Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Way Behind This Year!


Hurry and scurry you guys. Santa is closing in fast. On-line orders may or may not arrive in time. And, unfortunately for a few last minute items, yous truly may fall in that category!

For some reason, this year I'm basically in the weeds, and that has never happened to me before!  I haven't even addressed, let alone sent, our Christmas cards. But, from our Christmas list, 32 years ago to now, we have a lot fewer people that we send cards too. 

And, in my letters what would I say? Let's see, Benjamin is now 10 and growing up way too fast for Jeff and I. We miss toddler Benjamin, although there was more work involved in caring for him. But, on the plus side, he fit better on our laps! Before we know it, he'll be a teenager. How time flies when you're having fun. I know that's just the grandma in me, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Ada came yesterday, so today is put the laundry away (and you all know how much I hate doing that). Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house tomorrow in the afternoon. I have some things to return to Michael's and a quick run through CVS to buy some specialty cards. I also need large 11x14 size for a few of my gifts. I'll mark them all as "assembly required". I've bought frames, but will save the receipt in case, the frames that I bought aren't exactly what the "children" want. My taste and theirs could vary a little bit (ya think?).

Today, I've simply got to get down to the business of cards. The 4A cards are ready to be sent, just need a "quick" (if that's possible this time of the year) trip to the post office for the correct postage.
Basically, I weigh one envelope, and then buy "x" numbers of stamps for the remainder. The cards have to be weighed, because they definitely don't ship for regular postage. The calendar magnets inside the envelope add to the postage amount, which last year, think was around 65 cents.

During my toast and coffee breakfast, I sat down with Daisy on my lap, and watched a cooking show. Of course, I did.

I will "attempt" to wrap up presents today for Stacey and Wendy. I may get things wrapped, but they probably won't be getting any ribbon. I only have so many skills, and ribbons isn't counted as one of them. So, you see it's a good things I only had boys, because they couldn't give two hoots about wrapping. What they don't like to see under the Christmas tree, is those much dreaded shirt boxes. Those kind of boxes only hold one thing - clothes! Horrors.

Have a good day.






  1. hi mom mom I am just wanted to let you now I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much ps its me ben

  2. Benjamin, Mom Mon loves you also s0000000000000000 much, and to the moon and back.

    Love you and wishing I could give you a hug right now!

    Love Mom Mom


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Closing Up Shop

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