Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Happy Birthday


Today is Andrew's birthday.  He is our youngest son and it was a joy to watch him grow up.  Since he and Scott are only 18 months apart, the two of them were very close and what one didn't manage to think of, the other did!

Through the years, the boys looked out for one another.  I can remember our first Easter here.  We took the boys to an Easter Egg Hunt at a local park.  Scott was having trouble finding eggs, so Andrew helped him and even shared some of his eggs with him.

When the boys were in elementary school, they rode a school bus.  I had an understanding with my bosses at the time, that I would come into work once I knew the boys were on their way.  One morning, as the boys were walking down the street, a neighbor's boy decided it would be fun to kick at Scott's heels.  I was furious and sad all at the same time.  Andrew stepped in and the poking fun at Scott was stopped.

In high school, the boys entered into a competition for some kind of remote aerial balloon (I'm sure that's not the name, but I can't think of anything else.  Together, and with a little help from Jeff, they began building this enormous silver bubble (for lack of a better word) in the garage.  The competition was held in the south (I can't remember which state) and the boys went down to compete.  While at the competition they met Alan Alda, who was one of the judges. (Jeff, I know I may have some of these facts wrong, so bear with me).

Also while in high school, the boys began to do computer repair work.  They worked on neighbors' computers through word of mouth. They also did some computer work while at school.  

During Andrew's last year in high school, the local colleges came to do a meet and great with the seniors.  Andrew didn't want to be a small fish in a big school.  He wanted to be a big fish in a small school.  He graduated from high school with honors and was awarded a small scholarship. The college that got mot of his attention was a small college called Villa Julie. The college didn't have dorms, so if he went there, he would have to be in an apartment, but the college was close enough for him to come home frequently.

In order to get into Villa Julie, Andrew had to complete an application and write an essay.  If my memory serves me correct, and heaven knows I could be wrong, he wrote about the things he would take if he was stuck on a deserted island.  Andrew had never gotten the "driving bug", so Scott drove him to Villa Julie, so that Andrew could take some entrance exams.  Turns out, that he was awarded a small scholarship from the college for doing so well on his exams.

Andrew was going to do a double major while in school.  One major was computer science and unfortunately, I can't remember what the second major was, but perhaps it was business administration.  At the end of four years, Andrew was graduating with two degrees.  The Dean told Andrew that he could only have one diploma.  He held his ground and told the Dean that since he had earned two degrees, he wanted two diplomas.  He got two diplomas!

Also, while in college, Andrew suggested to Scott that they form a company to do computer work.  He wanted the name of the company to be one of the first in a phone book (remember those?), and he chose 4A Computing, Inc.  The four stands for: Andrew, Scott, Jeff and a longtime friend Ken. While Andrew is and was the President, over the course of the past 19 years, Scott primarily runs the company and does the work.  The only advertising we do is yearly magnets to customers.  Andrew was right in thinking that if they could get the word out there that they did computer work, people would come.  The work started small and today 4A serves a fairly large number of people, as well as a few companies.  Andrew was the brains behind 4A and it has turned out to be a profitable company.

And, then there's Benjamin, Andrew's son.  Benjamin, our only grandchild, is the absolute best.  And, I know every grandparent feels that way.  Andrew married Stacey, who is a wonderful daughter-in-law, who also happens to be a great Mom to Benjamin.

Two years ago (again memory), Andrew built a beautiful home in Virginia on some acreage.  There is a lot of land for Benjamin as well as for the two large dogs they own.  Andrew knew he didn't want to live in a house, like we do, with neighbors close by.  

So 35 years ago, we brought home a new baby and today we are proud of the man that he has become.


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