Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's a New Year!


Well folks, we made it.  We can now put 2016 in our rear view mirror and look optimistically to 2017.  I think it will be a sad day when the Obama's leave the White House.  If you don't agree, please don't send me rant mail.  It's just my opinion.

I have no idea whats in store for us this year, but I hope it brings us good health, particularly for Jeff.  He wants to fly again.  He needs to fly again.  So, fingers crossed that he will be able to do so sometime this year.  

As for me, just going to keep trying to keep my depression under control, which some days is no easy task.  Sunshine and longer day certainly help.  It is hard to be really upbeat when it's dark at 5:00!  And, I don't drive when it's dark, due to that annoying cataract thing.  Basically, I turn into a pumpkin when the sun goes down.  Sort of a reverse vampire thing!

Benjamin is here and flitting around.  He has the television on, and while he "watches" he dances and sings.  Still haven't been able to convince him that the girls are still young, and they not only like play time, but enjoy several naps a day.

I have marked up next week's tv guide, and unlike in weeks past, Jeff and I will no longer be "forced" (insert smiley face here) to talk with one another.  All of our shows are back and I will have to do some major arranging to get all the shows without conflicting another.  I know, I know such a chore.

I didn't make any resolutions because I knew that I wouldn't keep them anyway.  If you didn't manage to lose weight last year, chances are pretty slim that you will this year - unless you get strongly motivated.  And, truthfully, I don't think I will be.

It's nearly lunchtime and I'm still in my bathrobe.  Closing for now.  

Sending wishes to all of you for a wonderful and Happy New Year!


Image result for picture of 2017

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