Monday, December 3, 2018

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood!


Scott is borrowing Jeff's car today, while Scott's car is in the shop. Having said that, today would be a most EXCELLENT to ride around town, with the top down! However, in the absence of the newer car, my car got to spend last night in the garage!

More Christmas presents arrived today.  I'm fully expecting to be invited to Amazon's Christmas party (I wish). Now, you make thing me nuts, but I have a created an Excel spreadsheet, so that I can keep track of what I've ordered, and what I've received. Two more gifts arrived today, and they are beautiful. I can say beautiful, because the gifts are for Wendy and Stacey.  Sorry boys.

I'm getting my head "shrunk" today, and boy do I need to be analyzed! Prior to going to see Dr.H, I right now the things I want/need to talk about. And, today the list is fairly long, so I'll have to talk fast, which is normally not a problem for me!

Cases of protein water arrived yesterday, and Jeff moved them to the garage. They'll stay cool, if not cold, there. Once I've run "dry" of drinks in the fridge, I will move more bottles inside.

I'm glad that my gift ordering is complete (more or less), because several items haven't arrived yet. But, there's still time.

I'm 10 days away from my next eye surgery. I can't wait. Yes, I have to, as much as possible, stay in my recliner in the lowest position, but I've got Hallmark movies stacked up, so I won't suffer from boredom. I'm not supposed to read or watch television the day of the surgery, but the next day Hallmark and I will have a wonderful day together. My hope is that after fixing this second eye, I will see better (obviously), and if I still need glasses, they won't have to be "coke bottle" lenses. If that's the case, they I can probably afford to buy a more stylish pair of frames - I'm thinking red, because that's one of my favorite colors!

Well, my dears, I'm off to get dressed for my appointment. We'll be taking Bella, because if we leave her alone in the house, there is no telling what she can and/or will get into. Of course, if we close the basement door, then all of the damage, will be contained in the house. That's much better than having all kinds of items taken out to the backyard.

I gave Stacey and Wendy an advent calendar of sorts. For each day, they get a new pair of socks. How cool is that? Stacey sent me a picture of her socks, and they are truly beautiful and colorful as well. Perhaps this can become a Christmas "thing"!


Who wouldn't enjoy getting a new pair of socks every day?

Today is National Disability Day and it's a day to help everyone become more compassionate and understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities. The day doesn’t discriminate between mental and physical disabilities. And, unfortunately some of us suffer from both mental and physical disabilities. So, if you park in a handicapped parking place (for only a moment), you are depriving a disabled person from parking close to a store. That was my "soap box" comment.


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