Saturday, December 1, 2018

It Looks Like Winter!


When Jeff and I arrived here, 32 years ago, we had never experienced snow. Frankly, because winters in Southern California, still call for shorts and flip-flops! And, for me, it was hard to get into the Christmas spirit, when you're still running the a/c (okay that maybe an exaggeration, but you get the idea).

It always snows in Maryland. Sometimes we get a lot of snow, forcing the closing of schools, the government and companies. When I was working, Marriott had a "hot" line that you could use to see if they would be open or not. If the boys had the day(s) off, then it's up to you to figure out babysitting - which is a nightmare. 

I don't exactly know how many years in the past, we've had "ubber" (sp), but when we had "crap" (boys word) loads of snow, the boys were very happy. And, when we had a lot of snow, the boys were still at home, and did most of the shoveling. Shoveling is hard work, but when we moved here, a neighbor told us that our goal should always be to get the driveway down to "black". If you do that, then the sun (when it comes out) can do it's magic to melt any residual snow.

One thing we learned after moving here, is that by looking at the weather, and temperature outside, sometimes, but not always, it feels like it could snow. I don't quite know to explain that, but it's just something in the air. Now that I'm retired, and Jeff works from home, snow falling doesn't fill us with dread. To be sure, Jeff still shovels, but it is hard work. Jeff would shovel a little, rest a bit, and go back outside to continue to shovel.

We've never, at least none that I can remember, had a white Christmas. I would love to have snow on Christmas day, but just enough of the white stuff, so you could still drive to somebody's house. If you have no outside plans, then I say, let it snow, let it snow! Since "Jenny" (generator) sits in the backyard, we no longer care if the power goes out. Jenny is big enough to run EVERYTHING in the house, because she is hooked up to the gas line (at least I think that's what happens), and we can stay toasty inside.

It's anybody's guess how much snow and/or ice we'll get this winter. Could be a "big" year for weather, or not so much. 

I don't think it's cold enough for snow, but for sure, long sleeves and/or a sweater are necessary.

Happy Saturday



1 comment:

  1. Missy, thanks for your comment, and I'll check out the book. Can or will you tell me who you are? I'm just curious, like a cat! Thanks for reading. It means a lot to you.


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