Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Is Over and Now On To The Next Big Thing!


Jeff and I and the "girls" had Christmas dinner at Scott and Wendy's house. Though I promised myself that I wouldn't go crazy with gifts, I apparently can't keep a promise even to myself! So, with that in mind, I "promise" to do a better job next year. And, I'll have all of you around to keep me in check!

Wendy baked a ham, the kind with brown sugar (I think) on top - yum. She also made a pineapple casserole, which could be habit forming! Stacey, brought her famous apple pies, which, as always, was so good. Jeff made cole slaw and corn casserole. Wendy also made a number of cookies, all of which were too good to pass up! I was definitely in sugar heaven.

Benjamin and Elly loved all of their gifts, and waited patiently for other people to open up their gifts. Scott bought Benjamin a slot car racing game? and also bought extra track, so the area takes up a lot of room. They'll need a big space at his house to accommodate the track.

I was given Unicorn socks, a small Unicorn bag, a wonderful picture of the four adults, some books (hurrah, I love books), a framed picture if you will, that talks about Mom-Mom, Jeff also got one for Pop-Pop - and they are wonderful. I was also given a beautiful art piece, with a gold clitter moon (our saying, to the moon and back). 

Scott, who knows me so well, bought me not one, but three different Murano glass pieces. I can't wait to take them out of the boxes, and put them on display. I also received a beautiful ornament, which will hang in the window of my office. And, Wendy gave me a bracelet from this company that she likes, I can't remember the name of it, but their products are all beautiful. I have a rose gold bracelet, with several charms. Unfortunately, I cannot at the moment read small print, so I have no idea what the charms actually say, but I'll get out my magnifying glass and find out.

With the exception of the flannel and wool shirts that I bought Jeff, which are too big, and are being returned, the other shirts that I bought for Andrew and Scott, seemed to meet with their approval.

BUT, one of the best gifts last night, was that Scott proposed to Wendy, and she accepted. The ring is beautiful. I don't know if Wendy helped pick out, but no matter, it's beautiful. And my circle of women in the family has now been expanded to three: Stacey, Wendy and Elly. If I'm not careful, we "pink" people will be the "ruling class"!!

Oh, by the way, the girls were flawless last night. No accidents in the house, no growling at Scott's dogs, which are really huge. For the most part, they found a spot in the room and slept. I'm so glad that there wasn't any dog drama.
This time of the year, is not my best, so I type with my SAD light on, and am getting my head shrunk this afternoon.  

Recycling is tomorrow, and our bin that holds paper and cardboard is already full, and we have several other boxes that need to be emptied and put in the bin. But, before I toss out boxes, I have to save some, for any returns, and I few things that need to be sent back. I mean, who's Christmas wouldn't be complete, without some returns.

Stopping now, so that I can start emptying out the boxes, and save the ones I need, and toss the rest.

Have a very good day.

Image result for picture of unwrapped christmas presents


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