Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Happy Birthday


Today is Andrew's birthday.  He is our youngest son and it was a joy to watch him grow up.  Since he and Scott are only 18 months apart, the two of them were very close and what one didn't manage to think of, the other did!

Through the years, the boys looked out for one another.  I can remember our first Easter here.  We took the boys to an Easter Egg Hunt at a local park.  Scott was having trouble finding eggs, so Andrew helped him and even shared some of his eggs with him.

When the boys were in elementary school, they rode a school bus.  I had an understanding with my bosses at the time, that I would come into work once I knew the boys were on their way.  One morning, as the boys were walking down the street, a neighbor's boy decided it would be fun to kick at Scott's heels.  I was furious and sad all at the same time.  Andrew stepped in and the poking fun at Scott was stopped.

In high school, the boys entered into a competition for some kind of remote aerial balloon (I'm sure that's not the name, but I can't think of anything else.  Together, and with a little help from Jeff, they began building this enormous silver bubble (for lack of a better word) in the garage.  The competition was held in the south (I can't remember which state) and the boys went down to compete.  While at the competition they met Alan Alda, who was one of the judges. (Jeff, I know I may have some of these facts wrong, so bear with me).

Also while in high school, the boys began to do computer repair work.  They worked on neighbors' computers through word of mouth. They also did some computer work while at school.  

During Andrew's last year in high school, the local colleges came to do a meet and great with the seniors.  Andrew didn't want to be a small fish in a big school.  He wanted to be a big fish in a small school.  He graduated from high school with honors and was awarded a small scholarship. The college that got mot of his attention was a small college called Villa Julie. The college didn't have dorms, so if he went there, he would have to be in an apartment, but the college was close enough for him to come home frequently.

In order to get into Villa Julie, Andrew had to complete an application and write an essay.  If my memory serves me correct, and heaven knows I could be wrong, he wrote about the things he would take if he was stuck on a deserted island.  Andrew had never gotten the "driving bug", so Scott drove him to Villa Julie, so that Andrew could take some entrance exams.  Turns out, that he was awarded a small scholarship from the college for doing so well on his exams.

Andrew was going to do a double major while in school.  One major was computer science and unfortunately, I can't remember what the second major was, but perhaps it was business administration.  At the end of four years, Andrew was graduating with two degrees.  The Dean told Andrew that he could only have one diploma.  He held his ground and told the Dean that since he had earned two degrees, he wanted two diplomas.  He got two diplomas!

Also, while in college, Andrew suggested to Scott that they form a company to do computer work.  He wanted the name of the company to be one of the first in a phone book (remember those?), and he chose 4A Computing, Inc.  The four stands for: Andrew, Scott, Jeff and a longtime friend Ken. While Andrew is and was the President, over the course of the past 19 years, Scott primarily runs the company and does the work.  The only advertising we do is yearly magnets to customers.  Andrew was right in thinking that if they could get the word out there that they did computer work, people would come.  The work started small and today 4A serves a fairly large number of people, as well as a few companies.  Andrew was the brains behind 4A and it has turned out to be a profitable company.

And, then there's Benjamin, Andrew's son.  Benjamin, our only grandchild, is the absolute best.  And, I know every grandparent feels that way.  Andrew married Stacey, who is a wonderful daughter-in-law, who also happens to be a great Mom to Benjamin.

Two years ago (again memory), Andrew built a beautiful home in Virginia on some acreage.  There is a lot of land for Benjamin as well as for the two large dogs they own.  Andrew knew he didn't want to live in a house, like we do, with neighbors close by.  

So 35 years ago, we brought home a new baby and today we are proud of the man that he has become.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Checkbooks - Remember These?


There was a time, and some of you may even remember that time, when you paid for your purchases by check.  During those oldie days, people actually carried around a small checkbook and after each purchase, dutifully filled in the appropriate information: the date, name of the store and amount.  And, once a month, if you were super organized, the checkbook ledger was used to balance your bank account.  

I can remember very distinctly going to the grocery store and paying for them by check.  In those days, almost everybody wrote out checks, so people waiting in line behind you, waited patiently.  Sadly, those days are gone, and I'm not just talking about writing checks, but people being patient.  These days, you'd better have your credit card handy to pay for your purchases as quickly as possible.  Delays in the line might possibly start a minor revolt!

In 1950, the Diner's Club card was used for the first time.  By 1951, 20,000 people had a Diner's Club card.  According to its archivist, American Express was formed in 1850. It  specialized in deliveries as a competitor to the U.S. Postal Service, money orders (1882) and traveler's checks, which the company invented in 1891. The company discussed creating a travel charge card as early as 1946, but it was the launch of the rival Diners Club card that put things in motion.

In 1958 the company emerged into the credit card industry with its own product, a purple charge card for travel and entertainment expenses. In 1959, American Express introduced the first card made of plastic (previous cards were made of cardboard or celluloid). American Express soon introduced local currency credit cards in other countries. About 1 million cards were being used at about 85,000 establishments within the first five years, both in and out of the U.S. In the 1990s, the company expanded into an all-purpose card. American Express, or Amex as it often is called, is about to celebrate its 50th credit card anniversary. 

Credit cards associated with banks started in 1966 by Bank of America.  It was also in 1966 that several credit-issuing banks joined together and came up with the MasterCard. Currently, the latest thing happening to credit cards is the EMV compliant chip cards.  My credit cards have these chips, but it took me some time to figure out exactly how and where to put in my credit card. This was probably not a problem for most people, but I liked things the way they were and don't see why we had to switch to something new.

It has been a really long time since I carried a checkbook.  Now a number of people have letter-sized checks that are printed and used to pay bills.  But, not everybody has a printer, so there are a lot of people out there, still writing checks by hand.  Of course, the "gold" standard for paying for purchases in person would be cash.  There are a number of folks who carry very little cash around with them. 

By 1995, the number of checks used to pay bills began a decline.  In place of checks, debit/credit cards are now used by most consumers as their favorite way to make payments. Some 43 percent of the consumers said debit was their preferred method of payment. Another 22 percent preferred using credit cards. A solid 30 percent preferred cash. Checks? Only 3 percent of the people who took part in the Fed study preferred using checks. (Check preference was highly correlated with older consumers.)  I'm an older consumer, but I've mastered the art of paying by credit card (except for that little annoying chip thing).  And with on-line sites like Amazon, you can pay for anything with one click!  How could anything be easier?

Had some light snow last night, so at least the girls aren't coming in with muddy paws, just wet ones.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Catch-Up Sunday


You may, and I hope you did, miss me yesterday.  I didn't blog yesterday, not because I didn't have anything to say, but because of a day full of an event and running errands.  

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see Benjamin in the play "Princess and the Pea".  Benjamin played the part of the Prince, and not to brag, but he was wonderful!  He wore a lovely gold crown and said his lines with no sign of not remembering those lines.  Auntie Kim came to the play also, and it was really nice for us to share this great memory of Benjamin with her.

After the play, all of us went to a Chinese Buffet.  The problem with a buffet is that the urge (actually more than an urge) to overeat is a real possibility.  I had salad and some sweet and sour chicken, which is a favorite of mine.  If you didn't want to eat Chinese food, there was fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, potatoes and anything and everything in between.

Andy insisted that for dessert I try the fried donuts encrusted in sugar.  Okay, I admit it, I'm a sugar fiend, so the possibility of donuts sounded really good to me.  By the way, the donuts were really good.  And, because there was peach cobbler I had some of that too!  Oh, and topped that cobbler off with some ice cream.  Bad day all around for calorie counting, but a great day spent with Andy et al.

After lunch, Jeff and I headed to Costco to get a few things.  One of the things we bought was a very large dog bed that has "leather" bolsters on two sides.  This bed is big enough for just Maggie, and/or both of the girls.  After Costco, our next stop if WalMart.  At WalMart, I had Jeff take my rollator (walker) out of the car.  We spent more time in WalMart and there were several times, when I simply locked the wheels and sat, much like a queen, on her throne.  I thought I would feel self-conscious, but actually I didn't.  I saw a number of people using the store's electric scooters, and was super glad that I didn't have to use one of them.  When I used to use them, I was forever running into people and or end of the aisle displays.  And, that annoying beep-beep when you are backing up, always put my nerves on edge.  With my new device, when I need to go backwards, I simply turn the walker around and head off in a new direction.  While Jeff went through check out, I sat and watched the people go by.

I knew that I only had two choices for shopping yesterday: (a) use my walker thing; or (b) take a pain pill which leaves me sleepy with slurring speech.  I think I made the right choice.  Once we were home, we released the dogs from the basement and boy were they glad to see us.  Since we had both eaten enough at lunch, we decided to just nosh for our evening meal.  Jeff and I eventually found our way into our recliners (love those chairs), and took a quick snooze.  We have been watching the television show "24" on Amazon and are absolutely loving the show.  Why we didn't watch it when it was on the tv, beats the heck out of me.  But, you can really get caught up in each episode and because the story is so action packed, Jeff doesn't get disinterested and fall asleep.

Happy Sunday.  Possibility of a little snow for us later tonight.  


Friday, January 27, 2017

Time is Everything!


I have been cooking for nearly 50 years.  I know that's pretty accurate because this summer I'm going to my 50th high school reunion and I've been married to Jeff for 42 years.  So let's just say I know my way around the kitchen.  I may not always like it there, but I'm not a novice.

Two days ago, I did something that was downright scary.  That was the day I had fallen and I took a pain pill, which I don't do very often.  While Jeff was fixing the majority of the dinner, I decided to pop a bag of frozen veggies in the microwave.  In my "altered" state, instead of setting the microwave for 5 minutes, I set it for 55 minutes.  I went and sat back down because my part of "fixing" the dinner was done.

And then I/we began to smell something burning and smoke started to fill up the kitchen.  By setting the microwave for such a long time, I had accidentally put my bag of veggies on fire.  We opened up all the windows and obviously those veggies were toast.  I was stunned that I had made such a stupid mistake.  There IS a reason why the pill bottle says "do not drive" after taking a pill.  Perhaps, it should also say "stay away from the microwave and oven" too!

All of my life I have operated on a schedule of being early to absolutely everything.  I don't want to be that person who gets to a movie or play late, and have to crawl over everybody's feet to get to my seat.  Just the thought of that makes me shudder.  I am also always armed with either my Kindle, a real book or a crossword puzzle book.  If you're early, then you have time on your hands, and you need to be able to do something.  I would take my knitting, but my knitting efforts don't exactly look good enough to take out in public.  Something about big holes and dropped stitches!

Since I'm retired, it's pretty easy for time to get away from me.  My excuse is that I can put "x" off until tomorrow, or even next month, because nobody will know if I've done it.  I can't put off laundry and dishes, because obviously not only Jeff but I will run out of clothes and plates.  But, dusting is a completely different story.  I don't have company just dropping by unexpectedly to visit AND in my irrational mind, if you don't MOVE anything, then the dust isn't really visible.  By the way, this is a falsehood, because after enough time of not dusting, it becomes pretty obvious that you need to do so.

When I'm looking on Google for directions to someplace I haven't been before, I inwardly chuckle when I'm told it's a mere 30 minutes away.  Yes, it's 30 minutes away, WITHOUT traffic.  When you factor in traffic, particularly during commute times, it's going to take you a whole lot longer to get to where you need to be.  I try and make my appointments well after or before rush hours.  It is a perk of being able to schedule your appointments without needing to check with someone else in the office.  And, once you're retired, you need all the perks you can get!

Since my knees are still sore from taking my graceful dive earlier this week, finishing the floor today is off the table.  But, I do need to do some shredding and filing.  Oh, and laundry.  But because this is Friday, I don't have to cook.  On Friday's Jeff buys tacos for dinner.  The tacos aren't as good as we used to get in California, but they are edible and the best part is that SOMEONE else fixes them!

Have a great Friday.


Image result for picture of time flying by

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Susie Housekeeper!


Yesterday, I decided that I needed to do something "big" in the house.  By big I mean a big chore, and in particular, I decided to mop old school the hall.  The downstairs hall seems to be a favorite tinkling spot for Daisy.  Will I ever be able to train her?  She is every bit as stubborn as Sam was, who was a terrier.

Armed with a bucket of soapy water, a toothbrush for crooks and cranny's and a rag, I went to work.  Now I know I have difficulty with the getting up and down from the floor, but I brought in a sturdy stool to act as my "legs" when I decided to get up.  I also used a thick rug for my knees.  See how I thought this through?

Things were going swimmingly and I was making good progress in the hall.  I was only making good progress because it was muddy outside, and before the floor could dry, it was covered in muddy paw prints.  The joys of owning dogs!

I had washed the floor almost to the kitchen, where I promised myself a break.  And then it happened.  I lost my footing before I managed to get to my stool, and down I went.  Unfortunately, this was bad on several levels.  First, I had fallen and I hate that feeling you get when you know you're going down.  Second, the bucket was still half-full of water, which went everywhere.  And to add an additional insult, the water the spewed out of the bucket was dirty water.  I managed to grab hold of the bathroom rug which I used to quickly sop up most of the water.  By now I have a sore body, a half-finished floor and a super dirty rug.  Progress?  Not so much.

After righting myself, I sat down to catch my breath and to send Jeff a note that I'd fallen, but did manage to get back up.  I was looking for sympathy in all the right places!

I took the by now soaking rug and put it in the washing machine.  I have pretty much given up on rugs with latex backings.  Why?  Because if you wash those rugs more than once or twice, the latex starts coming off in the washing machine.  While they cost a bit more, double-sided cotton rugs is all that I buy now. 

My body was sore and I could almost feel the bruises popping up on my knees and arms, so I took a pain pill.  I seldom take anything for pain, because I generally think I can tough it out.  This time I knew that the pain I was feeling, wasn't going to go away anytime soon.  I put the dirty and soaking rug into the washing machine, and plunked myself down in my recliner.

When Jeff got home, I hadn't started dinner.  But, Jeff took care of dinner.  I thanked him so very much for doing this.  He asked me if I had taken a pill and when I confirmed that I had, he said he could tell because my speech was a little slurry.  Which is why you don't take a pain pill and then try and drive a car.  

After dinner, Jeff took Daisy with him for a walk.  Daisy has never been on a leash before and she fought him hard for most of the walk.  Daisy did like being outside and getting a chance to smell new stuff.  Jeff said her body was wiggling every which way.  Hopefully, the next time she goes for a walk, it will be a bit easier.

Today's challenge?  Mop the kitchen floor and keeping my fingers crossed that I can remain sitting and/or kneeling at all times.

Have a good day.


Image result for picture of floor mopping on your knees

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Beautiful Day


Today is gorgeous.  Blue sky and minimal wind.  Maybe, and I think it's a stretch, the mud that the girls keep tracking in, will dry up and then I'll only have dusty, rather than muddy paw prints

I survived the dental appointment.  I have a tooth that apparently needs to be taken out and replaced with an implant.  I have had implants before and they are a bit pricey.  I told the dentist that since the tooth wasn't bothering me at this point, I was going to do nothing.  I'm using the old theory that if it "ain't broken, don't fix it"!

After I got home, I went upstairs and started shampooing the carpet.  My machine doesn't nearly do as well as a commercial machine, but it's good enough for the moment.  If, and I hope it's soon, the girls really get the hang of going outside to do their business, then I'll bring in a company to professionally clean.  Until then, my shampooer will just have to do.

Jeff has started walking after dinner.  I'd go with him and take one of the dogs, but walking in the dark is just too scary for me.  With my luck, I'd trip over some hole and end up on my bottom, which I can assure you nobody wants to see!

Our downstairs freezer is full, really full.  I told Jeff that we were going to have to start fixing food from the bottom of the freezer up to the top.  I have put a temporary freeze on buying frozen food, until we've made some progress in eating what we already own.  Besides, when I dig down to the bottom, it's amazing what I find down there.  The odd chicken pot pie, a burrito frozen in ice, that when thawed, tastes like wet cardboard. Forgotten popsicles as well as Lean Cuisine dinners from a time when we were pretty serious about watching what we ate.

Last night it was fish that I pulled out and even though I think it had been in the freezer for sometime, it cooked up and tasted pretty good.  Today is hamburger and I haven't a clue what I'm going to do with it.  Guess I'll think of something before Jeff comes home.

This is not a picture of our freezer, but you get the idea!

Image result for picture of freezer full of food

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Dentist - Ugh


There are few places and/or procedures that fill me with dread, besides the dentist.  I hate the lectures, floss and floss some more.  I'm just not a floss kind of gal.  Today it's just a cleaning, but they always seem to find some cavity lurking in the background.  And if you have the cavity filled, they have to bring out the drill.  I hate the drill.  I think most of us baby boomers grew up with a completely different dental experience, than kids today are experiencing.  

We took the boys, at an early age, to a children's dentist and they loved it. Smaller chairs and tools hidden out of sight.  As a child and even in my 20's, the drill always hung ominously close by.  Drilling doesn't actually hurt after you've gone numb, but the sound and sometimes the smell brings me to tears.  I know I'm a "fraidy" cat.  My dentist knows this too, and will give me a short rest when he's drilling.

I am only allowed two cleanings a year with our dental plan.  For somebody like me, I need to get my teeth cleaned about every three months.  I joke with the dentist that I'd rather have all of my teeth pulled out and implants put in their place!  Drastic sounding I know and my dentist isn't in favor of my doing that - and the insurance company wouldn't pay for it.  Just a thought.

While I'm gone, I'll leave the dogs in the basement with the doggy door so they can go outside.  By the way, my little electronic clicker thingy seems to be working.  It makes enough noise that the girls stop what they're doing, which is sort of the idea.  If they're outside barking and I use the clicker, they come running and are rewarded with a treat.  They know by now what the clicker looks like and I pretty much just have to carry it around the house and their behavior becomes quite good.

After yesterday's rain, today is full of sunshine.  It's easier to be happier when the weather outside is bright and sunny.  Just getting the mail yesterday, I got really wet.  I don't exactly know why I feel the need to rush to get the mail.  It's not like I'm expecting a check for a million dollars or anything.  I'm just interested in the mail, which falls into two categories: (a) junk mail; and (b) bills.  Now why would I get excited about either of those things?  I have no answer to that question.

Have a wonderful and great day.  Today will be in the 50's and then by Saturday in the 30's.  Mother Nature apparently can't make up her mind - it's either winter - or it's not.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Winnie the Pooh Day


It's a very dark, rainy, windy day outside.  Basically, a Winnie the Pooh kind of day.  Some of Benjamin's lightweight toys are moving back and forth on the front porch.  That movement makes just enough noise to wake slumbering dogs - which is too bad!

Jeff's last three day weekend is over until Memorial Day.  That extra day off is so good for him.  He and the girls managed to get in a number of mid-day snoozes over the weekend.  Speaking of snoozes, after my breakfast this morning, I sat in my recliner with Bella on my lap, and we "rested"!

Over the weekend, my ultrasonic dog repeller and trainer device arrived.  I bought it to stop some bad behaviors, like chewing on my couch, dog fighting and barking outside.  The reviews on Amazon were pretty good and I have to tell you this thing does work.  You can either push the audible button, which both you and the dogs can hear, or the inaudible one that emits a tone only they can hear.

They already know what the device looks like, probably because I carry it with me everywhere.  A few minutes ago, they were outside barking at the neighbor's dog, who for whatever reason can not go into his backyard without barking.  His barking, obviously starts our dogs.  I went to the living room window, and pressed the audible alarm.  It worked.  The girls came running into the house like their little tails were on fire.  They were, of course, rewarded for coming in.  It's not perfect, but it does grab the girl's attention and they stop doing whatever nonsense they've gotten themselves into.  I wish I had bought it sooner - maybe that would have saved the den couch from turning into a "chew toy"!

I'm looking at the time and I'm going to make my blog short, because I've just got to get some stuff done.  


Image result for picture of winnie the pooh on a windy day

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Purged, Merged and Shred


Sounds a bit like a rock group doesn't it?  But in fact, it all relates to paperwork, and lots of paperwork!

Forty-two years ago, by today's standards, everything was smaller, from our paychecks to our bills.  Our house payment initially as only $200 and compared to our house payment today, seems less like a house payment and more like petty cash.

In 1974, identity theft hadn't yet become a "thing".  We randomly tossed out mail, which had our name/address on them.  Why not?  It's not like somebody was going to dig through the trash and find a catalog or some junk mail with our name on it, would they?

Of course, 1974 was a pre-computer and pre-internet time.  People couldn't Google you and find out some bits and pieces of your life.  Everything you wrote, be it on Facebook, on a blog or email could be, and often was, subject to scrutiny by some unsavory character.  Said character(s) missions in life are to: (a) put a virus (which used to mean you needed antibiotics) on your computer; and (b) pick up random but useful information about you.  Information they can and do use to their advantage, sometimes really messing with your life.

When I get an email from a person or company that I don't know, I never open them.  I forward them to Jeff who is much more computer savvy than me (ya think?) and he takes care of the email.  Nine times out of ten, those emails aren't harmful, but then there's that old 10% that could be and often does spell trouble.

Yesterday, it was rainy and cold outside.  It was a perfect day for me to: purge, merge and shred paper. By now identity theft has become a real problem and we shred any junk mail that shows our name and address. Credit card applications are a definite shred item.  It would be much too easy for the "bad guys" to garner the necessary information to fill out the application, using our name and information, but using their address.

There was a time, when we kept everything.  Paid bills, expired insurance policies, folders on cars we haven't owned in a very long time.  Well, you get the idea.  While Jeff was doing accounting work, I gathered up paperwork by the handfuls, and started sorting them into piles.  There was paperwork that needed to be purged and/or merged into pre-existing folders.  The biggest pile, of course, was the shred pile.  I started going through said folders, and pulling out paid bills from oh I don't know, several years ago!  I don't recall when we started saving out utility bills, for example.  Pretty sure that we were never going to have to go back a year to prove we'd paid a bill!  But still we (I) dutifully saved and filed them.  And, then yesterday, I opened up some of those folders, and began to toss papers into the shred trashcan, and yes we have one, doesn't everybody?  I was relentless.  I was brazen enough to toss out even the paid 2015 bills.  Horrors.  Of course, by the end of my paper shuffling, the shred trashcan is full, and my next tax is shredding. 

I am sentimental, so I keep anything and everything that is a good memory.  I keep all of my memories in my hope chest, which by now is getting rather full!  I have no immediate plans, or for that matter, any long term plans, to clean out the hope chest.  My memories are in one place and not in the way.  When I can't stuff another thing into the chest, then I can either (a) buy a second hope chest; and/or (b) start to pull out my memories and I guess throw them away.  I can tell you that option (a) is preferred.  I like knowing where my wedding dress is, where Benjamin's coming home from the hospital outfit is as well as his first pair of crocks, that are so tiny.

I don't see myself as a horder, but more of a keeper. When everything else in your life is turned upside down, you still have your memories.  I have very little recall of 2013, and that's a good thing.  But, not being able to remember nine months of your life, can be very disturbing.  I know the actions that I took, but I can't remember much after that.  I can tell you what my prom dress looked like in 1967, but what I ate for lunch a week ago, or even a few days ago, is next impossible for me to recall.

Since it's so nasty outside, it's likely that Jeff and I will end up in his office, each of us doing our own thing, such as closing out the books on 2016.  And since we have two companies, once the books are done, get that information to the accountant.  Meanwhile, I'll content myself with processing and/or tossing paperwork.

I hope your Sunday involves something more fun than paperwork and shredding!  By the way, our office doesn't look "exactly" like this, but you get the idea!


PImage result for picture of messy office

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Day After the "Big Day"


Yesterday, I binged watched the inauguration parade.  Okay, I didn't really binge watch, because the Tivo allowed me to skip the parts of the day that I wasn't really interested in.  Jeff and I both enjoyed the marching bands in the parade.  Jeff was in a marching band while he was in school, so he was quick to point out a raggedy line of band members.

I watched a few minutes of one of the balls.  Melania was very pretty and both her earrings and engagement/wedding ring were good-sized.  Mrs. Pence looked very pretty in her bright blue dress.  She makes me think of a wonderful mother and/or grandmother, which is a wonderful thing.

I checked the news this morning and saw that the Obama's plane had to be diverted to an Air Force Base in California, due to heavy rains.  They then had to take a car(s) to Palm Springs where they are vacationing.

So the 20th was a day of firsts and lasts.  Jeff and I were both a bit choked up when President Obama stopped waving at the airport and went inside the plane.  I know we haven't heard the last of Obama and his wife, so we'll just have to wait and see what their next act looks like.

Ugly, rainy gray day.  Not a particularly great day for the Women's March in Washington.  I guess on the plus side, it's not hot.

Enjoy your Saturday.



Friday, January 20, 2017

It's "I" Day


Yes my friends, it's "D" day, or more accurately I should say "I" day.  This is the day, in my opinion, so please don't send me hate responses, that dignity and grace are walking out of the White House.  What's coming into the White House is unknown, but the next four years will likely be a series of ups and downs mixed with good and bad times.

We can't change what's been decided.  So using the phrase "can't we all just get along", that will be my motto (at least publicly).   I've set my Tivo to record today's proceedings.  By recording the day's events, I can fast forward through events that don't interest me.  

The Washington Post had an entire special part of the paper totally devoted to Trump.  I will keep this, just as I kept the Life Magazine dedicated to Kennedy and his assassination.  I'm not saving them to later put them on Ebay, no just because they are/were a big part of American History.

You may not, but I will miss the Obama's fun and energy.  I mean who else but Mrs. Obama goes to CVS shopping with Ellen?  Or the President dancing on Ellen's show.  

You couldn't pay me enough money to have me go downtown today or tomorrow.  Not even if an alien from Mars was being inaugurated!  Crowds, portable potties, and security, are just a few reasons NOT to go into the city this weekend. 

Years ago, when I was REALLY pregnant, I had the opportunity to watch the Rose Parade from a roof top.  Now my getting up to the roof was an exercise in perseverance.  It happened that my then husband was the manager of the store who's roof we stood/sat on.  We had a birds eye view of everything.  Street vendors, people bundled up to keep warm.  But in thinking back to staying warm, I remind myself we're talking about January in California.  How cold could it have been?  Anyway, it was a once in a lifetime experience.  I could go inside if I wanted and use a real bathroom!  When you're nearly 9 months pregnant, the option of a bathroom is not a luxury, it's a necessity!

So, I'm going to watch history unfold today from the safety of my recliner.  I can arm myself with Diet Coke and/or popcorn, and nap as or when the urge hits me.  The only requirement for napping is making sure that it coincides with the girls' plans!!  Can't nap if those two fools are outside barking their heads off.

It's likely that some or maybe all of you have today off.  If you do, enjoy your long weekend.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Top Sheets, Plastic Bags and Other Unnecessary Stuff


Today is logical Friday because Jeff has tomorrow off.  I know that you're thinking it must be hard to keep track of all of these "special" days, but remember that my brain generally works illogically!

I did some math and realize that over the course of 42 years of marriage, I have made the bed approximately over 15,000 times.  That's a lot of bed making.  I could probably get a career in the hotel industry!

Recently, I washed the top sheet to our bed and after it was dry, didn't put it back on the bed.  I can't speak for Jeff, but I don't miss it.  It always seems like we spend a lot of time wrestling with the top sheet.  It pulls out from the bottom and gets all tangled up.  Blankets and bedspreads seem to stay in place.  Maybe because they're heavier?   For the moment, I'm leaving the sheet off.  We have a duvet that will have to be put on our bed, if really cold weather ever comes.  For now, it's hard to be cold when there are three dogs vying for the best spot on the bed.  More nights than not, I fall asleep to Bella on my feet.  She feels like a 10 pound bag of potatoes!

The other thing that makes little or no sense is plastic bags.  You get them when you shop, unless you're really green and bring a bag of your own.  Why do we save these plastic bags?  I have bags tucked (i.e., stuffed) in the basement in a box.  I have never actually used any of these bags, yet I don't throw them out.  This is really stupid.  I think you should keep some bags, but keeping them all doesn't make sense.  And yet we continue to hoard plastic bags.  I don't think of myself as a hoarder, but more of a keeper!

And I keep plastic and glass jars when they are empty.  Again, keeping some jars or bottles makes sense.  Keeping them all is nonsense!  Certain plastic containers emit a smell even after being washed.  And maybe that's because they weren't really intended to be reused.  What I should do is take stock of my jars and bottles, and keep some, but not all of them.

Plastic bottles of water.  I think we should obviously keep some, because drinking water is now officially a thing.  Growing up, we didn't drink water like we do today.  But, how many bottles of water in the refrigerator is too many?  I save the empty bottles, or at least some of them to refill.  The water in our house tastes (I don't think that's the right word) good.  When we were in the Bahamas, good drinking water was at a premium.  If you wanted a bottle of water, because the water in the hotel room was so awful, you paid dearly.

I have a random assortment of plastic boxes and bowls for leftovers or for carrying lunch.  That sounds great all right, but I seldom can actually find the right lid to fit the right bowl.  I tried a numbering system once, where I wrote on the bottom of the container a number and assigned that same number to the lid.  Sounds fabulous I know.  Trouble is that eventually the numbers begin to fade and I'm left with going on a scavenger hunt to get tops and bottoms together.

I keep hotel soaps and shampoos.  I actually don't believe you can have too many of these, because they do come in handy when traveling.  Jeff and I don't do a lot of traveling, but when we do, I open the drawer and voila I have products that I can pack.  I know that there probably isn't a hotel anywhere, that now doesn't offer their guests soap and shampoo, but I still keep these products just in case.  In case of what?  I don't have the answer to that question, just believe that I need to save them!  Again, not a hoarder, just a keeper.

Have a great Thursday or Friday.


Image result for picture of messy plastic containers


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Now It's Really Wednesday


It's Wednesday and I know this because it's also recycling day.  Gone are the days when you put all your trash in a trash can.  Now you have to separate paper/boxes from glass and plastic. Good for the environment I know.

Last night was book club.  I read, more or less, the book.  It was about Germany and the Holocaust and for me wasn't an easy book to read, nor was it enjoyable.  When I buy or borrow a book, they are generally easy to read books and I don't have to worry about what the plot was/is.  I don't retain things the way I used to, so at last night's discussion, brought very little to the table.  But, after we'd finished mostly our book discussion, then the evening became quite fun.  We entertained each other with stories and it's always good to end an evening with a laugh.

This morning it's beautiful outside.  Nice and sunny and probably could get away with opening up a window or two this afternoon.  The backyard is still muddy and I have evidence of that on my kitchen floor.  I have no grass now in the yard and they have done a wonderful job of "trimming" my ornamental grass!

I'm trying to learn how to transfer ebooks from the library onto my Kindle.  Since I'm having trouble, I'm off to the library this morning for help.  I know better than to go to the library during the weekend, when the library is at it's busiest.  That's also why I don't go shopping on the weekends,  just too many people.

I'm watching the HBO show "The Young Pope" and Jude Law is doing a great job of portraying a Pope.  Just not a traditional Pope, but one that is from America (which is okay), but is arrogant and moody.  Not sure yet whether I'm going to stick with the show.  Guess I'll have to watch another episode or two to see if the story line improves.

Stacey (DIL) is joining the march on Washington on Saturday.  I applaud her as well as all the other females that will participate.  I hope is that the weather is good, i.e., not raining, on Saturday.  Rain seems to soak right into your body.  And, I suppose wearing clothes in layers makes sense.  I wish her the best.

Nothing else new on the home front.  I have some frozen spaghetti sauce that I'm going to thaw and make spaghetti tonight.  Jeff has Friday off, so I don't have to worry so much about what to make for dinner on Thursday.  Basically, my options are: hamburger, pork, fish and chicken.  And, truthfully I get bored making the same old thing time after time.  But to his credit, Jeff never complains about what I make.  I do the complaining to myself when I can't think of some new dish to try.

Have a beautiful day.



Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Logical Monday


I know the calendar says it's Tuesday, but somehow in my mind, it's Monday.  Jeff had yesterday off, so he had an extra day to rest.  Notice I say rest, because somewhere around 7:00 in the morning, the puppies internal alarm goes off.  Once they are awake, all bets are off as to how long you can actually keep sleeping.  I appreciate that for the past three days, Jeff has taken the on the early morning business of feeding the dogs.

The weather is dreary today.  It looks like a winter day and I suppose that's natural considering that it is in fact winter.  And, so far we haven't had much of a winter, if you consider that we've only had a dusting of snow so far.  I am well aware that our weather can and often does turn on a dime.

Tonight is my book club and I feel very unprepared to discuss the book.  The book was good, but after reading the questions for tonight's discussion, I am feeling inadequate to say the least.  I'm going for the company of the women as well as a glass of wine.  

Jeff processed a lot of paper yesterday in his office.  My task?  Find an appropriate home for said paper.  After years of holding onto paid utility bills, etc., we have come to the conclusion that doing so isn't really necessary.  I mean do you think you'll have a need to look at your electric bill from three years ago?  The answer is no.  I still have folders for cars we once owned and why I keep them is anybody's guess.  It's not like the cars are going to be returned to us.  

It does take time to purge file folders.  My folder for the car insurance folder is bursting at the seams.  I should toss out the old policy when a new one arrives.  And yet I don't.  Could be that I'm just lazy, or I don't really see the benefit of being that efficient.

Because of the time we live in, anything and everything with our name on it, has to be shredded.  So when I do get around to cleaning out file folders, then I will have a super large shred pile.  When Jeff and I got married, which was eons ago, I promised to take care of the paper.  But, in 1974, the paper that we generated was small potatoes to what is generated now.  And back then, when your mail came and/or you paid a bill, you simply tossed it into the garbage.  Identity theft wasn't a thing back in the 70's.  

In the beginning of identity theft, the criminals not only took your identity, but your life as well.  Criminals started using telephones to glean personal, financial information from a victim.  With the promise of a cash prize, a trip or anything else that sounded too good to be true, was just that.  The criminals managed to get people to tell them all about themselves, giving out valuable information such as social security numbers and bank account information.

Then picking through a person's trash was another way for criminals to find bank and credit card statements.  During the 80's, most people didn't give a thought to what they were throwing away.  And, then the paper shredder came into play.

Finally, we have computer fraud.  Apparently, 62% of identity frauds occur through email.  I have learned over the years, that when I get an email from someone I don't know, to be wary.  Those kind of emails I forward to Jeff to handle.  Most of the time they are nothing more than a scam.  If you open up the emails, you stand a good chance of a virus gloaming onto your computer.  This is not good.

Make it a habit going forward to pay careful attention to the mail you casually toss into the trash.  You know what they say "one man's trash is another man's treasure"!


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunny Sunday


After yesterday's horribly gray and gloomy weather, today it's all about sunshine.  It's still cold, but a bit warmer than yesterday.

Jeff left early this morning to meet with the men who lease our plane and pay their share of all expenses.  Today's work is to change the oil in the plane first and foremost and who knows what kind of nonsense they'll get into after that.

Jeff will do the Costco/WalMart run after he's done with the plane.  Me?  I'm baby "dog" sitting and perhaps finish up the laundry, which is boring always.  Since Jeff has tomorrow off, I'm not in my usual frenzy about trying to think up something to cook for dinner.  But, that will be my dilemma tomorrow evening!

I only have a few days left to finish reading the book before Tuesday's night gathering to discuss said book.  Normally, I can run through a book quickly, so I don't know what's causing me to drag my feet.  Is it because it feels somewhat like homework?  The book is a good read, so I don't understand what's taking me so long.

Scott came by yesterday after being at a client's house.  He can chat with Jeff while enjoying scrambled eggs prepared wonderfully by Jeff.  Other than fixing an egg for dinner last night, I don't very often make eggs.  After you've eaten Jeff's eggs, everything else pales in comparison.

Jeff and I have been watching the television show "24" on Amazon.  I know it's an old show, but we didn't watch it when it was on TV.  Now where there is a lull in shows to watch, or a difference in what shows to watch, we tune into Amazon.  Long gone is the time where you had only network channels and very few of those to watch.  And without the help of a Tivo, you still have to sit through commercials! 

I've set the Tivo for Friday's inauguration.  Once it's recorded, I can fast forward through the proceedings when and if I want.  

Have a great Sunday and for most of you a wonderful day off tomorrow.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Gloomy and Glum


It's a dark, wet day outside.  I need sunshine to help me battle my depression in winter.  I saw my psychiatrist yesterday, and she has increased one of my medications.  I sit at my computer with my "SAD" light on, which helps some.

After Jeff got home last night, I told him that my depression was, at the moment, winning.  I am bereft at the thought/possibility that I will suffer from this unseen disease until the end of my days.  I do have some good days, but don't have any great ones.  At times, it feels as if I'm on an escalator going down and down.  And, depression isn't one of those "pull yourself up by your boot straps" or "just be happy" kind of thing.  No, it's more like a soaking wet wool blanket pulled up and over your body.  The weight of it at times is very hard to bear and it's a burden that I didn't ask for and don't want.  But, it's here and settled in apparently for the long haul.  I, at least, get dressed every day.  I don't sit around in sweat pants, which is such a lovely look on everyone!

I joined a book club a few months ago with my friend Auntie Kim.  Yesterday, I told my psychiatrist that I wanted to drop out of the club, because I couldn't remember what I'd read, i.e., have nothing to lend to the book's discussion.  She has encouraged (okay maybe almost insisted) that I continue to go if for no other reason than to have wine and nibbles.  I know she's right, but it doesn't seem fair to the other members of the club if I can't/don't lend anything to the discussion.

I have been rearranging my cupboards to put the super heavy dishes and pans on the bottom of the cupboards.  The upper shelf, which can't hold a lot of weight, now holds plastic lids and boxes.  Of course, good luck in finding the right box and lid at the same time!

It's not particularly cold outside, and I haven't turned the furnace on and likely won't for the next couple of days as the temperature is going to warm up.  Perhaps even in the 60's!

Have a great Saturday.



Friday, January 13, 2017

It's Friday!!


Not only is it Friday, but it's also "Friday the 13th", which for years has given rise to suspicions that on this particular day, you may have bad luck.  I know that's not true, because Jeff and I have had bad luck, such as not having any winning numbers on a lottery ticket!  We try and parse out our bad, or not quite so good, luck throughout the year.  Why wait around and have the world come crashing down on you, on one specific day?

This morning, I'm going to have my head "shrunk" by my psychiatrist.  I only see her monthly now, so that's good progress.  Will I need her forever?  Odds are I will.  Depression and anxiety for some people are not things that just magically go away and never return.  It's hard to say when I had my first bout of depression, but I know it was many years ago.  Depression can either (a) stick around indefinitely; or (b) just when I think I'm "out of the woods" (so to speak), and feeling good, the darkness descends once again.  And, please don't tell me to pull myself up by my boot straps.

Today is a bright sunny day and when Jeff comes home tonight, he'll have a three day weekend.  When he has three days off, it gives him much more time for relaxation, which he badly needs.  And, on a purely selfish note, I have someone to help me wrangle the girls during the day.  (Smiley face here)!!

I made and Jeff finished making gumbo last night.  We like spicy food and the gumbo certainly delivered.  Jeff does a couple of things really well, and that is: scrambled eggs, soups and stews.  I'm not suggesting that he's not good at other things.  I started the gumbo but when Jeff go home, he turned the gumbo into something spicy that tasted great.  I made a double batch, so today I'll take some out of the pan, and put in a container to freeze for later on.

Even when a dish is good, after so many times eating it, it's no longer as delicious as it once was.  Reminds of turkey after Thanksgiving.  How many times and ways can you eat leftover turkey before you want to bite into a juicy steak?

No plans for the weekend.  I think we're going to have some kind of weather event tomorrow.  Today the high is supposed to be in the 40's, turning cold tomorrow and then by Tuesday back in the 50's.  Sweater?  No sweater?  I have no idea how to dress right now.  Last night we slept with both bedroom windows open, because we like our bedroom to be cool/cold.  Unless there's a blizzard outside that would blow snow into the bedroom, one window is open all year by an inch or so.  We try to keep the blinds down low enough so that the girls can't peek outside and find things to bark about - i.e., like a leaf blowing in the wind!

There are times during the day, when I think we've turned a corner with the girls and that they're maturing.  And, then I go into the den and find something like pillow stuffing all over the floor.  Everything, and I mean that literally, is fair game.  Socks, shoes, tissues, paper plates, you name it and they've destroyed it.  They are not chewing constantly now so the once weekly package of bones from Amazon has stopped.  The girls have so many bones and antlers in the den, that we could likely pass for a boneyard!

Happy Friday and for most of you happy three day weekend.




Thursday, January 12, 2017

Staying Up Late, Waking Up Early!


Each night, I dread going to bed.  I take my nighttime pills, which ultimately make me sleepy, but still I stay up.  I went to bed last night at midnight.  The girls woke me up at 7:00.  Actually, the girls didn't wake me up as much as the rattling of paper did.  They had found an envelope on a low shelf and were gearing up to tear it to pieces.  So now I'm up but not raring to go.  A nap sounds good now, and will sound even better this afternoon!

I watched the movie "The Reader" which came out in 2008.  It is a compelling story about a young boy (teens) who is seduced by an older woman.  The movie weaves around the aging of the young boy, who becomes a lawyer.  Many years pass but while in law school, his class sits in on a trial of the woman who seduced him.  The woman is charged with war crimes and was a Nazi guard at one of the concentration camps.  It is a highly compelling story and the ending, which I won't give away, wasn't what I was expecting. Kate Winslet plays the woman, and sat every day of filming for 7 1/2 hrs for make-up and prosthetic prep.

It's warm enough outside today, that I turned the furnace off.  It's supposed to be 64 today, 46 tomorrow and 32 on Saturday.  I don't know whether to put a sweater on, or take it off.  The backyard is still wet from rain and unfortunately, thanks to the girls, is also muddy.  The good news about that is I KNOW if they have gone outside.  Muddy paw prints give them away each time they come back in the house!

Jeff has a three day weekend coming up and I'm happy for him.  He gets an extra day to rest, relax and do what he wants (more or less)!  I don't know if he's supposed to work on the 20th but since he's not a Federal employee, it's likely that he is.

I'm planning on recording the inauguration on the Tivo.  If I record it, I can fast forward through any bits that are boring.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...