Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Snow Today and Other Stuff


Thanks to the girls, I have been up for several hours.  I go to bed late, sometimes as late as midnight.  Doing so, I already know before I fall asleep, that by 7:00 I need to get up, or the girls will start destroying things.

Today is a "SAD" light kind of day.  It's gray and gloomy looking and still cold.  Sixteen degrees at the moment, but the weathermen tell us it will start to warm up later this week.

If it does snow, it will be a dusting only.  The good news about rain or snow is that I know with 100% certainty when the girls have been outside.  Bella always comes back in wet, Daisy not so much.  If you take Bella outside, she will potty every time.  Daisy is stubborn and would rather do all of her business either in the basement or the house.  I take them out many times during the day and they are rewarded for going potty.

I have nothing on the agenda for today.  I'm a bit pressured into reading the book club's selection before we meet next week.  The story's good, but I've discovered that I don't really like having to read a certain book.  While taking the time to read this book, I have a small stack of other books sitting on the table, not to mention the new books I've put on my Kindle.  The problem with books on my Kindle, is that when the book club meets, I cannot easily "flip" through to find a certain passage.  And, thanks to my memory issues, don't really retain what I've read.  

The girls are still running around like mad dogs.  They do this every morning after they've had breakfast.  Once they calm down, they are generally ready for a nap - and frankly, so am I!

For Christmas, Jeff bought me two products to use on my face.  The problem is the print on these two bottles.  I actually need a magnifying glass to read the directions.  One of the creams is labeled as an age defying cream and the other is moisturizer.  I'll give the products a try, even though I'm more of a soap and water kind of gal.

I'm beginning to ramble, which is a sure sign that I've run out of things to say.  Sad but true.  There are many things I could write about, and politics is at the top of my list.  But, I decided early on that there were certain topics I'd not be writing about.  Politics is one of those subjects.


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