Sunday, March 20, 2016

Luncheon Review


Yesterday, Jeff and I had friends over for lunch.  Lunch was the reason we all got together, but was not the highlight of the day.  Over munchies and wine (perfectly colored wine to be exact), we sat at the kitchen table and talked forever.  

We swapped stories, some embellished, others that were "you couldn't make this stuff up" and enjoyed the sound of laughter.  They say laughter is the best medicine and I know it's true.  Too often the worries and stress of your life, get in the way of laughing till you cry.  

I had been looking forward to the lunch.  I had planned my menu and even "dusted" (alright I flicked a rag over some furniture that was at just the right height.  Not too high or too low.  Why on earth would I want to get down on my knees and dust the legs of the coffee table?  The real problem with that is once I'm down on the ground, I'm like a beached whale - can't get up.  There is nothing so sad, and funny actually, about a grown woman crawling around the floor until she/I can get to a piece of furniture that allows me to stand up!  

I also considered the fact that most people don't look at furniture legs.  Why would they?  The legs just hold up the top where I place my objects 'd art.  Or, in simpler terms, pictures of Benjamin and the occasional clown.

Jeff cooked country style ribs with our homemade sauce.  Too delicious for words.  I have never gone to a restaurant and ordered ribs.  They're too messy and the only ribs being served in restaurants are the kind with bones and very little meat.  I'm a carnivore.  I don't want to gnaw on some old bone.  

When you are preparing food to be served to guests, there is always in the back of your mind (or mine at least), that there will be something wrong with your food.  Since I'm more of a laid back cook, who measures sometimes, but mostly doesn't, I always have a bit of trepidation when serving my food.  I know the recipes I use are solid.  They are all tried and true and family favorites.  I don't have the time (actually I do have the time), but not the inclination to waste time on so-so recipes.  In my recipe collection, there are no icky, or good for you - but taste like a paper bag recipes.

I don't have to think about what Jeff and I are eating today.  We're doing 'tovers' (leftovers to the rest of you) for our lunch/dinner tonight.  I generally have pizza on Sunday night.  I think of Sunday as my day off from cooking.  

I want to thank everyone who came to the house and for sharing bits and pieces of their stories.  I had too, as usual, throw Jeff under the bus when it came time to talk about the philosophy class we took together.  While it's true that we were both in the class, there was only one of us who did the work the majority of the time.  (Insert happy face here).

Until next time Alums and Chums.

Hugs to you.


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