Friday, January 27, 2017

Time is Everything!


I have been cooking for nearly 50 years.  I know that's pretty accurate because this summer I'm going to my 50th high school reunion and I've been married to Jeff for 42 years.  So let's just say I know my way around the kitchen.  I may not always like it there, but I'm not a novice.

Two days ago, I did something that was downright scary.  That was the day I had fallen and I took a pain pill, which I don't do very often.  While Jeff was fixing the majority of the dinner, I decided to pop a bag of frozen veggies in the microwave.  In my "altered" state, instead of setting the microwave for 5 minutes, I set it for 55 minutes.  I went and sat back down because my part of "fixing" the dinner was done.

And then I/we began to smell something burning and smoke started to fill up the kitchen.  By setting the microwave for such a long time, I had accidentally put my bag of veggies on fire.  We opened up all the windows and obviously those veggies were toast.  I was stunned that I had made such a stupid mistake.  There IS a reason why the pill bottle says "do not drive" after taking a pill.  Perhaps, it should also say "stay away from the microwave and oven" too!

All of my life I have operated on a schedule of being early to absolutely everything.  I don't want to be that person who gets to a movie or play late, and have to crawl over everybody's feet to get to my seat.  Just the thought of that makes me shudder.  I am also always armed with either my Kindle, a real book or a crossword puzzle book.  If you're early, then you have time on your hands, and you need to be able to do something.  I would take my knitting, but my knitting efforts don't exactly look good enough to take out in public.  Something about big holes and dropped stitches!

Since I'm retired, it's pretty easy for time to get away from me.  My excuse is that I can put "x" off until tomorrow, or even next month, because nobody will know if I've done it.  I can't put off laundry and dishes, because obviously not only Jeff but I will run out of clothes and plates.  But, dusting is a completely different story.  I don't have company just dropping by unexpectedly to visit AND in my irrational mind, if you don't MOVE anything, then the dust isn't really visible.  By the way, this is a falsehood, because after enough time of not dusting, it becomes pretty obvious that you need to do so.

When I'm looking on Google for directions to someplace I haven't been before, I inwardly chuckle when I'm told it's a mere 30 minutes away.  Yes, it's 30 minutes away, WITHOUT traffic.  When you factor in traffic, particularly during commute times, it's going to take you a whole lot longer to get to where you need to be.  I try and make my appointments well after or before rush hours.  It is a perk of being able to schedule your appointments without needing to check with someone else in the office.  And, once you're retired, you need all the perks you can get!

Since my knees are still sore from taking my graceful dive earlier this week, finishing the floor today is off the table.  But, I do need to do some shredding and filing.  Oh, and laundry.  But because this is Friday, I don't have to cook.  On Friday's Jeff buys tacos for dinner.  The tacos aren't as good as we used to get in California, but they are edible and the best part is that SOMEONE else fixes them!

Have a great Friday.


Image result for picture of time flying by

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