Thursday, January 19, 2017

Top Sheets, Plastic Bags and Other Unnecessary Stuff


Today is logical Friday because Jeff has tomorrow off.  I know that you're thinking it must be hard to keep track of all of these "special" days, but remember that my brain generally works illogically!

I did some math and realize that over the course of 42 years of marriage, I have made the bed approximately over 15,000 times.  That's a lot of bed making.  I could probably get a career in the hotel industry!

Recently, I washed the top sheet to our bed and after it was dry, didn't put it back on the bed.  I can't speak for Jeff, but I don't miss it.  It always seems like we spend a lot of time wrestling with the top sheet.  It pulls out from the bottom and gets all tangled up.  Blankets and bedspreads seem to stay in place.  Maybe because they're heavier?   For the moment, I'm leaving the sheet off.  We have a duvet that will have to be put on our bed, if really cold weather ever comes.  For now, it's hard to be cold when there are three dogs vying for the best spot on the bed.  More nights than not, I fall asleep to Bella on my feet.  She feels like a 10 pound bag of potatoes!

The other thing that makes little or no sense is plastic bags.  You get them when you shop, unless you're really green and bring a bag of your own.  Why do we save these plastic bags?  I have bags tucked (i.e., stuffed) in the basement in a box.  I have never actually used any of these bags, yet I don't throw them out.  This is really stupid.  I think you should keep some bags, but keeping them all doesn't make sense.  And yet we continue to hoard plastic bags.  I don't think of myself as a hoarder, but more of a keeper!

And I keep plastic and glass jars when they are empty.  Again, keeping some jars or bottles makes sense.  Keeping them all is nonsense!  Certain plastic containers emit a smell even after being washed.  And maybe that's because they weren't really intended to be reused.  What I should do is take stock of my jars and bottles, and keep some, but not all of them.

Plastic bottles of water.  I think we should obviously keep some, because drinking water is now officially a thing.  Growing up, we didn't drink water like we do today.  But, how many bottles of water in the refrigerator is too many?  I save the empty bottles, or at least some of them to refill.  The water in our house tastes (I don't think that's the right word) good.  When we were in the Bahamas, good drinking water was at a premium.  If you wanted a bottle of water, because the water in the hotel room was so awful, you paid dearly.

I have a random assortment of plastic boxes and bowls for leftovers or for carrying lunch.  That sounds great all right, but I seldom can actually find the right lid to fit the right bowl.  I tried a numbering system once, where I wrote on the bottom of the container a number and assigned that same number to the lid.  Sounds fabulous I know.  Trouble is that eventually the numbers begin to fade and I'm left with going on a scavenger hunt to get tops and bottoms together.

I keep hotel soaps and shampoos.  I actually don't believe you can have too many of these, because they do come in handy when traveling.  Jeff and I don't do a lot of traveling, but when we do, I open the drawer and voila I have products that I can pack.  I know that there probably isn't a hotel anywhere, that now doesn't offer their guests soap and shampoo, but I still keep these products just in case.  In case of what?  I don't have the answer to that question, just believe that I need to save them!  Again, not a hoarder, just a keeper.

Have a great Thursday or Friday.


Image result for picture of messy plastic containers


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