Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spring Is Here


I know you are probably checking the calendar for the "official" first day of spring, which is on the 20th.  But today, while I was on my pee and poop morning watch outside, it felt like spring.  

It makes me want to put the snow shovels in the basement and though physically limited, play in the dirt.  Last year I was able to put in new plants by sitting in a lawn chair and using a child's shovel, dug out a hole.  Probably more interesting to watch, than actually doing it.  Oh, to have sons still at home!

I don't think it's quite warm enough to start opening up windows, but I am tempted.  We keep one of our bedroom windows open 24/7 all year long.  In the winter, we don't have the window opened up quite as much as we do at this time of year.  Besides, with the blinds and windows open, Mister Sam (who can't see much of anything because of his cataracts), can stare out and make sure we're safe.

Benjamin is coming for a sleepover on Friday.  We bought him a sleeping bag for Christmas and he hasn't been able to use it, since it was more or less intended to be used at Mom-Mom's house.  We have a spare bedroom, which actually has an empty bed, but he won't sleep in it.  When he was a toddler, we bought him a nap "sleeping bag".  Their was a built-in pillow and once he slipped inside, you could throw the sheet over him.  This was fine when he was 3 or 4 years old, but he outgrew it a long time ago.  And, though he would like to, sleeping in our bed is no longer an option.  Between Jeff and I, Maggie and Mister Sam, there isn't room for anyone or anything else in the bed!

Perhaps this afternoon, I can sit on the porch swing and watch the world go by.  At the top of a cul-de-sac, there is very little activity to watch, unless you count squirrels!

Finished watching the Oscars yesterday.  It's amazing how quickly the show goes by if you (a) skip all the commercials; (b) skip all the acceptance speeches; and finally (c) skip the songs that were sung.  I did enjoy Chris Rock passing out Girl Scout cookies for sale in the audience.  If memory serves me right (and it always doesn't), I think he managed to receive $65,000.00!!! Apparently, movie stars must not carry real money like we do - you know, ones, fives, tens and the occasional twenty.  It would take a lot of little money to come up with $65,000!!  Good for him.

Image result for picture of a smile
Today is National Peanut Butter Lover's day, as well as Share a Smile Day.  


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