Thursday, January 5, 2017

Baby, It's Cold Outside


It's cold out today.  I would use the word chilly, but at 20 degrees, we're long past chilly.  Yesterday, I started a new campaign of potty training.  If the puppies go potty, they get a treat.  This worked very well yesterday and I was 100% successful.  This morning, not so much.  I've been out with the girls three different times in half-hour increments, and so far no luck.  All the girls want to do is jump, run and play.  I've blocked them out of all the rooms except my office and part of the kitchen.  Once I'm through with my blog, I'll go back outside AGAIN!

I spent a long time yesterday mopping and scrubbing the basement floor.  We, meaning me, was lazy and when I told the girls to go outside, I simply closed the basement door behind them.  This was a BIG mistake.  Outside, didn't mean the same thing for both puppies.  Bella is good about going outside to do her business.  Daisy, on the other hand, not so much.  I washed the floor with bleach and then Pine-Sol, and the floor is now 99% clean of any residual markings.  Today, I will go back into the bowels of the house, and go over the floor now with just water.

Once I've been successful with potty time, I'll have my breakfast and then clean up the kitchen.  There could be some snow in our forecast, which will make potty watching a bit challenging. It will be interesting to see what the puppies will think of snow.  The weather predication is for snow showers probably during the evening commute.  If it does snow, then Jeff will likely take my car to work tomorrow, because it's all wheel (or something like that) drive and my car, compared to his, is a beast in terms of weight.  It's hard to explain to people who live in warmer climates, how the sky looks and feels like snow. 

We bought a cooked chicken from Costco a few days ago.  After I get the majority of the meat off, I might boil the carcass down so that Jeff can make soup.  I don't make soup any longer, but Jeff is fabulous at soup making.  Of course, he does put mushrooms (ick) in the soup, but I always manage to eat around them!

I haven't put the duvet back on the bed, but with temperatures falling, it might not be too long before I will have to.  Of course, if you sleep with three dogs, then most of the bed is covered by little warm bodies.

Happy Thursday.

 Image result for picture of snow showers


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