Friday, January 20, 2017

It's "I" Day


Yes my friends, it's "D" day, or more accurately I should say "I" day.  This is the day, in my opinion, so please don't send me hate responses, that dignity and grace are walking out of the White House.  What's coming into the White House is unknown, but the next four years will likely be a series of ups and downs mixed with good and bad times.

We can't change what's been decided.  So using the phrase "can't we all just get along", that will be my motto (at least publicly).   I've set my Tivo to record today's proceedings.  By recording the day's events, I can fast forward through events that don't interest me.  

The Washington Post had an entire special part of the paper totally devoted to Trump.  I will keep this, just as I kept the Life Magazine dedicated to Kennedy and his assassination.  I'm not saving them to later put them on Ebay, no just because they are/were a big part of American History.

You may not, but I will miss the Obama's fun and energy.  I mean who else but Mrs. Obama goes to CVS shopping with Ellen?  Or the President dancing on Ellen's show.  

You couldn't pay me enough money to have me go downtown today or tomorrow.  Not even if an alien from Mars was being inaugurated!  Crowds, portable potties, and security, are just a few reasons NOT to go into the city this weekend. 

Years ago, when I was REALLY pregnant, I had the opportunity to watch the Rose Parade from a roof top.  Now my getting up to the roof was an exercise in perseverance.  It happened that my then husband was the manager of the store who's roof we stood/sat on.  We had a birds eye view of everything.  Street vendors, people bundled up to keep warm.  But in thinking back to staying warm, I remind myself we're talking about January in California.  How cold could it have been?  Anyway, it was a once in a lifetime experience.  I could go inside if I wanted and use a real bathroom!  When you're nearly 9 months pregnant, the option of a bathroom is not a luxury, it's a necessity!

So, I'm going to watch history unfold today from the safety of my recliner.  I can arm myself with Diet Coke and/or popcorn, and nap as or when the urge hits me.  The only requirement for napping is making sure that it coincides with the girls' plans!!  Can't nap if those two fools are outside barking their heads off.

It's likely that some or maybe all of you have today off.  If you do, enjoy your long weekend.


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