Wednesday, March 16, 2016

30th Anniversary!


If you're thinking I'm talking about a wedding anniversary, you'd be wrong.  Jeff and I have been married for 41 years and counting.  Nope, I'm talking about the cross country trek we made in 1986 from California to Maryland to live.

We had an early morning flight out of LAX and had made hotel reservations at a hotel near by.  We pulled into the hotel, got the kids and dog out of the car, plus all the luggage and headed for the reservation desk.  The clerk took one look at the dog, and said that we could all stay, but the dog (Devon), could not.  She didn't care what we did with him, just that he wasn't going to be a guest.  We were talking one night and it was already late and we were leaving at the crack of dawn.

We loaded everybody and everything back into the car (maybe it was a van, I can't remember) and headed for another hotel.  We were able to get room in "the inn" at the Marriott, who didn't care that we were bringing in a dog.  Not only were they magnanimous in their service, they also called ahead to the Gaithersburg Marriott to make sure that we had connecting rooms, etc.  A very nice touch.

Going to the airport in those days was pretty easy compared to now.  No screenings, no taking shoes off, nothing like that.  Just before we boarded the plane, we put Devon, who with the help of a sleeping pill, was put in his crate and put in the cargo area.

Our carry-on luggage was a bit more than usual.  Each of the boys had their own individual carry-on, equipped with small things to keep them amused (hopefully) during the long flight.  Jeff and I each had bags, plus an extra bag of all the important papers we needed and didn't feel could be trusted adequately in a suitcase.

When we landed in Maryland, it was cold.  Remember, we were coming from California.  We lined up at the curb with everybody else waiting for the car rental shuttle.  Nobody would let us on.  I guess it was too much to take in - five people, one drugged dog, a mound of suitcases and hand luggage.  At one point, when the shuttle arrived, Jeff just got in the doorway before everybody else, and we were finally able to get on and have a seat.

Our ride from the airport to Gaithersburg, filled the boys with amazement.  They had never or seldom seen trees (oak, maple, etc.).  Their world, up to that point, had been filled with palm trees and a tan or brown landscape.  Arriving in Maryland, they were amazed at how green everything was.

We stayed at the Marriott, with adjoining rooms.  The hotel had put out gift baskets for us as well as a dog basket for Devon.  Talk about feeling at home.  We certainly did.

I don't remember exactly how long we stayed in the hotel, while we were waiting for our furniture to arrive, but it was a pleasant stay.  And the boys loved eating all their meals in restaurants or at McDonald's!

There might have been a time when California looked more like home, but that time has long since passed.  In the years since we've been here, both Jeff's and my parents have passed away.  My sister lives in California and Jeff has a half-sister and half-brother there as well.  

Maryland has been home to us for a very long time.  The boys are here as well as Benjamin, which are several good reasons to stay put.


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