Friday, November 30, 2018

Fashion for Big Women


Okay first thing, don't forget to flip your calendars over tomorrow. This means that the shopping days are truly upon us. The stores will be crowded, over heated and noisy. Since I do all or most of my shopping on-line (thank you Amazon), for the most part, I can avoid the madness of shopping in stores. And, I'm okay with that.

But, enough about that. I saw an article in the paper about clothes for bigger women. As a not "too slim" person, I can absolutely appreciate the struggle larger women have, when it comes to clothes.

The numbers of people here in the good old USA, are 160 MILLION and those numbers get bigger every year.  60% of that million number, are comprised of women who are obese or overweight. 

For years, some clothing for plus size woman choices fell pretty much into two categories. Mu-Mu type dresses, which are not particularly flattering. Comfortable? You bet. And, shapeless and darker clothes, designed to make a woman look smaller, fill the stores. As a plus size woman, I abhor wearing black. Where are the beautiful and colorful clothes? 

Most designers, simply don't want to make clothes for women over size 14. One designer, Marina Rinaldi makes clothes for larger women. Thank heaven for her. Another designer, who has/is making clothes for bigger women, is Wu's collection for Enonguii. Those clothes are for women sizes 14 to 28, and inspired by clothes from the 50's. This designer, says that a medium sized dress is meant for women who are a size 16. 

One high end store, offers about 60 designer choices for women sized 0 to ten, but only 38 for sizes 12 to 14. If you're heavier than that, most designers won't touch you with a 10 foot pole.  
But, designers need to understand, and some already, finally recognize the need to make larger size clothes. And, it's about time. Women who are on the heavier side, already feel bad about themselves, and need and want clothes that are colorful and fit well.

Okay, off my soap box for now. Happy Friday.


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