Thursday, March 3, 2016

Going to the Bahamas!


Yipee for me.  Jeff and I are flying to the Bahamas for the annual spring trip that is planned by members of COPA (Cirrus Owners Pilots Association) each year.  The last time we went to the Bahamas was in 2012, but while the location was ideal, the weather was not.  

We were only able to be out on the beach one day and had to shorten our stay by two days because of severe weather coming in. Little planes don't do well with lightening and if you can avoid flying in that kind of weather you should.  Even though we left early, rain followed us all the way to Florida.  

And, of course I "crashed and burned" in 2013.   He did go to migration in 2014 and 2015, but I stayed home, by choice.

The annual migrations are geared more for the pilots, lectures, etc.  They do have some things planned for the wives, but for the most part it's pilots talking to pilots talking about planes.  Jeff, like all the other pilots, love migration.  They get to meet their old friends, make new ones and attend numerous lectures on piloty (nope it's not a word) stuff.

This year's spring break trip is back to the Bahamas, but at a different location.  The pictures show white, clean sand and a bright blue clear ocean.  My idea of heaven would be a chair, a drink with an umbrella in it (even if it's just water, the umbrella is important) and my Kindle.  

We will leave Frederick on the 20th headed to Florida.  That evening there will be a dinner and a pre-flight briefing for the pilots.  After breakfast the next morning, we will begin our flight to paradise.  Just look at that picture.  Even though it's going to be expensive, how could we resist?  

We will fly home on Sunday, which will be a long day in the plane.  Thankfully, I can generally fall asleep in the plane.  Jeff, however, has to stay awake - that's super important!



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