Monday, December 31, 2018

Typing 2019


Today, is the last day that I, as well as you, will type the year 2018. Starting tomorrow, my fingers will really have to concentrate to type 2019. It's an adjustment much like resetting the clocks twice a year. Once in a rut, always in a rut. Or, more likely set in my ways,(ya think) and not ready to make a change. We do tend to get a bit crotchety in our old age. And, perhaps we get that way, because we're getting older, and things don't work as well as they used to!

It's gray and gloomy outside today. Not exactly, the best weather for a person who needs sunshine to keep upbeat. It's just something I have to just accept.

I have been stacking boxes since Christmas, to make sure that everything that needs returning, has a box big/small enough to get the item inside. I now only have two packages being sent back to Amazon this week. Once that is done, I'm going to break down the boxes and put them out for recycling. I'll have Jeff take down the wrapping paper box, as well as our tiny Christmas tree into the basement for another year. Truthfully, with the boys gone, and Christmas dinners being held in one of the boys' houses, there seems to be very little interest on my part to decorate. You get everything down, and a month later, you put it all back. I know, I know - ba-humbug.  

Also this week, a trip to the alteration lady to make everything I bought - shorter. She'll recognize me on sight, because she's been making my clothes shorter for years. Probably a bit on the pricey side, but I hate having to roll up sleeves on everything I own. I would still like to know where these manufacturers get a petite woman, to model their clothes.

I was given several books for Christmas. They are in a normal size font. No worries. My reading glasses and a magnifying glass, and I can enjoy the books. "Santa" knows how much I love to read! All my life, reading has been somewhat of a curse (if you will). As a teenager, with my nose always in a book, I sometimes (okay most times) never heard my Mother call me to do something. As an adult, I can pretty much tune out my surroundings.

No plans for tonight. We might stay until midnight, and then again we might not. If the neighbors have a party, then the slamming of car doors after midnight, will put the girls on high alert. Maybe, it would be better tonight, to close the bedroom door - just a thought.

Oh, product review - glasses and cups made by Stone & Mill, are all double insulated. The coffee stays hot longer, but the outside of the cup doesn't. I love this product very much and highly recommend them.

Well, my friends, I'm off to the "races" (laundry room and kitchen) to get my chores done, so that I can get back to my recliner and read!

See you next year.

Two Flute Glasses of Champagne 


Sunday, December 30, 2018

Almost a New Year


It's the day before the day, which then makes it's mark as 2019. Did you follow my crazy logic? If you know me well, this is just how I think of things.

Most of our tv shows are on winter break. Oh no! This means that Jeff and I might have to talk to one another this week. I'm assuming that our shows will begin to return next week.

It's super sunny outside, with little or no wind. Obviously, this means a top down in the car. Jeff will go do his weekly errands. I'll stay home with Daisy. Poor Daisy she never gets to go anywhere.

I bought new reflective leashes for the girls as a Christmas present. I didn't buy the longer leash (6 foot), but the leashes that I bought (4 foot) are really very nice. The cost of returning these leashes doesn't make much sense, because the refund would be small.

Jeff made tapioca (always told the boys it was fish eggs - not very nice of us) pudding last night, and it was yummy.  He also made 5 bean with ham soup. That was yummy as well. Since I'm not the cook, then clean-up is my job. I know that somebody has to do it, so it might as well be me. 

I might take my rollator out today and walk a few loops around the circle. We live at the top of a hill. I could certainly walk down the hill, but coming back up might be a real challenge for me. Maybe Jeff could pick me up at the bottom of the hill in his car. Then, I would have two choices: continue walking on the flat surface of the road; and/or have Jeff "push" me back home. 

I've decided (note: Jeff's opinion hasn't been heard), that 2019 is going to be a year of changes to the house. I'm going to become my most assertive self (and that might be a stretch) to freshen up the house. I'm going to replace my office carpet, upstairs hallway and the stairs with laminate flooring. They make very inexpensive laminate, which is all I need in my office. And, then they also sell waterproof laminate. I think I will, for obvious reasons, put the waterproof flooring upstairs. I have Stanley Steemer on speed dial, but no matter how many times I've had the hallway cleaned, within a matter of days, Daisy is up to her old tricks. And, frankly Scarlett, I'm so over this.

Next project is to put blinds in the front of the house windows. I have curtains that are 32 years old, as well as sheers with dog prints on the bottom. Oh, and replace the very old mini-blinds in the den with new blinds. These ambitious jobs, will or could put Jeff into a tail spin. But, I think it's about time to shake things up a bit. We can do all of this in stages. First the floors - super, duper important to me. And, then blinds. I know that Rome wasn't built in a day, and changes to the house can't all be as simple as writing a check.

Oh, I propose that the above projects will be a part of the 2019 resolution. And, of course, the first and foremost resolution is always: (1) lose weight, and (2) get in shape. Everyone has good intentions, but the follow through isn't too good. You buy a gym membership with a determination to go every day, then it's every other day, and soon it becomes only on the weekends. After that, you are literally paying money for something you don't or won't do.

For 2019, I have no desire to buy a gym membership. I don't think I could stand "working out", if that's what my efforts would be, in front of all these lean and fit bodies. My body is far from being lean and/or fit.

Happy Sunday.


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Let's Return Stuff!


Before I toss out anymore boxes, I need Jeff to decide if he's going to keep the very nice shirts that I bought him. I suspect that some, if not all, of the shirts will have to be returned. Once we've gone through all of his presents, then he, or myself, will know what to return.

This morning after breakfast, Jeff and I watched a movie, which is a nice way to spend your morning time. 

Not too much on the "to do" list for today. I suspect that Jeff will go to Scott or Andrew's house to do something. The something has yet to be determined. Either way, he'll take Bella with him. Daisy and I will stay home.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Bright blue sky and no wind. The "lake" in our backyard has started to get smaller, since we haven't had rain in the last day or so. How do you know that your dog has actually been outside? Muddy paws that's how!

I think today, I'm going to try and make tapioca pudding in our instant pot.You have to use tapioca pearls, which luckily I have on hand. By putting the ingredients in the pot, there is no stirring or burning, if you're not paying attention. And, we all know that a burnt pot requires a whole lot of scrubbing. 

After blogging, I'm heading to the laundry room to put something in the drawer. After that, and please do hold your breath, I'm going into the kitchen to clean up. I actually know you're jealous. Who wouldn't be envious and/or jealous of the kind of day I'm anticipating!

But, even blogging has to come to an end each day. I don't want to write so much that there is yawning or even need a break from reading.



Friday, December 28, 2018



Soon, there will be dried out Christmas trees in the yard, ready for pick-up. I, too felt like it was time to put the tree away. Notice I said, "put", rather than "out". All I had to do was fold up my little Christmas tree, and stuff it back in it's box and put it in the basement for another year;

I am fully aware that houses that aren't really decked out, is a little like Scrooge himself. I don't know how it happened, but over the course of years, I have simply lost my mo-jo. We don't have young children anymore, and we don't do much entertaining now. Actually, that's not exactly the truth, the truth is that we seldom entertain now. I don't know why, but that's just the way it is.

Now that Stacey and Wendy (who will become a part of our family in the future), I have retired my role as matriarch (I still am, of course) to Stacey and Wendy. After 40 plus years at the helm, I'm ready to turn the reins over. Um, part of that is not exactly true. While I'm now playing a "minor" role, in the big picture, my responsibilities have become less. And, again in the big picture that's a good thing, and definitely how it should be. Yet, there is a part of me that is a bit sad.Perhaps some of you women can understand this feeling.

Ada came yesterday, and for the first time in at least a month, was able to dust and vacuum the living room. My office? Not so much. I still have the odd bits of paper that needs filing, receipts, etc., that "decorate" the floor! My mission is clear. This time next week, my office will be ready to be cleaned. I can only stand clutter for a bit of time, thanks to my OCD. 

Yesterday, I managed to get all unwanted clothes (too big, wrong color, etc.) stuffed into boxes. All Jeff has to do, among all the other things he does, is take them to the UPS store and drop them off.

The weather outside is terrible. It's not cold, but has been raining and perhaps will do so until this afternoon. There is one good thing about rain--I know if the girls have been outside. If they have, then their paws are wet. Daisy's are seldom wet, meaning that she hasn't ventured out the doggy door. This is a shock, for anybody who has a dog that is reluctant to go outside, when the weather conditions (rain, in particular). Daisy's saving grace is that she is the most loving dog we've ever had.

My daily goal is to be showered and dressed before noon, is now almost in jeopardy. Tlk to you later.




Thursday, December 27, 2018

Busy Day


Yesterday, I went into the living room, and I know a lot of people do that, but my mission was to collect up the boxes, and flatten them. Mission accomplished! I hesitate to toss out the boxes just yet, because Jeff hasn't tried on the shirts that I bought him. It seems likely, that his shirts won't 
fit - too big.

I boxed up several things that need to go back to Amazon - too small - too big - wrong color, etc. Our next outing out will be to the UPS store, to ship off the boxes.

When Ada comes to clean today, she will be able to clean the living room. It's now possible to get through because the floor is not littered with boxes. Progress is being made. I'll keep her out of my office for another week, because I haven't made much progress in cleaning up! Sad, but true.

Next week, I want to take down several things to the alternation lady. Again, I wonder where these petite plus women are, and just how long are their arms. The things that need altering, is several tops and/or jacket that I want the sleeves to be shortened. I know I go beyond the fashion statement of having my pants too long (just something else for me to trip over) and the sleeves of my tops to fit at wrist level. This woman knows me on sight, and always knows that whatever I bring in, is to shorten something(s). I absolutely hate having to roll up my shirts and/or jackets. 

Another mission, possibly, is to head to the UPS store and drop off all the packaged and labeled boxes. I've put all the wrapping paper, etc., into it's box, and will get Jeff to take down that box and put it into the basement for another year. 

I will write (type because my handwriting is so bad), my "bread and butter" notes to Scott et al, and Andrew et al. Because I know you're all dying to know (probably not), the tradition of such notes has been around since the 1800's. That's a long time. And, like the thank you notes I sent out after our wedding, I do the notes in a timely manner. Not particularly, OCD I swear, but if I don't get my notes out, it tends to niggle on my brain. We all know that I can hardly afford to have anything else rummaging around in my head.

When the boys were still here at home, I made them send out thank you notes after receiving a gift. If they were not inclined to do so, then I told them they could write the giver, a thank you note something like this: "I don't want to have to write thank you notes, so please don't send anything to me in the future". That was a good incentive to get the boys writing!

I still have a few things (Jeff's presents actually), to go through to see what fits or not. Important things like that. Once I'm confident that everything that has to be returned is finished, then I'll take the unused boxes to be recycled.  If you spend Christmas at somebody else's house, then you don't have to deal with boxes and paper. And, there was a lot of both.

That's all I have for today. Enjoy possibly your day off. More tomorrow!


Christmas is often when people decide they want to get rid of excess clutter in their homes, and if you're ready make sure to do the #Declutter365 missions to accomplish your goal! {on Home Storage Solutions 101}


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Is Over and Now On To The Next Big Thing!


Jeff and I and the "girls" had Christmas dinner at Scott and Wendy's house. Though I promised myself that I wouldn't go crazy with gifts, I apparently can't keep a promise even to myself! So, with that in mind, I "promise" to do a better job next year. And, I'll have all of you around to keep me in check!

Wendy baked a ham, the kind with brown sugar (I think) on top - yum. She also made a pineapple casserole, which could be habit forming! Stacey, brought her famous apple pies, which, as always, was so good. Jeff made cole slaw and corn casserole. Wendy also made a number of cookies, all of which were too good to pass up! I was definitely in sugar heaven.

Benjamin and Elly loved all of their gifts, and waited patiently for other people to open up their gifts. Scott bought Benjamin a slot car racing game? and also bought extra track, so the area takes up a lot of room. They'll need a big space at his house to accommodate the track.

I was given Unicorn socks, a small Unicorn bag, a wonderful picture of the four adults, some books (hurrah, I love books), a framed picture if you will, that talks about Mom-Mom, Jeff also got one for Pop-Pop - and they are wonderful. I was also given a beautiful art piece, with a gold clitter moon (our saying, to the moon and back). 

Scott, who knows me so well, bought me not one, but three different Murano glass pieces. I can't wait to take them out of the boxes, and put them on display. I also received a beautiful ornament, which will hang in the window of my office. And, Wendy gave me a bracelet from this company that she likes, I can't remember the name of it, but their products are all beautiful. I have a rose gold bracelet, with several charms. Unfortunately, I cannot at the moment read small print, so I have no idea what the charms actually say, but I'll get out my magnifying glass and find out.

With the exception of the flannel and wool shirts that I bought Jeff, which are too big, and are being returned, the other shirts that I bought for Andrew and Scott, seemed to meet with their approval.

BUT, one of the best gifts last night, was that Scott proposed to Wendy, and she accepted. The ring is beautiful. I don't know if Wendy helped pick out, but no matter, it's beautiful. And my circle of women in the family has now been expanded to three: Stacey, Wendy and Elly. If I'm not careful, we "pink" people will be the "ruling class"!!

Oh, by the way, the girls were flawless last night. No accidents in the house, no growling at Scott's dogs, which are really huge. For the most part, they found a spot in the room and slept. I'm so glad that there wasn't any dog drama.
This time of the year, is not my best, so I type with my SAD light on, and am getting my head shrunk this afternoon.  

Recycling is tomorrow, and our bin that holds paper and cardboard is already full, and we have several other boxes that need to be emptied and put in the bin. But, before I toss out boxes, I have to save some, for any returns, and I few things that need to be sent back. I mean, who's Christmas wouldn't be complete, without some returns.

Stopping now, so that I can start emptying out the boxes, and save the ones I need, and toss the rest.

Have a very good day.

Image result for picture of unwrapped christmas presents


Monday, December 24, 2018

And Here We Are Again


Ho, Ho, Ho.  Merry Christmas to everyone. I'm giving all of you a heads up, that there will be no blog tomorrow. I know you understand. Some packages are still left to put in the car. And, then I turn around and in my office, found another present not wrapped! Sigh.

Tomorrow, Jeff and I are bringing coleslaw (and he makes it very well), and corn casserole, which is a family favorite. Oh, and I bought some of those "crackers" that you pull apart and little treasures, including a paper hat falls out. Elly and Benjamin will both like them - the adults not so much.

I am going to get my box opener and open up all of the empty boxes in the living room. Just having the boxes off the floor will be a sign of progress.
I'll put the wrapping paper down in the basement for use next year. 

And, my love affair with Amazon is trickling down. I did buy myself a "senior activity" book, with all kinds of puzzles as well as other things to do to keep your mind from "slipping" away. I hope it's not too late for me!

Jeff and I have binge watching "Rancher" on Netflix. We enjoy the show a lot, and now we're out of episodes.  Drat. I hate when that happens. We'll just have to find some other show that we can both enjoy. That generally means no "mushy" stuff (i.e., Hallmark).

So far this morning, I've cleaned up the kitchen and am doing so laundry. Once I'm done with those two chores, I'm pretty much done for the day.

Merry Christmas everyone, and best wishes for 2109.


Sunday, December 23, 2018

Finishing Up Today (I think!!)


My Christmas cards are almost done. A big thank you to Jeff for printing out address labels. For reasons unknown to me, my handwriting (in my opinion was beautiful), is alas no longer. My writing is now shaky and I feel the need to apologize for the handwriting.  It's the thought that counts right?

Jeff will need to to the store today, and those stores will be a zoo, I'm sure. Luckily, he only needs to pick up a few things. And, I'll give him a list of what not to buy. Even if we were housebound for days, due to weather, we'd be just fine. One of our jobs for this winter, is to remove all the food, and I'm pretty sure that even Bella won't chomp up frozen food. After we get to the bottom, and find food, we didn't know we absolutely have to defrost the freezer. It's a big freezer so I'm not sure how long it will take to thaw it out! When we had Grandma Gibb's freezer, which was rather on the small size, we decided to buy a larger freezer. Trouble with a large freezer is the absolute need we have to put more food inside! This isn't too smart I know.

My argument about buying what seems to be (and actually probably is, is that I don't buy any birthday presents, etc., except for Benjamin and Elly.

While I'm sitting here at my desk, there are three deer just hanging out in the neighbor's yard. That something you definitely don't see in California! They are beautiful animals, but they do like to chew things up in the yards.
Here's a picture of Scott's tree with presents. Like it or not, there are still more gifts to wrap. I'm all about the hunt, and if I say so myself, think I'm pretty good at doing this. One of the good thing about having Christmas at somebody else's house is that we don't have to throw paper and boxes out.
Today and tomorrow is hustle and bustle days!



Saturday, December 22, 2018

Post Friday


Yesterday, Stacey and Wendy came to visit me. They brought me a present, took me to lunch and then ran a few errands with me.  I am truly blessed for having these two women in my life. They brought me a bracelet adorned with an acorn as well as two other charms, the inscription I'm not able to read right now.

Lunch was pizza, and the three of us had a very good time. They took me to a UPS store so that I could return two items. Finally, off to CVS, so that I could buy a few specialty cards, and pick up a pair of reading glasses. These glasses aren't perfect for my vision but I can read small print much easier. 

When Wendy left, we loaded up her car with some presents. My "I'm only going to buy each of you 2 presents" announcement last year, has somehow gone by the wayside!

Stacey and I also went to Michael's store, which by the way, was marking down a lot of their Christmas merchandise. Some things were discounted by 70% and that's a bargain, if you don't mind and/or will remember where you put that stupid paper when Christmas rolls around again.

Stacey, who is so good to me, stayed into the evening, and wrapped presents. Everything Stacey wraps is beautiful. I feel bad that Stacey and Wendy's gifts will have to be wrapped by me! Though while at CVS, I picked up one of those bundled together "decorated" boxes. I will likely buy some of their gifts inside the boxes, tape them shut and write the to/from in magic marker! Not pretty I know, but absolutely gets the job done.

While Stacey was doing her Christmas cards, I worked on mine. I'm actually not sending out too many cards this year, and I feel like I have to apologize in every card for my now shaky handwriting. I used to have beautiful handwriting, but not anymore. 

I "suppose" (actually know that I have) bought a lot of presents. My problem is that just when I think I'm about done, another something pops up in my mind! Some families when they are shopping for presents, use a set dollar item for, let's say, each child or grown-ups. I have never subscribed to that notion. Okay, let's say I give "x" a present that is really expensive, and perhaps one other smaller gift. So, this person only has two things to open, while one of the other "children and men" have multiple packages to open. I want for each family member to more or less, have pretty much the same number of presents. Some family members have to be "pushed" into opening their gifts. This is maddening to me. Admittedly, I'm not expecting the adults to tear open their presents, like they did when they were young, but as we basically go through the room giving said person time to open up their presents, so that we can "oh ah" over whatever they have received. All of this, of course, takes time.My rationale, and heaven knows I need one, is that with the exception of Benjamin and Elly, I don't buy presents any other time of the year. So there is one BIG push at the end of the year, and then I'm over the shopping/buying gifts. When I have everything wrapped, then I will begin to dismantle all of the cardboard boxes that are littered on the living room floor!

Time to close. The kitchen needs "doing" today, and then I'll finish up my cards and start wrapping.

Have a good Saturday.


Friday, December 21, 2018

Ho Ho Ho


Truth be told, I'm actually a bit disappointed in myself this year. I feel like I'm underwater and down so deep, that I can't get to the top! This, of course, has never happened to me before. I guess you could say that I'm basically "in the weeds".

I wrapped a few of Benjamin's presents yesterday, and there will be no doubt as to who wrapped them. I don't particularly measure out my paper, so several of his gifts, have an "extra strip" of paper taped in between the two sides! As a guy, Benjamin, like the boys, only care about what's inside. They don't need ribbons or bows or even high end wrapping paper. All of those things are actually lost on them. And, from my standpoint, that's a good thing.

Retailers are, or are close to, winding down the Christmas season. I don't expect to see bathing suits out yet, but it won't be long. Now, the day after Christmas, a lot of people head to the stores to stock up on the essentials: wrapping paper, ribbons and bows. I won't be one of those individuals. I know the bargains are great, but you do, after all, store these things. And, with my short circuited brain, I'll never remember where I put those things. Just saying.

Stacey and Benjamin are supposed to come and visit me today. Benjamin will be very happy to watch television, while Stacey and I run a few errands. I need to return some things at Michael's, Go to CVS or similar store, to buy a few specialty cards for my sister, brother and two of my closest friends. 

My handwriting is so bad now (sort of on the shaking side), that Jeff was kind enough to print address labels for me. I still have to, write a note  for each card. Or, perhaps I'll just write one letter, and then edit it for each individual. That actuality makes more sense. 

While my vision has definitely improved, I am now very light sensitive. Could not being able to see well for a very long time, have something to do with that? Likely, that's the case.

I have several things that I would like/need to be altered, but have decided to wait until January to take the clothes to the store. The fault in each piece of clothing is length. I don't know where they get their models from, my the sleeve and pant lengths are ridiculous.  I've gone to this alteration lady so much, that she recognizes me on sight, and always know that whatever I bring in, needs to be shortened. At least I don't have the dilemma that tall people have. If their clothes don't fit in length, it's not exactly feasible or perhaps even possible, to add extra fabric. I also have an aversion to clothes that are too long, i.e., cover the old caboose. Nobody, and for sure not me, wants to see my body poured into a top that is so long that it encompasses one of my beauty faults. Oh, to be sure, I have other faults, but clothes that are too long in length is just maddening to me.

The house is in complete chaos. In the living room, I have strewn (don't you love that word?) empty boxes. Until every gift is wrapped, the boxes stay. One end of the sofa are the boys and Jeff's presents - cardboard boxes secured by packing tape, and the to/from written in magic marker. It always works for them, and it saves me from struggling to get the amount of paper, which shouldn't be hard, but it is for me.

On-line orders may or may not arrive before Christmas. Oh, for sure, you can order expedited shipping, but you'll definitely have to pay for that!

It might be fun to go to a mall, where there are real stores, and with the help of my rollator "walk" around. On-line shopping is handy, but you can't get the feel of some of the things you buy. Plus, as an added bonus, I could sit on my "chair" and watch the crowds go by. That'd be fun for me, shoppers not so much.


  Image result for picture of count down to Christmas


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Politically Correcr?


If you're thinking about actual politics, you'd be wrong. When I started blogging, I made myself a promise to avoid, at all costs, two areas: politics and women's rights. Don't get me wrong, I feel strongly about the later subject, but choose not to go there.

No, the politically correct thing I'm writing about, is the Merry Christmas greeting. When we lived in California, we wished everyone Merry Christmas. 

I remember my first Christmas here in Maryland. I was, at that time, working for two Jewish attorneys. I also remember asking them if we would offend anybody by putting up lights on the house. And, because Scott (Santa's number one helper) didn't just string a few lights on the house. Nope, I'm pretty sure our house could be seen in space!

Both attorneys assured me that ALL children love Christmas lights. Then, my next question, which I'm still asking is what holiday greeting is "politically correct"? To be safe, and not to offend anyone, Jeff and I wish people in stores, etc., Happy Holidays. For friends, and people we know, we wish them a Merry Christmas. 

On our first Christmas here, the Christmas show at the local schools, was called the Holiday show, and not all songs that were sung, were just about Christmas. It does take time to adjust to new surroundings and get in the "groove" if you will. Well, "Stella" (from a movie), as well as ourselves did get on even footing. 

Growing up, the greeting was Merry Christmas to everyone. Of course, my high school years were spent in a very small town, where you knew everybody.

The definition, according to Wikipedia, the custom of putting lights on a treet goes back goes back to when Christmas trees were decorated with candles, which symbolized Christ being the light of the world. 

So there you have it. If you care, and I know you do, today is National Re-gifting Day. I don't understand how this can be a re-gifting day, since we don't open up our presents until next week! At some point, or another, fruitcake was passed around from friend (or not) to friend!

Get shopping.


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Way Behind This Year!


Hurry and scurry you guys. Santa is closing in fast. On-line orders may or may not arrive in time. And, unfortunately for a few last minute items, yous truly may fall in that category!

For some reason, this year I'm basically in the weeds, and that has never happened to me before!  I haven't even addressed, let alone sent, our Christmas cards. But, from our Christmas list, 32 years ago to now, we have a lot fewer people that we send cards too. 

And, in my letters what would I say? Let's see, Benjamin is now 10 and growing up way too fast for Jeff and I. We miss toddler Benjamin, although there was more work involved in caring for him. But, on the plus side, he fit better on our laps! Before we know it, he'll be a teenager. How time flies when you're having fun. I know that's just the grandma in me, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Ada came yesterday, so today is put the laundry away (and you all know how much I hate doing that). Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house tomorrow in the afternoon. I have some things to return to Michael's and a quick run through CVS to buy some specialty cards. I also need large 11x14 size for a few of my gifts. I'll mark them all as "assembly required". I've bought frames, but will save the receipt in case, the frames that I bought aren't exactly what the "children" want. My taste and theirs could vary a little bit (ya think?).

Today, I've simply got to get down to the business of cards. The 4A cards are ready to be sent, just need a "quick" (if that's possible this time of the year) trip to the post office for the correct postage.
Basically, I weigh one envelope, and then buy "x" numbers of stamps for the remainder. The cards have to be weighed, because they definitely don't ship for regular postage. The calendar magnets inside the envelope add to the postage amount, which last year, think was around 65 cents.

During my toast and coffee breakfast, I sat down with Daisy on my lap, and watched a cooking show. Of course, I did.

I will "attempt" to wrap up presents today for Stacey and Wendy. I may get things wrapped, but they probably won't be getting any ribbon. I only have so many skills, and ribbons isn't counted as one of them. So, you see it's a good things I only had boys, because they couldn't give two hoots about wrapping. What they don't like to see under the Christmas tree, is those much dreaded shirt boxes. Those kind of boxes only hold one thing - clothes! Horrors.

Have a good day.





Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Post-Op Appointment


Went and saw the eye surgeon this morning, for my second post-op appointment.  And, ALL IS GOOD! I was pretty sure that the doctor would be proud of my progress, because I sure am. Unlike, the post-op appointments for the left eye, that needed the doctor to "fiddle" with the eye, the right eye is great. The only thing that is still a challenge, is reading fine print, but that's where a magnifying glass comes in handy. And, I can't stand bright lights. The doctor assured me that once you have lived in a fuzzy world, and now can see, everything is brighter. I can, I suppose, wear my sunglasses in the house to dim down the brightness. If you need cataract and/or cornea transplant, don't put it off. Today, my vision in the right eye is 28/20. My next appointment is in a month, and perhaps I can a prescription for reading glasses. If I only need reading glasses, then I'm going to opt for a bright frame - red or purple! You only live life once after all!

I did some wrapping yesterday, but only for the boys. I used my tested and approved by using packing tape and writing their names on the front of the box with magic marker! I did notice, however, that I can't find one of Scott's present. It's a "two parter", so I'll wrap what I have and hope that when all the presents have been opened, I'll find the second part of the gift! The missing piece is pretty big, so it shouldn't have been possible for me to lose i! After all, I just recently found the Crocs I had bought for Jeff LAST Christmas!

Anybody who uses a spreadsheet to keep track of presents bought, should not be able to lose a gift. But, we know that my brain is a bit "wonky", so it stands to reason that I may have just forgotten the present. Every year, after Christmas, I tell everyone that the NEXT Christmas, I'm only going to buy 2 or 3 things for all the adults. And then buying season rolls around, and all my good intentions to fly out the window. I really can't help that I find such wonderful things for everybody. I even did some of my own gift buying. Jeff believes that I'm hard to buy for, and from my perspective just not true. I pretty much like everything, even if the gift serves no real purpose!

After Christmas, I have several things that I'm going to take to the alteration lady. Obviously, the sleeves of a jacket are too long, as are a new pair of jeans. I bought a Sherpa jacket, that feels wonderful. Trouble is, I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice that it only has a half-zipper. I'm going to ask the alteration lady, to take out the zipper (I almost never button up a coat), shorten both the sleeves and the length. I don't know where manufacturers are getting there
plus size models from. I have short arms and legs, and unlike some women, don't want the pants to coverup most of my shoe. If I did, it would definitely be a trip hazard for me! And, I don't need any extra "help" to keep me standing on my two feet!

It's a beautiful day outside, but a bit on the chilly side. Obviously, we didn't put the top down in the car. I suppose with the heat blowing on our feet, heated seats as well as heated neck rests, we probably could so. But, in an effort to "look cool", seeing people in a convertible wrapped up like Eskimos, definitely takes away the "cool" factor.

Yesterday, Scott, Stacey and Benjamin, and Wendy and Elly all called to with me a happy birthday. I got so choked up talking to Scott, that I had to hand the phone over to Jeff. Last night, for my birthday, Scott called me, to wish me a happy birthday, as did Stacey and Benjamin, and Wendy and Elly. Truly feeling loved. And though I'm basically following a high protein diet (which is working by the way), I indulged with a bowl of peppermint ice cream. It was yummy.

Ada comes today, and it's a good thing. The house is a mess, and that's being kind. I feel I will have to apologize to Ada for the mess that is pretty much everywhere. In my defense, last Thursday and Friday, I was reclined for most of the time.

And, I know that you all have a burning desire to know what National holiday is being celebrated today:  

 NATIONAL ROAST SUCKLING PIG DAY ANSWER THE TELEPHONE LIKE BUDDY THE ELF DAY. That last part might be difficult since Elf on the shelf doesn't talk.

People, there are only 7 days until Christmas. If you're going to order on-line, you better get started. before the shipping window begins to close down.



Monday, December 17, 2018



If you're keeping track, I'm another year older today. Growing up, and I know this will sound stupid, but here goes. In my mind, let's say the years between 20 and 25 were "up years" and the years between 25 and 30 were "down years" That probably doesn't make much sense. So, for this year I am on the way "up", and next year I'll be going down, until I reach 70, and it'll be a "up year". Let's just say that in my mind this all makes sense. Of course, we all know the state of my mind!!

If there are typos in this blog today, please forgive me. I'm light challenged (i.e., bright lights hurts my eye). I will say this in defense of my "new" right eye, I can already see a difference in my vision. Who knows, maybe when my right eye is healed, I'll only need reading glasses. I'm thinking purple or red frames! Why stick to boring frames, if you don't have too?

Stacey sent Jeff home yesterday with two items that need to be returned to Amazon. Luckily, all I need for a box, is to simply go into the living room, and pick one out. It reminds me of "one stop shopping", only it's "one stop box shopping". 

I'm going to attach labels to the 4A Christmas cards, so that Jeff can take them to the post office, weigh one card, and then buy the appropriate stamp for each card. Better to do this, during the week. At this time of the year, Saturdays in the post office, tend to be a zoo. In my past experiences, there are always people in line, who don't know how to fill out a certified mail label. And with delays like this, the line merely creeps along. While waiting in line, it would be helpful to others, if the certified mailing forms are completed before they reach the front counter. Just saying.

Celebration today: national maple syrup day (I can really get behind that) and Wright Brothers day (meaningful to Jeff).



Sunday, December 16, 2018

Still 68


 I have one more day before the calendar flips over and I am one year older! This is my last year in the "60s", so I'd better make the most of it.

I had my second eye surgery on Thursday, and all went well, other than being bored out of my mind, which isn't very hard to do!

With some trepidation, we left Bella in the house. We closed all the doors that we could, and we were hoping that the house would still be standing when we got home.  It was. She did find an old box of 4A Christmas cards, and there were several on the ground with bite marks. Apparently, they didn't taste too good, otherwise, I'm sure she would have actually eaten the cards. 

During my recovery, I'm supposed to lay (lie, or be in a horizontal position) down with my eyes open, and when sitting up, eyes closed. Okay, that last one is nearly impossible to do, unless you're sleeping. I'm one with the resting in the chair. My eye is very sensitive to light, so I'm walking around the house with the chunky/clunking pair of sunglasses I was given when I left the hospital.

My second post-op appointment is on Tuesday. I'm hoping that the cornea transplant is in the right position. It wasn't for my first surgery, and the doctor had to go in with a needle (eye numb, but very cool) into my eye and adjusted it's "attitude". 

I currently have so much on my plate, that I'm frankly overwhelmed with what to do next. There are presents to be boxed up and wrapped (and I hate wrapping), Christmas cards to be sent out to family and friends. I'm really behind on that last job. While I find something to blog about almost every day, when I have to put pen to paper, I suffer from a "brain cramp"! Do you write about the progress the "girls" have made? Or the boys' successes in their careers? I could write about Benjamin, since he's a subject that I never get tired of seeing, talking or writing about! Or, perhaps I should write about my new high protein diet, in which I'm making real progress.

Perhaps tomorrow, Jeff and I can go out in the afternoon or early evening, to have steak - yummy! Oh, and dessert as well.  I may be on a diet of sorts, but the occasional bite of something sweet is still a craving of mine! I find I'm not particularly hungry most of the day, I just want to chew on something - perhaps a stick from the yard would suffice!

It rained yesterday, actually it poured yesterday. Our backyard is now a river, and apparently not to Daisy's liking. It has rained again today, and based on how gloomy it is outside, might rain again.

I wish I could stay longer, but I definitely do need to put my rear in gear - even if it's only in reverse!


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Today, Tomorrow and Friday


I know the title sounds ominous, but just wanted to give my readers a heads up.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have surgery on my right eye - cataract removal and cornea transplant. The surgery is not a big deal, but I've been waiting since April to have my right eye "fixed"!

Definitely, tomorrow and perhaps even on Friday, I will likely be away from my blog. I know for sure, that tomorrow once I'm home, I'm headed for the recliner. Daisy will love this, because nearly 100% of the time, she sleeps in my lap.

I didn't particularly have much pain after surgery, and I'm sure that tomorrow will be the same. The "pain" if you will, is wearing an eye patch over the affected eye. Makes me look like a pirate! Unfortunately, not a Johnny Depp kind of pirate.

More boxes arrived yesterday, and some will likely come today. At the moment, once I've opened the boxes, I toss box and gift into the living room. I'll deal with all of that later. Just how much later, I can't say.

In case you're wondering, today is National Gingerbread House. I have "attempted" to make gingerbread houses in the past, and they have all turned out to be disasters. Creativity is not my strong suit, never has and likely never will be. I guess writing is creative, until you get writers block (and yes that's a thing) and your ideas seem to have flown away. In reality, they're not actually gone, just gone for the moment.

Happy Wednesday.


I'm betting you can see the difference between the two houses. These are not actual pictures of the houses we made, but you get the idea!


Tuesday, December 11, 2018



Let's start off with the obvious. Shoppers there are only 14 days until Christmas. If you are going to order presents, it's definitely time to do so. I still have one or two presents yet to arrive, but I'm expecting them any day now!

I know I'm not going to get any sympathy, since I don't "work" and all, but am feeling a bit daunted when I think of the things that need doing. I need to wrap (double blah), tear down boxes in the "formal" living room (another blah), check off the have received or not received on my Excel spreadsheet. If I only bought just a couple of presents for everyone, then a spreadsheet would not be needed! Alas, Visa appreciates the fact that I have so many ideas, for so many people, I have difficulty pronouncing "I'm done". Actually, I have said that a number of times, and then I see and/or think of just one more thing! I can't help myself. Other than buying Benjamin and now Elly birthday presents, the adults in my life, no longer get birthday presents. So, you can see how my rationale for perhaps going a "TEENY" bit overboard. Shopping does make feel good, unfortunately. Since I don't get out to stores much anymore, I have a passion for on-line shopping. I love the "hunt", and think I'm actually pretty good at it. I used to ask for Christmas lists from all of the adults, and I no longer do that, I go rogue! Shopping for Benjamin and Elly is quite easy, and I'm loving shopping for a little girl! Girls and women pretty much love EVERYTHING

Tree trimmers came yesterday, to cut off the dead branches from our two oak trees. They'll be back in the spring for the next step(s) to try and save these two trees. Fingers crossed that the trees can be saved. To replace the tree in the front yard, 32 years old and now super duper big, will cost a small fortune to replace. There are no acorns or squirrels around the house this year. I do like the lack of acorns, because if you step on one of those, it's painful.

I told you (I think) that Jeff bought one of those insta-pots (sp) over the weekend. He has used it two times so far, with much success. Now, however, my counter space seems a little crowded to the OCD portion of my brain. I have the pot, toaster, coffee maker, hot water pot, dog treats, dog kibble and fake sugar all on the counters. It's truly more than I can bear. So, in between being Mama Claus, I have to figure out a way to rein in the chaos in the kitchen, or lose my mind!

After I get certain parts of the house "under control" (more or less), I have Christmas cards to send, the aforementioned presents to wrap, and one day, in Jeff's "spare" time, some clothes that need to be altered. All of my alterations, are for shorter sleeves, pants, etc. I don't know who models for these catalogs, but they definitely aren't using a plus-size petite woman!

Lovely to chat, but time is ticking away.


Monday, December 10, 2018

Busy, Busy Monday


There is one way to wake up, for us retired folk. Normally, it's the girls standing on Jeff's chest, and they're pretty hard to ignore. But, this morning, I woke up to the sound of a chain saw. I'm always interested in men who work around the house, and the chain saw was definitely up in our oak tree! This is phase two of trying to save the very large oak tree in the front yard. The climber dude, went up into the tree and cut down dead branches, and there was more than a few of those! They also trimmed the oak tree in the backyard. I don't know if any of you remember the show "Fargo", but there was a wood chipper involved, and a person. The company brought a wood chipper with them, and consistently fed it the dead branches from those two trees.

While the men were busy working outside, I took my toast and coffee (not too rigid about this meal I swear), sat in my chair and watched a Hallmark movie. They are definitely feel good movies. The movies always start and finish the same, and I'm okay with that. Everybody needs a little "feel good" in their life.

Yesterday, Scott and Wendy stopped by for breakfast, which is a Jeff specialty. Unfortunately, for my diet, they also brought a tower of goodies. Pears, apples, caramel/chocolate candy (for some reason, I keep thinking it's called Moose Tracks", but I could be wrong. While Scott and Wendy were here, we went over the food items for Christmas dinner. Wendy is cooking ham (yum), Jeff and I are supposed to bring the family's favorite corn casserole. I also offered to make my family's 7up Salad. The recipe, which I have put below, was always made by my Grandmother. I haven't made it in years, but it's about time I dragged the recipe out, and make a list of necessary food. Seems like we are supposed to bring something else, but I can't remember.

Over the weekend, Jeff bought one of those Insta-Pots, which is supposed to make cooking easier and faster. Today, he's going to make beef stew, and that should turn out to be yummy. You simply but your ingredients in the pot, select the right setting, and walk away. Before you know it, dinner's ready! Who could argue about that?

Today, I need to put my ever mounting chaos in order. I have packages to wrap (ugh), as well as taking care of our personal Christmas cards. Since we have been in Maryland for 32 years, a lot of the folks we once knew, have somewhat drifted away. And, that's pretty normal, when you think of it. Collapse all my Amazon boxes, that have been tossed (literally) into the living room. I guess you could say, that I've turned most of the house into "Mom-Mom's" workshop!

7UP Salad

Background:  This recipe is from my Grandmother Glazebrook.  She made, as I did, this dish for most holiday dinners.  During the spring she would make the dish with the  colored mini-marshmallows

2 pkg. lemon jello
2 c hot water
2 c 7up
1 number 2 can of drained pineapple tidbits
2 c mini-marshmallows
2 bananas, sliced
½ c sugar
1 c pineapple juice
2 T flour
1 egg
1 T butter
Cool whip
¼ c grated longhorn cheese

Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add 7up.  Chill till thick as egg white, add pineapple, mallows and sliced bananas. Chill till firm.

Cook together:  sugar, flour, egg and pineapple juice. Remove from stove after it thickens and stir in butter. Let cool to room temperature.  Add cool whip to the custard mixture.

Spread on top of gelatin.  Sprinkle cheese on top of cool whip and Refrigerate. I know that the cheese on top, may put some of you off, but I promise you it's a great tasting "salad"!

Well, my dears, the clock waits for nobody, including yours truly. More tomorrow.




Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...