Monday, March 21, 2016



The calendar says spring, but the temperature doesn't.  The trees are budding and birds are making nests and noise, but it's still cold.  I know by now that there are only so many perfect days in a year.  Either it's too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry.  We humans are never satisfied.

During the long dreary winter days we long for warmer weather.  Most of love spring, it's a reaffirmation of life.  I have daffodils popping up in flower beds, most of whom were planted many years ago and forgotten.  

Our large oak tree isn't really awake yet.  That tree is the last one to start sprouting buds.  And we'll probably not realize it, but one day we'll walk outside and the tree will be surrounded by green leaves.  

An advantage of spring and summer means that there are no leaves to rake up, blow up, sweep up and pick up.  It wouldn't be so bad if there was a leaf edict that said all leaves must blow down on "x" day.  But no it doesn't work that way.  You start off the fall with a few leaves and you pick them up.  And then there are more leaves than you can reasonably pick up all at once.  Or at least that's true for me.  Jeff blows the leaves into a pile and my job is to pick them up and stuff them into lawn bags.  

Tomorrow will be warmer and then on Wednesday and Thursday we'll have 70 degree weather.  It's important that the weather on those days is good because our solar panels are being installed on those days.  And, they can't install the panels in the rain.

Since I didn't do it yesterday, because I was just being lazy, this morning I have washed all the dishes that I used to cook my food in on Saturday.  To be fair, I did soak those dishes, but decided that I have nothing but time so why not wait until today?  I'm happy to report that they are all scrubbed up and in the dishwasher as I write.  

The next thing on my agenda for this week is to make sure that there is toilet paper and a towel in the basement bathroom.  I don't want the workers to traipse through my house for two days.  Jeff will be taking Wednesday and Thursday off to supervise the job.  I'm glad he's doing that, because I wouldn't know a good install from a bad one.

Last year when we were having so much trouble with our air conditioner, I continually was patted on my head and told "don't worry, we fixed it, it'll be fine."  And it wasn't.  Funny thing though that when Jeff came home during one such repair visit, there was a whole different story being told.  End of story - we ended up having to buy a new air conditioner!  When men are talking to men a lot of monkey business is cut short and the problem and solution is resolved quickly.  

If the weather warms up this week, it will be a perfect time to take the new car out for a spin.  I have yet to really enjoy the wind whipping through my hair on a sunny day.  Since I generally don't care what my hair looks like, getting it all mussed up in the name of brain clearing doesn't bother me at all.



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