Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Back to Normal


Jeff returned to work today, along with probably thousands of others who took extra days off between Christmas and New Year's.  So, and I know you all feel so sorry for me (smiley face), I had to get up at 7:30 because the girls wanted their breakfast and they wanted it NOW!

They have now joined me in my "office" Daisy is sitting in a chair looking out the window and Bella is on the floor happily chewing on a bone.   And, Maggie has gone off to someplace quiet.  Maggie turns 12 next week and she is definitely slowing down.  Jeff picks her up at night to put her on the bed and she no longer even attempts to jump up on the couch.

Fact or Fiction:  Judge Judy's husband caught with mistress in Judge Judy's bed!  Horrors, if that's true.  If you're going to muck around, then at least have some respect for your spouse, and go somewhere, like a hotel for instance.

Fact:  Queen Elizabeth is ill with what is described as a heavy cold.  I've never heard that term before, but she must be really under the weather because she has missed church twice.  She is 90, but longevity runs in her family, and I'm sure she receives the very best medical care.

Fact: There is a 7 foot Great Dane, who has now become the world's tallest dog.

Fact:  I fell asleep while watching "Celebrity Apprentice" last night.  Somehow, I couldn't get into the show with Schwarzenegger hosting.  I think the new host has big shoes to fill, those of Donald Trump.  I'm sure I will get over this odd casting choice for the show, but it's going to take time.  Perhaps lots of time.

Today is a rainy, very gloomy kind of day.  I have a couple of errands to run, so there is a distinct possibility that I'll get wet.  But, as Jeff is quick to remind me, I'm not made out of sugar, so I won't melt!

Happy Tuesday.


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