Saturday, December 30, 2017



Well, we can now say that we did, in fact, have snow in 2017.  It's a very light dusting, but it's definitely snow.   It's the kind of snow that doesn't really require shoveling of the driveway, unless it's going to remain cold, which it is, and then our driveway will become an ice rink, which is definitely not good.  The county just came by and dropped sand on the road.

Sometime today, Scott and Wendy are coming to the house and it's always lovely to see both of them.  Then this evening, Stacey is dropping Benjamin off at the house for a two night sleepover.   I'm pretty sure that Benjamin will be all about watching cheesy movies (but please no Shrek) and having popcorn. 

And, at this time of the year, Jeff and I both appreciate the gas fireplace.  We don't have to haul in wood, sweep up ashes, etc.  Plus, the boys are no longer around to bring in the wood! Both Bella and Daisy love the fire.  In fact, Bella will occasionally just put her whole head on the bricks.  Earlier this year, before the temperatures began to spiral downward, we had the fireplace serviced and apparently we need a new valve for the gas, or something.  The technician "promised" me that he would put a rush on getting the new part to us.  Luckily, for us, the fireplace is still working, because if it wasn't, then steam would be coming out of my ears!

I may not blog tomorrow, because I'll have Benjamin here and MomMom will be busy!



Friday, December 29, 2017

Baby It's Cold Outside!


Won't be able to type 2017 very much longer.  I know from experience that it will take me a few days to get the date right!

It's not snowing or anything, but it's brrrr cold back here.  I shouldn't complain because in places like Minnesota, they are having minus below temperatures. I had to put some mail in the mailbox this morning, and I hurried (as much as I can) to get to the mailbox and come back to the house.

Yesterday, I went into the basement (scary place) and did some sweeping, and then turned on the industrial vacuum and started sucking up dust bunnies, etc.  I was even brave enough to wash the throw rug that is "supposed" to catch muddy paws, etc.  The rug in the basement, like all the others in the house, are double-sided.  Which means there isn't a latex backing, which falls apart after a wash or two.  I vowed to never buy that kind of rug again.  It makes sense to me, to spend a bit more money to get a rug that can easily be washed.

Jeff and I are keeping Benjamin Saturday and Sunday nights.  Stacey and Andrew do a progressive dinner in their neighborhood.  Stacey is going to drop Benjamin off on her way to a doctor's appointment.  I'm sure that Benjamin and I can find movies to watch, and I also have a soap making kit, that makes two soaps.  The soap making should be fun for both of us.

I think it's cold enough, in my humble opinion, that there is a real possibility that Jeff will not put the top down on his way home.  

A new job opportunity for Jeff will begin in January. He'll be able to work from home, and there won't be any more packing lunches!  Yeah.  I'm glad he's going to be home, because I'm trying to schedule my back surgery, and it'll be helpful, if not necessary, to have Jeff around to help me.

No other news from the Bassett "estate", so I'll close for now.  I'm pretty sure that most of you, will probably get to go home early to start your long weekend.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Just Things


Well here we are, just a day away from another long weekend. I know that Jeff, and probably you are as well, are looking forward to a third day off.  I think Jeff is taking the 2nd of January off as well.  These extra days are good for him, because he gets a lot more rest.  He can get in his recliner, gather up one or both dogs, and take an afternoon snooze.

Yesterday, the landscaping company that we use, came and blew all of our leaves, including the backyard, which really needed it, out onto the street, and then their very large vacuum sucked everything up.  There were four men, and with that many men blowing leaves around, it took them almost no time at all to finish the yard.  They blew leaves out of the bushes in front of the house.  We are no longer the house on the street, which is the "leavest" (I know it's not a word, but you guys know what I mean).  They made it look so easy, and I guess it is with the right equipment.  Here's what I know for sure, if we had the leaves picked up a couple of times in the fall, it would save us time as well as an aching back (mine), and multiple lawn bags!  Just saying.

It's really cold outside today, and we're not going to get much of a warm up.  At the moment it's 16 degrees outside - brrr.  I don't think there is any major percipation in the near forecast.  Our fireplace, which has a blower, works so well, that it doesn't take long before the den get a "bit" too toasty!  Here's what I do know - if the girls come into the house and their fur is cold, then they've been outside.  If it isn't cold, then there "might" be a potty mess in the basement.  (Sigh)

Jeff made a wonderful alfredo chicken dinner last night.  He added extra chicken, some peas, cream of chicken soup, etc., and it turned out really well.  I know I should do more around the house, but I have a very limited time that I can stand/walk.  Jeff is very helpful to me.

Our recycling, which filled the large bin, as well as other boxes put on the ground, was picked up today.  A sure sign that Christmas is over, and we're just waiting for the new year.  I did keep a few small boxes and padded envelopes because I have a few things that need to be returned.

Jeff and I are keeping Benjamin on the 31st, so that Andrew and Stacey can participate in the progressive dinner in their neighborhood.  I've recorded some shows that I think Benjamin will enjoy watching.

This morning, I've gathered up the lightweight flannel blankets that Jeff and I use nearly every day, and put them in the washing machine.  I know that they need to be washed, because they shouldn't smell like dog!

Time to get busy.  I've got things to do, and if I was able to drive, places to go.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Nothing Happening Wednesday


Jeff went back to work today.  He always enjoys having an extra day or two added to the weekend, because he can get more much needed rest.

Jeff bought me an Amazon Echo talking Google-like device.  I'm not real good with techy (sp) devices, and never have been.  Jeff has to break down in instructions for me in really small segments.  So far this morning, I have asked Alexa to tell me the time, weather and to play Elvis songs.  Doing good so far.  She can increase/decrease the volume of the television and the music playing.  I actually don't know what else she can do, but I'm sure Jeff can give me a "teenie" tutorial.

I'll haul all the boxes out to the curb today for pick-up tomorrow.  I've tossed out small pieces of wrapping paper.  Unused paper, bows, etc., are headed to the basement and they won't be seen for another year.  Of course by then, I'll have forgotten that I already have package tags, bows, ribbons, etc.  I guess this method assures I won't ever run out of these things, and that's a really good thing.

Ada comes today and I think she'll be amazed at how different the den and dining room look!  I did spill corn flakes on the floor on Sunday, and while Bella was quick to the rescue, there is still a slight crunch on the floor.  

Jeff and I weren't feeling too good yesterday, and my "down" time, shows in the kitchen.  Leftovers can be put in smaller dishes and then I'll soak the big dish.

Since I did a really bad job of estimating everyone's sizes, I will have several packages sent back to Amazon and reorder in a different size.  When you're buying clothes for people, you don't want to offend them by buying a size that's too big.  On the other hand, nobody wants to receive a gift that's too small.  It's a two edge sword.  I suppose I could try to note surprise the family with presents, but instead just use gift cards.  Trouble with the gift cards, in my opinion, it makes me think (again just my opinion) that I actually can't think of anything else to give a person. Having said that, IF the gift card(s) are part of other presents, then I think it's okay.  

I'm not seeing the oral surgeon until the 19th, which means that until them I have this hole in my mouth, which is hard to ignore.  Here's how I see things.  My family may see things differently.  I want to have the implant put in and then I promise I'll schedule back surgery.  I know that a hole in my mouth will, in no way, bother or get in the way of the orthopedic surgeon, but for my own vanity, it will matter to me.

Have a good day.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

It's The Day After The Day Before


By now, packages have been ripped open, wrapping paper strewn along the floor, and boxes, boxes and more boxes are now open and heading to be recycled.  Since Jeff and I, celebrated Christmas at Scott's house yesterday, we came home with very little in the way of "trash", if you will.

Though we knew it might be a challenge, and it was for a bit, we took the girls with us.  The outside temperature was and is low, and we worried about the girls being locked into the basement (with a doggy door of course), but no real way of getting away from the cold.  Initially, Scott's dogs and the girls did the circling, sniffing bit, and there was some "posturing" by all the dogs.  Eventually, they tired of the nonsense and pretty much went into separate corners and there wasn't as much supervision by adults required, I'm happy to say.

Our diner last night was, in a word, fabulous.  Scott and Wendy had ham, I made my potato casserole as well as pretzel salad, Stacey brought sweet potatoes, corn casserole as well as cookies.  Wendy made a pineapple dish that was really yummy, we had rolls and Wendy made a coconut cream pie from scratch (yum for the tummy).  Again apologies, if I have forgotten anything/something.  My short term memory, as you all know, is a bit on the "challenging" side!  I'm happy to say that Benjamin enjoyed the ham, corn casserole and potatoes I think.

There were a lot of presents to open up.  And, we tried and did, sort of go around the room so that the appropriate appreciation for each present could be heard.  I don't know to type "ohs and aws", but you get the idea.

Jeff, myself and Wendy bought Scott a shorter chain saw, one that will do well in cutting down and up the dead trees here at the house.  Andrew and Stacey were recipients of a heated mattress pad, which apparently was more of a gift for Stacey.  

And yours truly really messed up on sizes.  I couldn't decide whether to err on the side of clothes too small, which could potentially make a person to be unhappy, or clothes that were too big.  I had some hits, but several flops as far as sizing went.  I'm glad I saved all my Amazon envelopes because some of the t-shirts that I bought, need to be exchanged.

Jeff bought me an Amazon Echo.  Now all I have to do is learn how to use this modern piece of technology.  The Echo is kind of like having Google in the room where you are.  I think it will be really cool once it's set up.

There were two gifts, both from Scott, that almost made me cry, I was so happy.  He bought me a Murano-like glass clown, to add to my growing collection, as well as a Murano-like clown candy dish.  The clown is going up to my bathroom this morning, which is where I have the majority of my collection.  I know it sounds crazy to have a "fleet" of clowns in the bathroom.  We have a garden tub and so there is a lot of "landscaping", around the tub that can be accessorized with clowns - and more clowns!

The "ASB" clan (Andrew, Stacey and Benjamin) bought me little glass candies to put in a dish - enter the clown.  Elly also bought me glass candies, which are, as I type, in a bowl near my reading chair in the living room.

I was given unicorn socks, a metal holder that has moon and stars cut-out and then you put a votive or battery operated votive inside so that the cut-outs shine.  A very cool gift indeed.  Stacey et al, gave Jeff some olives brought back from Greece, which he'll enjoy a great deal.

Wendy gave me an inspiring book that she read during a dark period in her life.  Winter is particularly bad for me, thanks in part to having "SAD", and I can't wait to begin reading the book.

To my family, I'm pretty sure that I'm leaving out a present, or perhaps several presents, and for this I do apologize.  Nobody and nothing was omitted intentionally.  Some days, I have trouble remembering what I did the day before.  If I forgot a present(s), please do forgive me.  This morning, I am trying my hardest to recall all the details from yesterday.

Here's the take-away:  Jeff and I had a ridiculous amount of fun yesterday.  The food was delicious (even though I was shushed out of the kitchen, because I've still got that "stooding" too long thing going), and to be surrounded by the people we love and those that love us, created a warm glow in our hearts.  Jeff and I feel we are truly blessed.

Today, we're going to have 'tovers' (leftovers to the rest of you).  No cooking needed, just some reheating.

Love to all of you,

P and J

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas


People, it's finally here - Christmas Day.  For children, particularly young children, this is a great day because opening presents comes before eating breakfast, at least it did at our house.  Jeff always made sure that coffee was ready for us, before the scheduled mayhem began!

Yesterday, Scott, Wendy and Elly came to the house for breakfast.  Since Elly won't be with us today, she opened up the presents we bought for her.  I think I did well with the gifts that I bought.  Bit tough though, since I've never bought gifts for little girls before.

Scott, took away most of the wrapped presents in his car.  We're going to have the girls with us, the two dishes Jeff is preparing now, and the remainder of the gifts.  Let's just say that Amazon loves me!  Invite to the company perhaps?

This afternoon, Jeff and I will have both boys, Benjamin, Stacey and Wendy to celebrate with.  I'm really looking forward to this afternoon.  And, since we're opening presents at Scott's house, they will get to deal with the used paper and empty boxes.  (insert happy face here)

My body hurts no matter what I do.  I can only stand/walk for a few minutes and then I must sit down, and my recliner is my friend.

I hope each of you are surrounded today by your loved ones and good friends.  Have a "wee" bit of drink, sometime during the day.

Merry Christmas To Everyone

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Ho, Ho, Ho


I'm sincerely hoping that none of my readers are in a panic mode today.  I'm pretty sure the stores will be packed with people and entire shelves emptied out.  Unfortunately, Jeff will have to go to either (a) a "real" grocery store; or (b) WalMart, to buy some key ingredients for the dishes we're going to make for tomorrow's Christmas dinner.  

I also know that some shoppers are at the stores looking for heavily discounted items.  I've asked Jeff to look at WalMart for a 2-3 foot pre-lit Christmas tree.  I have a pre-lit tree, but half of the lights are burnt out, or something.  Anyway, they don't all work.  I have an antique table belonging to Jeff's side of the family, and it sits in a bay window, and I like having a small tree on top - all year.  After all, I'm the lady who keeps a string of multi-colored lights on the fireplace mantel all year.  What can I say?  I love lights.

Scott et al are coming to the house this morning for breakfast.  Jeff has cooked a lot of bacon, and I'm not talking about thin bacon.  Nope, this bacon is thick slabbed, which is super tasty.  And, who doesn't love bacon?

I'm pre-heating the oven to cook two kinds of Pillsbury rolls.  One is the familiar cinnamon, cream cheese kind; and the other is a new orange roll, which certainly looks yummy on the package.

If Elly is with them, then we're probably going to have her open her Christmas presents from us while she is here.  After the "hunt" is over for buying what I consider a good or even great gift, it's ten times more fun, to see that the recipient loves, or at least likes what you've bought.

I'm keeping this short today.  My oven is calling.  

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone.

Love to all, P


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Rainy Saturday


Ho, Ho, Ho, is only a day away.  I'm sure the stores are bustling with people, and on-line purchases will have to have expedited shipping ($$$). I've checked my Christmas list, and everything I ordered is here, wrapped and ready for Christmas Day.

This morning, because I have absolutely nothing to do, I watched two Hallmark movies while having my morning coffee.  Why do I love these movies so much?  They do have a predictable ending, and there a bit over the top, but I love the romance.  Nothing bad (seriously bad) happens in a Hallmark movie. Jeff watched the movies with me, and he could predict, as could I, how the movies were going to end!

I think Jeff will go shopping today.  He'll brave the crowds to buy the necessities of life: milk and eggs.  Another necessity is toilet paper, but my linen closet is not running short of this.

Scott came by last night for a quick visit.  We had a wonderful visit with him.  I don't know for sure, but Jeff and I are prepared, in case he and Wendy come by tomorrow.  I also asked him if we could bring the girls to his house.  We don't want to leave them alone for what will probably be hours.  Scott owns Mastiffs (big dogs), so there will have to be a meet and greet.  We'll follow Cesaur 's (or however you spell it) way to introduce dogs to other dogs.  Daisy might freak out a bit initially, but Andrew has big dogs, and after the first visit, everybody gets along very well. Not to mention, that if the dogs were alone and had to stay in the basement or go through the doggy door to the backyard, pretty sure Daisy would bark and bark. 

When Jeff goes to WalMart, I want him to see if he can find a pre-lit small Christmas tree.  They have the trees on line for sale.  I've enjoyed having a small tree lit up on a small table in the dining room (the informal one). It's just festive looking, and goes well with the string of multi-colored lights that have been on my mantel for years.  I love lights, what else can I say?

Another one of the presents I bought for myself, but I will give credit to Jeff, is a blue snap front sweatshirt that has a lovely embroidered flower on the front.  This kind of sweatshirt is lightweight enough to wear when I go out most days.  The threat of winter coming with snow and/or ice really doesn't both me now, since I seldom go out, and if I do go out, the Metro Access driver will help me get into the bus.

Gotta run.  I have a grocery list to make for Jeff, before he goes shopping.


Friday, December 22, 2017

It's Friday


In office all over the country, workers are hoping for, and likely will get, to leave work.  I know when I was working, myself and my coworkers always wanted to "get out of jail" early.  Nothing spells Christmas, like being at home.

All my packages from my electronic Santa (Amazon) have arrived and are wrapped.  Hurrah.  Today, I'm going to take all my boxes and padded envelopes to the garage.  I'll recycle them next week, but for now I'll hang on to all of them, just in case.

Scott and Wendy are coming to the house tomorrow for breakfast/brunch.  In addition, to eggs, I have two options of rolls: the usual cinnamon kind, as well as a new orange roll.  I'll let them choose, and when they go home, they can take the other one.  I don't need any more sugar hanging around here at the house.  My love for sugar is super duper high.

Just finished breakfast and watching another Hallmark movie.  Love these holiday Hallmark movies.  They follow pretty much the same script for every movie, but that doesn't matter to me at all.

Everybody wants to meet their own Prince Charming.  I know my Prince Charming showed up in 1974 in a white car.  Jeff's sleigh was busy that day!  But, his car was adorned with antennas (ham radio stuff), but you could make an argument that the antennas were directly connected to the North Pole!  So many years later, we both have white cars!

The girls have been so good lately, it's almost like some good kind of spirit has taken over their bodies.  To be sure, they're not completely without fault, but getting better (i.e., mature) by the day.  With Daisy, I now have a much wanted lap dog.  Daisy will sit on your lap for a very long time.  When Jeff is home, she jumps from his chair to mine.  Bella, who is larger, will sit on Jeff's legs, but never mine.  And, because she weighs more than Daisy, I'm okay with that.

I've made an appointment to see an oral surgeon in January for a consultation.  The consultation should be quick and easy.  It's apparent to everyone that I have a tooth missing near the front of my mouth.  I want to have the implant done, and after that, I'll schedule back surgery.  Waiting another month, will make absolutely no difference in the way I physically feel.

Closing now.  Happy Friday.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Here We Are


Beginning of the final count down to Christmas.  Luckily, my orders from Amazon, are all here.  I'm trying to be creative with a couple of presents.  Yesterday, I was able to wrap one present uniquely, but afterwards, my creative juices were gone.  I hope I have better luck today, with another present, that I think should have more than just wrapping paper.  

We've received a few Christmas cards, and I sent out fewer cards this year.  We're getting some Christmas letters, because we enjoy hearing about our friends' review of their year.  

Watched the finale of Survivor last night, so there goes an hour of television watching on Wednesday down the tubes.  I'll have to find a replacement show, otherwise Jeff and I might have to talk to each other (horrors - just kidding) 😉!

This time next week, I can safely throw out all the Amazon boxes that I'm currently keeping just in case I need/want a box.  The unused wrapping paper can go back to it's spot in the basement, and my tiny little artificial tree goes back in it's box.  The little tree and a wreath are my only decorations.  We used to, seems like a long time ago, had lights outside, a real tree, garland on the mantel and things like that.  And, during those days, the boys were home and Christmas was spent here in the house.  Since both boys are now adults, most years, we don't actually have anyone here on Christmas day.  This year will be an exception, as Andrew et al and Jeff and I are heading to Scott's house for the day.

Jeff and I are bringing two dishes for Christmas.  The hash brown casserole, we'll make at Scott's house.  I assume we'll be bringing one of our very large bowls to prepare the dish, as well as our large baking dish.  We're bringing pretzel salad, but we can prepare that dish here at home, because once it's made, only needs to be refrigerated.

Ada (cleaning lady) was here yesterday.  I bought Ada and the woman who comes with her to clean the house, each a lightweight variegated pink and gray scarf.  The scarves are very pretty, but if you need a scarf for warmth, these guys aren't going to do the job.

Jeff had yesterday off, and not only did he get to sleep in, a bit, but was able to stretch out in his recliner during the day and "watch" television with his eyes closed!  I really wish he could have more relaxing days, and less hectic ones.

Time for me to sign off.  While I don't have to clean the house, there are things need doing, folding laundry (blah) for one!


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Day Off Wednesday


Jeff took today off, since he has 3 days of vacation left.  He was able to sleep in a "bit", until the girls began to display their I'm Hungry Dance!  As I type this, he's asleep in his chair, so I'm trying to be quiet while I move around the house.  Jeff needs this extra bit of rest.  Once Ada comes, he'll wake up, once he hears the vacuum.

I went to the dentist yesterday, with tooth in hand.  Actually, tooth in a baggie, but you get the idea.  No tooth fairy for me - too bad.  The tooth that fell out had a crown on top, and apparently can't be put back into my mouth.  Now, I must have an implant to replace the tooth in question.  Most new dental plans, will only pay for implants after one year.  Well, that's just great, because the tooth that fell out, is near the front of my mouth.  It's not too noticeable, unless I smile.  I can try and schedule the implant, while we still have dental insurance, but I know it probably can't be done this year, due to Christmas, etc.

I might be a bit busy next year, if I have an implant inserted ($$), back surgery ($$$$$$$), and I could have my vision tested too, but I will probably wait another year before doing that.

I'm challenging my creative side, with some of the presents I'm wrapping for Stacey and Scott.  Can't say more now, just in case they read my blog.  So, I'll sign off for now, enjoy your day.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I'm Back


You may, and I hope you have sort of, noticed my absence in the last few days.  My computer was getting an in-house service call to fix or upgrade or something like that, so I wasn't able to access the computer during that time.  But, thanks to Scott and/or perhaps "Computer Ken" (a long-time family friend), my computer is back up and running again.  I didn't realize just how much I would miss having the computer.  While if I stood on one foot, and swung my arms around in a circle (an exaggeration obviously), I could get to Amazon, a necessity at this time of the year and have access to my calendar in outlook, etc.

All of that is behind me now, so it's all speed ahead.  Where to begin blogging?  I think I should go back to Friday, the 15th.  Stacey arranged, and I am most appreciative, a birthday dinner for me at a local steak house.  Dinner was very good, and afterwards, we came back to the house to have birthday cake and open presents.  Yes, I said presents, and, no Christmas wrapping paper/bags in sight.  It's not every day that a gal turns 68 you know.  Jeff bought me curlers, and yes I still use curlers, doesn't everyone?  Unicorn socks, which are so cute, pink earmuffs, three Murano bangle bracelets, a small insulated unicorn bag, which will be useful to hold things when I go for doctors' appointments.  If I'm leaving anything out, my apologies to the gift giver.  

Stacey and Benjamin made a rainbow layered cake.  It was then iced and decorated with flowers, eyelashes on the front of the cake, and a Unicorn horn stuck in the middle of the cake.  With that dessert, I had my often asked for - rainbows and unicorns!  After eating the cake, we ladies retired to the living room, Benjamin and Elly (Wendy's daughter), took empty wrapping paper rolls and went to the upstairs hall to have a "sword" fight.  Yesterday, Auntie Kim came to see me, and she brought me three miniature, but oh so tasty bundt cakes and a book from a friend of hers who self-published her book.  So, you can see that I liked turning 68 so much, that maybe I'll be 68 again next year on my birthday!

Most of the packages I've ordered from, you guessed it, Amazon, have arrived and require wrapping.  Initially, I actually used wrapping paper and wrapped the gifts.  What consists of my wrapping presents, shouldn't be considered wrapping at all.  Oh, I do get paper, lots of paper around each gift, try and tuck the corners in, use more tape as well as more paper than is needed and voila I have a wrapped present.  And, then I got/get lazy and started using packing tape to secure the Amazon boxes and use a magic marker to write the to and from names.  The men in my life don't care about fancy wrapping and/or bows.  Actually, maybe they do, but over the years have gotten used to me doing less wrapping.  I'm happy to report that there are no dreaded "shirt boxes" this year.  That doesn't mean, however, that I didn't need/want them, I just found a different way to wrap certain presents.

And, because my life wasn't hectic enough with keeping track of the packages I have received and those I didn't, I lost a tooth!  I was walking down the stairs, which by the way, actually had nothing to do with the tooth coming out.  I felt something odd in my mouth, and the next thing I knew I had pulled out a tooth that had come loose.  Due to my advanced age, the tooth fairy didn't visit me.  Jeff is taking me to the dentist this afternoon, to put the tooth back into my mouth, hopefully.  Of course, the tooth that came out is in the front, which does absolutely nothing for my looks!  Not that I care much about my looks these days.  I'm home 99.9% of the time, and the girls don't care whether I've showered, dressed, etc., 

I received a call from my ortho surgeon this morning.  Can you imagine a surgeon taking the time to call a patient to explain again the procedure he is planning to do in my back.  If, nothing else, the surgery should elevate the pain I have in my back when I've walked or stood too much.  Will it fix the numbness in the foot?  He's hopeful, which makes me hopeful.  Because I had spinal fusion surgery in 1999, I am having trouble pulling the trigger on a surgery date.  It's not a question that I need the surgery, it's just that I will admit, am scared.  

In a nutshell, this is what's been going on during the last few days that I wasn't able to blog.


Friday, December 15, 2017



I'm in countdown mode until Sunday, when I become a "slightly" older old person!  Stacey, has arranged a birthday dinner for me and family et al, at a local steak house.  Stacey is a vegetarian, but the rest of the family are all carnivores, who all love steak.  Yum, I can hardly wait.

Yesterday, I got serious about wrapping presents.  Before I got serious, I had presents, boxes, padded envelopes and you name it pretty much all over the house.  And, then armed with my trusted wrapping pal, packing tape, I got down to business.  No ribbons, no bows and sometimes no wrapping paper.  I have a few remaining gifts that should be here in the next day or two, but I'm calling a "wrap" on wrapping - DONE!!!

With the exception of the occasional stealing by Bella, the girls are, and perhaps it's my imagination, getting better about using the carpet as a potty spot, chewing on chair legs as well as one of our sofas.  The sofa is older and was replaced by two recliners.  We keep the sofa primarily for the girls to sleep on.  So the fact that part of one arm has been chewed down to wood, doesn't bother us because when we decide to get rid of that sofa, it will just go to the dump.  Because Bella still likes to take things that don't belong to her, I still have the baby gates up protecting the kitchen and living room.  

It is gray outside.  Looks like snow, and our area could have some light snow today.  Winter is definitely coming, so I'd better figure out if I can get my right foot, which is swollen, into a pair of "real" shoes.  You know the ones that either buckle or tie.  I switched to Velcro closing shoes several years ago when tying became a bit of a problem for me.  With Velcro shoes, you put your foot in, and secure the top easily.  And, because they are Velcro, they don't become untied.

I got up at the girls' regular wake-up time, after Jeff leaves for work.  So, at 7:30, it was feet and paws on the floor.  Time now for coffee, bagel and hopefully some kind of a cooking show.

Have a wonderful Friday.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

It Snowed!


Last night, we had, I guess you could say our first snow of the season.  It's true that what stuff fell from the sky, but once it hit the ground, it was just a dusting.  But, I enjoyed seeing some snow on the ground.  I don't necessarily want "foots" of snow, but wouldn't it be nice to have a white Christmas?  It should always snow on a weekend or holiday, so that people don't have to shovel themselves out in a hurry to get to work.

When I was working, and particularly when the boys were in school, Jeff and I had to get up very early to see if" (a) the schools were delayed or closed, and this is a working parents' nightmare; and (b) did the powers that be, delay or close the office.  Luckily, all of that is behind me now, and since I can't drive at the moment, don't worry about getting to and fro for a doctor's appointment.  It's all good.

I spent a lot of time wrapping, okay to call what I did with boxes and bags as wrapping, is an understatement.  I did "secure" said boxes and bags with paper and in some cases used packing tape to secure the odd padded envelope.  Don't look to me for ribbons and bows, that's just not going to happen.  Oh, I do occasionally put curly ribbon on a gift, and then curl the ends with scissors, but that's about as adventuresome as I get.  The men in my life, don't want or need to have their packages decorated. It's not like they get all excited when they see those dreaded "shirt" boxes!  But, after all, what are you supposed to buy for adult sons?  Luckily, I still had some original gift giving thoughts for all the men.  And, buying for Stacey, Wendy and Elly was a dream for me.  Buying for "pink" people was just so much fun.

Tomorrow night, Stacey has organized a birthday dinner for me with her, Andrew, Benjamin, Scott and Wendy and perhaps Elly.  I can't adequately describe how much I appreciate Stacey organizing a special dinner for me.  I got to pick out the restaurant, and I picked one that serves steaks (yum).  After that, I was taken out of the equation.  My job is just to show up.  How much fun is that?  I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to tomorrow night.

I have to wrap more presents today.  I "may" have bought too many presents, but for me, finding the right gift for the right person, is so worth it. Compared to last year's Christmas, which Jeff and I spent alone, this year promises to be much more fun and festive.  We don't own a sleigh, but we'll be putting presents in the trunk, so I think that counts.  And, we'll be traveling over hill and dell to get to Scott's house.

We've got a cold wind blowing through our area.  When I'm sitting in the den, watching another cheesy Hallmark movie, I turn on the fireplace and both of the girls migrate toward the fire.  In fact, Bella will actually put her head on the bricks in front of the fireplace.  Since it's a gas log, I don't have to worry about sparks, etc.

Time for me to get in gear.  Happy Thursday.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Hump Day


Recycling day.  There is a part of me longs for the days when you just had trash and everything from paper to plastic was tossed into the trash can.  Now, and I understand why, we have to sort paper from plastic, but someday's it's just downright annoying.

The presents are over taking the house.  Wrapped gifts are in the living room. Unwrapped gifts are both in my office as well as the dining room table.  It is imperative now, more than ever, that Bella not have access to the den, without supervision.  She would have a field day with all that paper, cardboard and gifts at her disposable.  

After I shower and dress, I'll return to the wrapping of presents.  I'll have to make two disclaimers on Christmas Day: (1) sort of apologize for the presents wrapped by me; and (2) that when it came time to picking out clothing sizes, I didn't want to insult someone by buying too big and/or too small.  It was just a judgment call, and I hope I got it right.

Our cleaning lady comes today, and she's going to find parts of the house in complete chaos.  I think, for the most part, that I'm pretty organized, thanks to being OCD, but at the moment, I've absolutely lost control.  

I love presents that come in their own box, because I generally can do a "fairly" good job of wrapping.  My wrapping isn't what you would call pretty, by any stretch of the imagination, but I get 'ur done!  Some would day, and they might be right, that I have bought simply too many presents.  But, I enjoy the hunt looking for what I think will make a great present for everyone.  I do get lists from some people, and I consider the list, and then I go rogue!  What can I say?  I love giving.  I love that when somebody opens up a present, that they didn't know they wanted, and I see all that joy on their face, my day is absolutely complete!  I'll deal with the Visa bill later.  The Amazon charges are on the high end, but when you divide that number by the number of people I'm buying for, it doesn't look so bad.  (Keep that in mind Jeff, when the bill comes - (insert happy face here)!

The good news is that with one exception (Benjamin), I seldom buy gifts the rest of the year.  So, if you take the amount of money I spent on Amazon, divide that by the number of people on my list, and then divide it again by 12, it comes out to a very reasonable number.  "Fake Numbers"!

Jeff went out to Andrew's house last night and he took the girls.  Bella, for sure, needs to burn off some of her energy, and she just can't do that in our backyard very well.  Jeff helped to get heat out to the chicken coop, so that the chickens will stay warm this winter.  And, based on temperatures today, not a moment too soon.

I'm really looking forward to my birthday dinner on Friday, as well as Christmas Day.  Everyone will be at Scott's house to exchange presents, eat great food and enjoy each other's company.  Can't wait.

Time to run and get something done!


P.S.:  I bet you can't tell from these two pictures, which one closely resembles my time of wrapping, versus Stacey's wrapping!  

Image result for picture of presents needed to be wrapped

Image result for picture of presents needed to be wrapped

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Leavy Tuesday


The homeowner's association is coming through the neighborhood, sucking up any leaves that are in the street.  Well, thanks to a 30 year old Oak tree, Jeff and I have leaves to spare, which is not necessarily a good thing.  This morning, I went out and swept (yes with a broom) and swept most of the front yard.  My theory is that for every leaf I get out to the street, is a leaf I don't have to pick up later!  This exercise didn't feel so good physically for me, but mentally I'm giving myself two thumbs up.  👍👍  See, there they are!

Today, I literally have to empty out my office of boxes, presents, packing material and everything else relating to Christmas.  Until I have all my presents wrapped, I really won't know how many of these empty boxes or padded envelopes I need to keep. The days of me shoving clothes into shirt boxes and sealing them with packing tape and identifying the recipient are over now.

I see that you can now give Amazon access to open your front door and put your packages inside.  This just sounds creepy to me.  I'm sure that the drivers are trustworthy, but that still doesn't give me piece of mind.  And, boxes or packages left in the house could certainly be destroyed by the girls before I can get to them.  

There's no snow predicated for the rest of the week.  It's just gloomy gray outside, which is not a good thing for me.  And, getting to be more on the cool/cold side.  Our gas fireplaces, which was serviced more than a month ago (I think) is needing a new gas valve, or something like that.  The repairman said that we had a 50/50 chance of the fireplace turning on.  At the moment, the fireplace is working and the new valve will be put in in January. Glad there's no rush or anything.

Ada is coming to clean the house tomorrow - yeah.  I have one present wrapped in a black trash 
bag - don't ask.  I will need to put that on the coach in the living room, so that she doesn't think it's trash and throws it out.

For the first time in several years, I'm really looking forward to Christmas.  We're all going (Andrew et al) to Scott's house to exchange gifts and have lunch/dinner together.  It will be so much fun.  Frankly, I like the things I've bought for people and would like to give them to the family now. Since we're opening up presents at Scott's house, means that I won't have to deal with wrapping paper and boxes!  Yeah.  Scott has asked me to bring my hash brown casserole, which is a family favorite and pretzel salad, also a favorite.  If, and that's a big if, I feel up to it, I might make those little round, nut filled and dusted with powder sugar cookies.  

As I write this, with both the girls sitting near me, staring at the window, makes me wonder if their litter mates were also able to find good homes.  There is a difference between giving a dog a home and giving a dog a great home.  Bella and Daisy are living the life in a great home, I'm happy to say. Even though I get really frustrated with the damage to things that Bella has done in the past year, I believe we're making progress to having more mature dogs.  Mind you, I still leave gates up all over the house, and I hope someday we'll be able to leave the girls in the house when we go out.  But, that time is definitely not here.

Moving along now and heading to the kitchen as my first stop.  Have a good day.

Image result for picture of holly

Monday, December 11, 2017

Checking It Twice!


A bright sunshiny day here.  The little bit of snow that fell over the weekend, is almost gone.  Now, if people are smart, this would be a good time to buy some winter tools, like a snow shovel.  It seems as if everybody waits for a snow storm to be predicted, and then they flock to the stores to get those winter essentials - shovels, ice scrapers, etc.

Me?  I stayed inside yesterday.  I was afraid of falling on wet leaves, because what I don't need is to have another fall.  I have an appointment scheduled for today, but that's not until this afternoon.  In the meantime, I'm going to put all the empty boxes, padded envelopes, and packing pieces into the living room.  I need the floor space in my office back!

We have a small two foot or so pre-lit fake Christmas tree.  I came into the kitchen this morning, and Bella was chewing away on a plastic candy cane ornament.  I keep wondering if she's missing something in her diet.  I actually think that she should be taken outside for a long walk, to tire herself out.  I've never walked her on a leash (back to that old falling thing again), nor do I have the stamina to walk long distances.  I sound like a parrot when talking about what Caesar said about a dog's behavior.  I will tell you that the things we've tried, like keeping her out of the kitchen, when we're in there cooking, is beginning to sink in.  Now, an empty kitchen would still be too much for Bella.  There's always lots of things she can get into.

I said that my Christmas shopping was done, but I lied.  The hunt continued over the weekend, and now I really do think my shopping is done.  I've even bought a few things for myself, which I will have Stacey wrap for me.  I know that buying for oneself is not what you're supposed to do, but I view this as merely helping Jeff out.  Note to Jeff - you can still buy me presents that will be a complete surprise for me!

While sitting here typing away, I looked up on one of my shelves, and found a perfect present for Stacey.  Obviously, I can't disclose the item, just in case Stacey reads my blog.  Jeff and I disagree on the giving away of things we own.  My theory is that I've enjoyed "x" for many years and that I know a family member would enjoy "x" now.  I don't think of this as giving away, more like passing "x" on, particularly if I know that, let's suppose we're talking about Stacey here, will love this object.

I think Stacey and Benjamin are coming to see me this week to continue wrapping for me.  Now that I've cleaned out all my summer shoes and sandals from my closet, it would be a big help to me, if Benjamin would match up all the shoes that remain.

While sitting here, I hear something falling to the ground.  And guess what?  Bella has been able to push open one of the gates keeping her from the kitchen, and she got inside enough to grab a spatula.  Luckily, I got there in time to get the spatula before it descended into the circle of hell, known as the basement!

Checking out now.  I've got clothes to put away and spaghetti to make.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...