Friday, January 6, 2017

Snow? Not So Much


I spent most of yesterday getting in my aerobic exercise by taking the dogs outside multiple times during the day.  I've decided that what I should have done from day one, is to get the girls to potty on command - more or less.  If they go, they get a treat.  I kept the basement door closed except for our trips which were in about 45 minute increments.  And, with the exception of one accident in the house, I consider the day a success.

The forecast called for some snow to start around 9:00 last night.  Well that snow turned out to be a mere dusting.  I'm not sure why I feel somewhat disappointed.  I don't particularly like the cold, and if it had dumped inches on us, then I would literally be housebound.  I know, I know.  I stay in the house 99% of the time - but, I could go out if I wanted.  Problem is, I don't often want to leave the house and I pretty much know that's a bad thing. Being somewhat reclusive (and some would argue that the sentence should be changed to "being a reclusive person"), it gets easier and easier to stay home.  Oh yes, I can say that I'm needed at home to take care of the puppies, and I know that's a very handy excuse.  But, I also know that if I do go out, the puppies will be fine in the basement and the backyard.

Okay, got a little off point there.  Back to weather.  Sunday is going to be cold, 25 degrees and windy.  Then two days later, we're back up to the 50's.  Mother Nature apparently can't decide what to do with us!  It seems unlikely that we'll make it to spring without some kind of winter weather, whether it's snow, ice or sleet.  In truth, I believe folks will be disappointed if we don't have some kind of weather "event".

I thought that if it did snow, the puppies would enjoy it a lot, and if the ground was covered, they would come back in the house with clean paws.  Since it's muddy in the yard, they come back with - you guessed it - muddy paws!

Since it's Friday, I don't cook dinner.  We have tacos on Friday, not that Jeff and I are in any kind of a rut (insert smiley face here)!  Routine is, I believe, comforting to both of us.  Why change what isn't broken?  

Since it's only about 21 degrees outside, I'm going to try and make fewer trips to the backyard to yell out "good girl, go potty".  If I could just record that instruction in some way to play those words  in a continuous loop.....


Image result for picture of puppy with toilet paper

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