Sunday, December 2, 2018

Another Gloomy Day (sad face here)


Well my dears, we've made it. This is the last month of the year. It's also "supposed" to be the happiest time for everybody. Unfortunately, not every one sees Christmas the same way. There is the "ba humbug" person, who finds no joy in the holiday. There are also people who actually want to just skip the month of December. While I no longer decorate the house for Christmas, I still have the spirit. Jeff and I bought a little, two feet or so, fiber optic tree. It's not quite a Charlie Brown tree, but it's definitely a runner-up. I applaud the people who decorate every inch of their house. I was one of those people, years ago. Getting a real tree into the house and having the boys decorate it however they wanted, was something we did in the past. And, now we don't. The boys et al, (can't figure out how to spell that word) do not spend any holidays here at the house.

When Jeff and I lived in California, we traveled to both my parents and his parents for Christmas for years. Eventually, and I don't know why, but my parents would come to the house to celebrate Christmas with the boys.

I can remember a Christmas, many years ago, as well as a different husband. We didn't have any money, and pretty much never did. One Christmas, on our way to my parent's house, we stopped at Kmart, to buy presents. I can still see, in my mind, what a pathetic way to shop. I remember we gave my Dad a sweater (he didn't wear sweaters), but when you're on a limited budget, you buy what you can find. It was embarrassing for me, to say the least. I think my parents would have been fine without any presents. They knew that we didn't have any money. Our checks bounced all over town! Since this first husband was the manager of a five and dime store, he took (stole) merchandise. Baby clothes, were a priority. He took other things, but I don't linger long with those memories, because they make me sad.

Over the years, Jeff has given me two presents (and, yes there were other gifts), that I will always remember. The first one was a beautiful cabinet, which has always held some of my treasures. The other gift was a trip to England, Wales and Scotland for my Dad and me. We went on a tour, and had a great time. I will never forget the kindness of that gift. Dad and I had such good memories!

Now, I'm old (and please don't disagree) and will be 69 on the 17th, I really don't need anything. But, I want stuff. People say I'm hard to buy for, but I don't think so. With that in mind, I've done some shopping for myself. I know that spoils the fun for me, but I can handle that.

I would like to have a new bedroom door, because ours has a crack in it, and I think it's unsightly and want it gone. No duct tape, no glue. The other thing I really want is an I phone. I don't need the current model, but I see on the Verizon store, that there are many phones for sale under $20.00 a month. Yes, it's true that in the early days with Bella, she took my phone outside, and made sure that it would never work again. Something about chewing and getting it dirty, takes it's toll on a phone! Who knew? I know now, but it's a tad late to save my phone. Bella has gotten past, stealing combs, socks and shoes. Paper products still remain her favorite things to steal.

Only 23 days left before Christmas. If you don't hurry buying on line, you stand a good chance of your gift won't arrive in time. Currently, I have thrown box after box into the living room. I'm keeping every box, until everything has been wrapped!

I MAY have gone over budget this year with my shopping. But, I can explain, really I can. I'm not able to drive, and walking is difficult. I spend day after day inside the house. I can read and watch Hallmark movies, but you can only do that for a short period. Shopping on-line is a cathartic (providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions). And, yes I had to look up the definition. Searching for and/or buying is somewhat of a release for me. I find great joy in searching for and buying what I think is the perfect present for someone. Unfortunately, the Visa bill shows the "ugly" side of shopping, i.e.,paying for those gifts. My rationale is that I really only buy presents for Christmas. The rest of the year, I buy birthday gifts for Benjamin and Elly.

Okay, that's my confession. After I finish this, I promise to MOVE away from the computer as well as the LURE of buying things. 

Happy Sunday everyone. Oh, and today is National Mutt Day!




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