  I find watching Trump interesting.  Presidential candidate?  Hard to say.  I believe that whoever is the next President, he/she will have much the same difficulty in dealing with Congress.  It's just the way things work (or not depending again on your view) in Washington.

I have an opinion on what issues I believe Congress should try and resolve.  Social Security and medical care are two of them.  I'm already on Social Security and collect my monthly check that I earned after working for 45 years.  My children, on the other hand, may not have Social Security available to them when they're older and ready to retire.

So while you watch television tonight, and even if it's not a news program, there will likely be a banner at the bottom of the screen letting you know the voting results.  Stay tuned.


Monday, March 14, 2016

Another Drear Day


I woke up this morning and pulled up the blinds and wanted to see, but didn't, a glorious spring-like kind of day.  Nope, today is make use of my "SAD" light to keep my mood up.  Instead of this almost rain, and the cooler temperatures, I'm ready to open up my windows and turn on my music loud!  

Weather such as this makes me want to get back under the covers, or at the very least, get a blanket and my Kindle and watch the clock tick on.  But, since I'm having company on Saturday, I really do need to get my rear in gear and get some stuff done.  Organize Ben's toys from his last visit, round up all the read, but not tossed out, magazines.  Stuff like that.  Since my mother-in-law isn't coming, I don't know how much dusting I'll do!

Friday will be my prep day for food.  Everything I'm serving is a family favorite and easy to make.  If I could, I'd make sure that everything I prepared was 5 ingredients or less!  Unfortunately, most of the time, I have to haul out more food items.  When Jeff worked from home, which he did for years, I never gave a thought to his lunch.  He was home after all and could raid the pantry and fridge.  Now that he's working, which is a good thing, I really do have to think about what kind of 'tovers' I'll have for lunch the next day.

So in truth, the longer I sit here typing, the more I am simply procrastinating the household chores that I must do.

I hope it's bright and sunny where you are.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Apologies for Yesterday


Apologies for lack of a blog post yesterday.  Jeff and I are still trying, for the past week, whether to die or not.  The flu bug, and we had flu shots, hit us very hard.  I'm just glad that we have no children to take care of, while we're in this state.

Slow progress is being made.  Today I'm showered and dressed.  Small steps indeed, but steps all the same.  I can't imagine what condition we'd be in, if we hadn't had the flu shot.  Probably draped all over the bathroom floor!  On a positive note, and boy do I need one, this is one way to take off a few pounds!

I haven't cooked in several days, but will make an effort this afternoon, because Jeff will need something to take for lunch tomorrow.  I'll do something with chicken I think.  What exactly?  I have no idea.  Probably whatever takes the least energy.

As I look out my window on the world, I notice the beginning of buds on some trees.  Our dogwood tree is beautiful in the spring when she's adorned with her flowers.  Years ago, I had a neighbor tell me that we should cut down the tree, because of some blight.  The tree still stands and is now 30 years old.  Cutting down a long standing tree, is a true loss.

I have also heard birds chirping when I'm on the porch.  Definitely a sound of spring.

Have a wonderful and hopefully restful Sunday.


Friday, March 11, 2016

Sick with the Flu


Last weekend, Benjamin stayed at our house and he had a little bug of some kind.  And Scott was at the house and became ill and missed three days of work.

And, now Jeff and I are sick.  We haven't been down this hard since oh about 1975 when the Hong Kong flu was going around.  I remember that we were both so sick, that we had to take turns getting up to take care of Kenny.  We felt so bad, we wanted to die.

Fast forward to today.  Luckily, we have nobody to care for but ourselves.  Jeff has stayed home for three days and is still feeling bad.  Since we both had flu shots, I can only imagine how much worse this could be.  We are both quite weak and fixing something to eat is a chore.  Not the best way to lose weight, but I'll take what I can get!

The good news is that we should be on the mend by the first of next week.  We are hosting lunch next Saturday for our friends.  We're both looking forward to what I call "Alums and Chums".  Marriott alumni (Sharon and I), and our chums (Angela and Sal).  We're really looking forward to having a good time next Saturday.  

I'm keeping this short because I need to take my old and sick body to my chair.  Let's hear it for recliners!

Stay well.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Happy Birthday to My Sister


Today is my sister's birthday.  I can't tell you how old she is, but she's a lot younger than I am and not in danger of needing Social Security anytime soon!  Lucky girl.

Growing up we always shared a bedroom, which meant we could be at odds over our "space".  I was in high school and decorated my space with all things relating to being a teenager.  My sister, was into Barbie.  We got along pretty well, but when our brother went off to college, we both got what we wanted: a room of our own!  And as an added bonus, a bathroom for just us girls!  Heaven.

My sister was my maid of honor at my wedding to Jeff.  She always went with me to both bridal and baby showers, where she as well as me, had to play those silly party games.  

When I was pregnant with Scott, she and I scoured the stores in downtown Riverside, looking for a dressing table.  We found one and I don't remember exactly how we got it home.  Jeff might have been involved.

She and I took exercise classes at the YWCA.  And yes, a long time ago I exercised (not gracefully but still) and also played racquetball once a week.  

We took classes at the local junior college.  In one class we made miniature books - mine didn't look too good.  Between the two of us, my sister received all the arts and crafts genes from Mom.  Me?  Not so much.  We took a calligraphy class as well as a refresher shorthand class.  

We ordered Tupperware from one of those house parties and when the order was in, we decided to go pick it up.  The Tupperware lady lived a long way from home, but unlike today, I was undaunted and we set off in a rainstorm.  By the way, we did get the Tupperware.

On Halloween, my sister would come over and help pull Scott and Andy in a wagon while they went trick or treating.  As a thank you, she got to pick our her favorite candy from the mound of candy dumped on the kitchen table.

By the time my sister became pregnant, Jeff and I had already moved to Maryland.  Since 1986, I have only seen her a handful of times and two of those times were at funerals for Mom and Dad.  

By the time my sister is ready for Social Security, I'll be able to walk her through the mine field of decisions that await her.  

We don't talk on the phone, partly I suppose because I actually don't like talking on the phone.  Don't bother to ask me why, because there is no rationale thought behind this.  Maybe it has something to do with having to talk on the phone every day at the office for 40+ years!

Here's my best wishes to my sister for a most excellent birthday - with cake!


Image result for picture of birthday cake

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Butter or Margarine?


I'm just going to come out and say it - I loooooove butter.  I think there's nothing finer, except chocolate, ice cream, candy and donuts, than melted butter on bagels, toasts, waffles, baked potatoes and anything else that would be better served with butter.

When I was growing up, there was a product called Oleo, which today is called margarine.  And there was also a time when margarine started showing up in tubs, rather than in the stick form.  This was a huge improvement, because everybody knows that cold butter isn't really spreadable.  Oh you can try to be sure, but likely all you will end up with is a piece of holey bread!  I know this because I've tried to use cold butter.

My mother was a die hard Parkay customer.  Parkay margarine came out in 1937, and over the years had some clever commercials.  Initially, Parkay, like other margarines came only in stick form.  There was a loud hurrah in our house, when Parkay came out in tub form.  Boy, we were talking about progress.

For years, Jeff and I also opted to buy margarine, though I can't remember what brand(s).  At some point, we decided that we liked (who doesn't?) the taste of butter.  We made the switch to butter and it's been a love affair ever since.  The theory, which isn't working by the way, was that we would use less butter, because a little bit goes a long way.  That theory, in case you're wondering, flew out the window many years ago.

There are two butter conditions in our house.  In the summer, the butter melts and oozes in the butter dish.  In the winter, you need a hacksaw to cut through the very cold butter.  We're like Little Red Riding Hood: this one is too melty (I know that's not a word, but it should be), and the other one is too cold.  For a few months in spring, butter is the right consistency.

When I go to a restaurant and they bring the bread basket, they also include those little wrapped packages of butter.  These pats of butter are hard, so you don't get the satisfaction of having spreadable butter to go on tasty loaves of bread.  I know why they do this, and so do you.  If the pats of butter were more spreadable, then it seems likely that most people would use more butter.  The restaurants are fine serving you chilled butter pats. 

There are products out there that will keep your butter soft.  They're called butter keepers.  You put water in the bottom of the container and then put a container of soft butter on top.  Works perfectly, provided that you start with soft butter!  Hint: cold butter is difficult to put into a butter keeper.  We have a butter keeper, but for reasons unknown (probably because one of us (me) is too lazy to actually put butter in the crock, it sits in the cupboard collecting dust!

In 2014, it was reported that the average American consumed 23 sticks of butter a year.  But in the 20's, we consumed 72 sticks of butter!  See we're doing more now to stay healthy - sort of!


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Office Equipment - Then and Now


A long time ago, in a faraway world, secretaries and typists pounded out letters, reports, and anything else you could imagine that needed to be typed.  Initially, we used manual typewriters, which for the record, requires one to have very strong pinkies to push down the "a" and the colon keys.  

Ah, but then came electric typewriters and our pinkies were given a rest.  There was also a time when companies paid for regular service of these typewriters.  If something was wrong, you called and a repair man came out.  Simply lovely.  

I remember one such call that I made.  The operator asked me what was wrong with my typewriter and stupidly I said "my period isn't working".  What I was trying to say was that the key on my typewriter with the period on it, was no longer working.  Anyway, a good laugh at my expense!

In those days, typewriters were so heavy that they could be declared a lethal weapon.  If, and that's a biggie, a secretary could actually pick up said typewriter and hurl it at a bad guy, he'd be badly hurt.  Thankfully in all my years of pounding keys, I never needed to resort to that kind of violence.

Then the personal computers came out and computers started showing up in offices everywhere.  Secretaries were trained on these machines, but we hated them.  Typewriters were and are wonderful.  You know exactly what you're going to get when you start typing.  With computers, there's a chance that you'll type for hours, without saving your work (bad I know) and then you get a power surge and everything you've typed is gone.  In a flash.

Want to fill out forms?  A typewriter wins hands down to a computer.  Oh you certainly can fill out forms using the computer, but the lines never seem to line up properly and you end up with answers to questions either above or below the question.  It never seems to be on point.

While I initially hated computers, with the advent of Word Perfect (who didn't love that software?), all was good in computer land.  And, then there was Windows, which everybody uses now, it's the only game in town.

I detested the transition to Windows, but you can only fight so long.  Your boss has decided that you'll use Windows, so you have to adapt and adjust.  And I did.  The new word for typing is word processing, which sounds swanky, but let's face it - it's still typing!

I started taking typing classes in junior high and all through high school.  I have been "typing" for close to 50 years, and I'm not too proud to admit that I'm d*** good at it.  

Even in retirement, I am at my computer every day - typing.  I type my blog, play Words with Friends, check on stock prices and investigate how much reality stars make from their carefully scripted lives.

Yesterday, I was moving too quickly and ended up with my Desktop shortcuts at the side of the screen, where they belong and also at the bottom of the screen, where they don't belong.  No amount of maneuvering allowed me to get rid of the shortcuts on the bottom of the screen.  When Jeff came home, he did something and my computer is back to normal.  I have no idea what he did and even if he told me, I'd likely not understand.  But, I'm forever grateful for the computer geeks (Jeff and the boys) that make my computer life easier.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Beautiful Sunny Day


Looking out my window, it's a beautiful sunny day.  Temperatures are going to rise in the 70's later this week.  That will mean convertible top down while Jeff does his daily commute.  I am looking forward to taking a ride in his car in nicer weather.  It's not "cool" to be cold with the top down.  The chattering teeth give you away!

I was going to the dentist today, but canceled.  I have managed to pick up a cold bug from somewhere or someone.  Decided it was best not to go in and cough allover the hygienist.  And, of course any excuse not to go to the dentist is a good one in my book.  They are perfectly pleasant people, but at the end of the day, they work in a dental office.

With my advanced computer knowledge (and we know that's not true), I have managed to get my desktop shortcuts in two different places on my screen.  Trouble is, I don't know how to get them back to just one place.  I've called in the cavalry and Jeff will be able to fix my problem when he gets home.  I know that sometimes I type too fast and before I know it, I've got myself in trouble!  I like to keep things interesting here on the homefront!

I hope you're having nice weather where you are.  If the temperatures do rise this week, I'll have to break out my "shorty" (capris) pants.  Doing so, will show how pasty white I've become over the winter - not a good look I assure you.


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spending Money with Benjamin!


Yesterday, I took Benjamin to see the movie "Zootopia".  Cost of admission?  Most of a twenty dollar bill.  Popcorn and soda?  There went ten dollars.  I have some kind of "mentalness" that makes me have to have popcorn and coke when I'm at the movies.  Of course, this makes going to the movies almost a large ticket item.

For a 2:00 movie on a Saturday afternoon, there were a lot of people in the theater.  Annoying lady in the front row who had her phone lit up most of the movie.  If, you're going to go to the movies, and invest the time and money, the least you could/should do is watch that movie.  Sound like a cranky old woman?  Yes I know that sounds like me!

After the movie, we went to the yogurt shop next door.  So many different flavors to choose from.  I think Benjamin had six different flavors, while I stuck to just three.  You pay by weight, so another ten dollars flew out the window.  The yogurt, however, was reaaaaaaaaaly good.  

The rest of the day Benjamin and I watched movies, some of which I've seen countless times.  At least he didn't pick out a Shrek movie for us to watch.  I've seen Shrek movies so many times, I think I probably know most of the dialog!

Benjamin and I also went on line to buy his birthday present.  His birthday is in April and Jeff and I will be away.  Benjamin had a special toy that he wanted, so I bought it and he'll be getting his present early.

It's always fun to have Benjamin come and stay.  His visits are always filled with dance, song and boy noise.  Oh and chocolate milk and Pop Tarts!  There's no particular reason to eat healthy when staying at Mom-Mom's house.  Spoiling is the name of the game.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Time with Benjamin


Yesterday, Stacey brought Benjamin to the house for a two night sleepover.  Sleep being the operative word, as in not so much.  Playtime however is in high gear.  There is a movie playing while Benjamin does his own dance moves and pulls out toys from all their hiding spots.  I don't have a problem with toy clutter in the den.  The only proviso is that he must make sure their is at least a small walking path for me!

We bought Benjamin a big boy sleeping bag for Christmas.  When it was time (actually overtime) for bed, he took the sofa cushions off the sofa in our bedroom and put his sleeping bag on top of the cushions.  Apparently, he didn't sleep too well, something about the cushions and/or the sleeping bag.  We'll see how tonight's sleeping goes.

Benjamin was up before me (shocker I know) and he had his usual breakfast when he comes to stay.  Chocolate milk and Pop Tarts.  He eats this while he watches one of the many movies we have here for him to watch.  I'm fine watching every movie with him, once or even fourteen times, as long as we don't have to watch Shrek!!!  I know before he goes home tomorrow, we'll be watching Shrek at some point.  When it's time for a movie, I always tell him we can watch anything but Shrek, and he giggles as the Shrek movie begins to play.  We have played out this scenario many times, and it never gets old for either of us.

This afternoon, I'm taking Benjamin to see the movie "Zootopia".  I'm pleased that there is a children's movie playing in the theaters.  Sometimes when he visits, there is simply nothing even remotely suitable for a young boy.  Of course, there will be popcorn and soda, because it's an unwritten law that you can't watch a movie without the consumption of popcorn and soda.

Benjamin is fighting an infection, so outside play isn't in the cards, unless the temperature outside begins to rise.  Before the day is over, I'm sure the foam blocks will come downstairs and buildings and roads will be built.  Hint for all parents and grandparents - buy foam blocks.  We have a very large plastic box for the blocks, and Benjamin never ceases to love playing with them.  The buildings fall over and nobody gets hurt, not the furniture, me or the dogs.  The blocks are something Benjamin never gets tired of playing with.

I also bought bunny rabbit cookies to bake.  These are the ones that come in little blocks of dough.  You break them apart, bake and can be iced or not.  I know that's the lazy way of baking cookies, but it's fast and you get instant (or almost) gratification in 18-20 minutes!

Time for me to get my rear in gear and get something done.



Friday, March 4, 2016

Mister Sam


Yesterday, Jeff and I took Mister Sam to the vet because of our concern mainly about how much water he drinks (lots) and that his skin is itchy and he can't stop biting or scratching.  We were bracing ourselves to hear bad news, but in fact received pretty good news.

They did blood work ($$), skin scraping ($$), urinalysis ($$) and we paid for them to cut his nails (worth every penny because we didn't have to do it).  The vet showed us Sam's blood work results, and a red color in a square represented a higher than normal (i.e., red or white blood cells, etc.) number.  Sam only had a few red squares!!  The vet told us that (if were in Judge Judy's courtroom, she'd say this was hearsay!!), for a dog of Sam's age, he was in good health.

The vet believed, and so do we, that Sam has a yeast infection, which makes him itchy, so he bites and scratches relentlessly.  We now have him on an antibiotic three times a day as well as some special shampoo ($$) to use on him twice a week.

When we first married, a hundred years ago or so, we had a $250 limit on how much we would pay a vet to care for our dog.  Okay, fast forward to present day, and we have had to up, a great deal, how much we're willing to pay.  You can't walk into a clinic these days, without the sound of coins hitting the counter as you sign in.  And yes, in case you're wondering, Sam's bill yesterday was over $250, but it was worth it.  We now know that he's in good health and once we get the itching condition to stop, he'll be good to go.  

Pilling Sam is a bit tricky, but luckily he will eat a piece of cheese with the tiny pill tucked inside.  As I type, he's sleeping on the vent by my desk.  Oh, and he's not scratching - that's a good thing.  


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Going to the Bahamas!


Yipee for me.  Jeff and I are flying to the Bahamas for the annual spring trip that is planned by members of COPA (Cirrus Owners Pilots Association) each year.  The last time we went to the Bahamas was in 2012, but while the location was ideal, the weather was not.  

We were only able to be out on the beach one day and had to shorten our stay by two days because of severe weather coming in. Little planes don't do well with lightening and if you can avoid flying in that kind of weather you should.  Even though we left early, rain followed us all the way to Florida.  

And, of course I "crashed and burned" in 2013.   He did go to migration in 2014 and 2015, but I stayed home, by choice.

The annual migrations are geared more for the pilots, lectures, etc.  They do have some things planned for the wives, but for the most part it's pilots talking to pilots talking about planes.  Jeff, like all the other pilots, love migration.  They get to meet their old friends, make new ones and attend numerous lectures on piloty (nope it's not a word) stuff.

This year's spring break trip is back to the Bahamas, but at a different location.  The pictures show white, clean sand and a bright blue clear ocean.  My idea of heaven would be a chair, a drink with an umbrella in it (even if it's just water, the umbrella is important) and my Kindle.  

We will leave Frederick on the 20th headed to Florida.  That evening there will be a dinner and a pre-flight briefing for the pilots.  After breakfast the next morning, we will begin our flight to paradise.  Just look at that picture.  Even though it's going to be expensive, how could we resist?  

We will fly home on Sunday, which will be a long day in the plane.  Thankfully, I can generally fall asleep in the plane.  Jeff, however, has to stay awake - that's super important!



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...