Saturday, March 5, 2016

Time with Benjamin


Yesterday, Stacey brought Benjamin to the house for a two night sleepover.  Sleep being the operative word, as in not so much.  Playtime however is in high gear.  There is a movie playing while Benjamin does his own dance moves and pulls out toys from all their hiding spots.  I don't have a problem with toy clutter in the den.  The only proviso is that he must make sure their is at least a small walking path for me!

We bought Benjamin a big boy sleeping bag for Christmas.  When it was time (actually overtime) for bed, he took the sofa cushions off the sofa in our bedroom and put his sleeping bag on top of the cushions.  Apparently, he didn't sleep too well, something about the cushions and/or the sleeping bag.  We'll see how tonight's sleeping goes.

Benjamin was up before me (shocker I know) and he had his usual breakfast when he comes to stay.  Chocolate milk and Pop Tarts.  He eats this while he watches one of the many movies we have here for him to watch.  I'm fine watching every movie with him, once or even fourteen times, as long as we don't have to watch Shrek!!!  I know before he goes home tomorrow, we'll be watching Shrek at some point.  When it's time for a movie, I always tell him we can watch anything but Shrek, and he giggles as the Shrek movie begins to play.  We have played out this scenario many times, and it never gets old for either of us.

This afternoon, I'm taking Benjamin to see the movie "Zootopia".  I'm pleased that there is a children's movie playing in the theaters.  Sometimes when he visits, there is simply nothing even remotely suitable for a young boy.  Of course, there will be popcorn and soda, because it's an unwritten law that you can't watch a movie without the consumption of popcorn and soda.

Benjamin is fighting an infection, so outside play isn't in the cards, unless the temperature outside begins to rise.  Before the day is over, I'm sure the foam blocks will come downstairs and buildings and roads will be built.  Hint for all parents and grandparents - buy foam blocks.  We have a very large plastic box for the blocks, and Benjamin never ceases to love playing with them.  The buildings fall over and nobody gets hurt, not the furniture, me or the dogs.  The blocks are something Benjamin never gets tired of playing with.

I also bought bunny rabbit cookies to bake.  These are the ones that come in little blocks of dough.  You break them apart, bake and can be iced or not.  I know that's the lazy way of baking cookies, but it's fast and you get instant (or almost) gratification in 18-20 minutes!

Time for me to get my rear in gear and get something done.



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