Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Post-Op Appointment


Went and saw the eye surgeon this morning, for my second post-op appointment.  And, ALL IS GOOD! I was pretty sure that the doctor would be proud of my progress, because I sure am. Unlike, the post-op appointments for the left eye, that needed the doctor to "fiddle" with the eye, the right eye is great. The only thing that is still a challenge, is reading fine print, but that's where a magnifying glass comes in handy. And, I can't stand bright lights. The doctor assured me that once you have lived in a fuzzy world, and now can see, everything is brighter. I can, I suppose, wear my sunglasses in the house to dim down the brightness. If you need cataract and/or cornea transplant, don't put it off. Today, my vision in the right eye is 28/20. My next appointment is in a month, and perhaps I can a prescription for reading glasses. If I only need reading glasses, then I'm going to opt for a bright frame - red or purple! You only live life once after all!

I did some wrapping yesterday, but only for the boys. I used my tested and approved by using packing tape and writing their names on the front of the box with magic marker! I did notice, however, that I can't find one of Scott's present. It's a "two parter", so I'll wrap what I have and hope that when all the presents have been opened, I'll find the second part of the gift! The missing piece is pretty big, so it shouldn't have been possible for me to lose i! After all, I just recently found the Crocs I had bought for Jeff LAST Christmas!

Anybody who uses a spreadsheet to keep track of presents bought, should not be able to lose a gift. But, we know that my brain is a bit "wonky", so it stands to reason that I may have just forgotten the present. Every year, after Christmas, I tell everyone that the NEXT Christmas, I'm only going to buy 2 or 3 things for all the adults. And then buying season rolls around, and all my good intentions to fly out the window. I really can't help that I find such wonderful things for everybody. I even did some of my own gift buying. Jeff believes that I'm hard to buy for, and from my perspective just not true. I pretty much like everything, even if the gift serves no real purpose!

After Christmas, I have several things that I'm going to take to the alteration lady. Obviously, the sleeves of a jacket are too long, as are a new pair of jeans. I bought a Sherpa jacket, that feels wonderful. Trouble is, I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice that it only has a half-zipper. I'm going to ask the alteration lady, to take out the zipper (I almost never button up a coat), shorten both the sleeves and the length. I don't know where manufacturers are getting there
plus size models from. I have short arms and legs, and unlike some women, don't want the pants to coverup most of my shoe. If I did, it would definitely be a trip hazard for me! And, I don't need any extra "help" to keep me standing on my two feet!

It's a beautiful day outside, but a bit on the chilly side. Obviously, we didn't put the top down in the car. I suppose with the heat blowing on our feet, heated seats as well as heated neck rests, we probably could so. But, in an effort to "look cool", seeing people in a convertible wrapped up like Eskimos, definitely takes away the "cool" factor.

Yesterday, Scott, Stacey and Benjamin, and Wendy and Elly all called to with me a happy birthday. I got so choked up talking to Scott, that I had to hand the phone over to Jeff. Last night, for my birthday, Scott called me, to wish me a happy birthday, as did Stacey and Benjamin, and Wendy and Elly. Truly feeling loved. And though I'm basically following a high protein diet (which is working by the way), I indulged with a bowl of peppermint ice cream. It was yummy.

Ada comes today, and it's a good thing. The house is a mess, and that's being kind. I feel I will have to apologize to Ada for the mess that is pretty much everywhere. In my defense, last Thursday and Friday, I was reclined for most of the time.

And, I know that you all have a burning desire to know what National holiday is being celebrated today:  

 NATIONAL ROAST SUCKLING PIG DAY ANSWER THE TELEPHONE LIKE BUDDY THE ELF DAY. That last part might be difficult since Elf on the shelf doesn't talk.

People, there are only 7 days until Christmas. If you're going to order on-line, you better get started. before the shipping window begins to close down.



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