Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spending Money with Benjamin!


Yesterday, I took Benjamin to see the movie "Zootopia".  Cost of admission?  Most of a twenty dollar bill.  Popcorn and soda?  There went ten dollars.  I have some kind of "mentalness" that makes me have to have popcorn and coke when I'm at the movies.  Of course, this makes going to the movies almost a large ticket item.

For a 2:00 movie on a Saturday afternoon, there were a lot of people in the theater.  Annoying lady in the front row who had her phone lit up most of the movie.  If, you're going to go to the movies, and invest the time and money, the least you could/should do is watch that movie.  Sound like a cranky old woman?  Yes I know that sounds like me!

After the movie, we went to the yogurt shop next door.  So many different flavors to choose from.  I think Benjamin had six different flavors, while I stuck to just three.  You pay by weight, so another ten dollars flew out the window.  The yogurt, however, was reaaaaaaaaaly good.  

The rest of the day Benjamin and I watched movies, some of which I've seen countless times.  At least he didn't pick out a Shrek movie for us to watch.  I've seen Shrek movies so many times, I think I probably know most of the dialog!

Benjamin and I also went on line to buy his birthday present.  His birthday is in April and Jeff and I will be away.  Benjamin had a special toy that he wanted, so I bought it and he'll be getting his present early.

It's always fun to have Benjamin come and stay.  His visits are always filled with dance, song and boy noise.  Oh and chocolate milk and Pop Tarts!  There's no particular reason to eat healthy when staying at Mom-Mom's house.  Spoiling is the name of the game.


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