Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Winnie The Poo Day


It was 31 degrees when I got up this morning. While the sky is a brilliant blue, Mother Nature has "blessed" us with wind.

Physical therapy today, and that generally means that by the time I get home, my shoulder is very sore. Perhaps the sorer the shoulder is, the more progress is being made. At least, that's what I think, and I could be full of hot air - which is a rather common problem of mine!

Because of the wind, the remaining leaves are blowing all around. The good news is that we live on the top of the street, so our leaves blow down the street, which makes them somebody else's problem. Probably not fair for our neighbors, but unless we "branded" our leaves with our name, it's impossible to know where the leaves come from. And, I'm okay with that.

Ada comes today and she is really getting a break as far as how many rooms she has to clean. Both my office and living room can't be cleaned because of the growing stack of boxes. Once everything is wrapped, then I'll start recycling the boxes. Until then, I'm keeping all the boxes.

With breakfast this morning, I was able to watch another mushy Christmas movie. I don't mind the predictability, I just enjoy that everything is perfect from the garland to the packages under the tree! Oh, and beautiful people to boot.

Since Benjamin staying with us this weekend, I'm going to use packing tape to seal the box of possible gifts. 

I'm sticking to my high protein, low calorie diet, and so far have lost 7 pounds. In the big scheme of things, that doesn't sound like very much, but you have to start somewhere. Medicare has "nixed" baratric (sp) surgery, so I'm going to have to rely on my ability to not eat "friendly" foods. So far so good. But all of these high protein bars and drinks, come at a price. Actually, a rather steep price. But, I'm desperate to lose weight, so I'm going to keep on drinking and eating high protein bars. When I step on the scale, which I do daily, I'm happy to see the numbers heading in the left direction! I'll never be a skinny minny, but every pound that leaves my body, is progress. I'll be like the turtle - slow and steady!

It's "hump" day for all of my working friends. as for me, it's recycling and house cleaning day! Since Ada comes on Wednesday, it has become my favorite day of the week!



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