Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Beautiful Day


Today is gorgeous.  Blue sky and minimal wind.  Maybe, and I think it's a stretch, the mud that the girls keep tracking in, will dry up and then I'll only have dusty, rather than muddy paw prints

I survived the dental appointment.  I have a tooth that apparently needs to be taken out and replaced with an implant.  I have had implants before and they are a bit pricey.  I told the dentist that since the tooth wasn't bothering me at this point, I was going to do nothing.  I'm using the old theory that if it "ain't broken, don't fix it"!

After I got home, I went upstairs and started shampooing the carpet.  My machine doesn't nearly do as well as a commercial machine, but it's good enough for the moment.  If, and I hope it's soon, the girls really get the hang of going outside to do their business, then I'll bring in a company to professionally clean.  Until then, my shampooer will just have to do.

Jeff has started walking after dinner.  I'd go with him and take one of the dogs, but walking in the dark is just too scary for me.  With my luck, I'd trip over some hole and end up on my bottom, which I can assure you nobody wants to see!

Our downstairs freezer is full, really full.  I told Jeff that we were going to have to start fixing food from the bottom of the freezer up to the top.  I have put a temporary freeze on buying frozen food, until we've made some progress in eating what we already own.  Besides, when I dig down to the bottom, it's amazing what I find down there.  The odd chicken pot pie, a burrito frozen in ice, that when thawed, tastes like wet cardboard. Forgotten popsicles as well as Lean Cuisine dinners from a time when we were pretty serious about watching what we ate.

Last night it was fish that I pulled out and even though I think it had been in the freezer for sometime, it cooked up and tasted pretty good.  Today is hamburger and I haven't a clue what I'm going to do with it.  Guess I'll think of something before Jeff comes home.

This is not a picture of our freezer, but you get the idea!

Image result for picture of freezer full of food

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