Thursday, November 1, 2018



Golly, the calendar has been flipped over, and the clocks are changing this weekend. The girls will have to get used to their schedule change. Getting darker earlier in the day, is not a good thing for me, so my SAD light will definitely be my good friend.

They don't call me Grace for nothing. Yesterday, when I was bringing down some things to wash, I missed a step, luckily the last one, and ended up sprawled on the floor like a broken rag doll. I banged my left knee on the floor (wonderful) and my left arm also hit the floor (double wonderful). Jeff came down, and I managed to drag my body over to the stairs. Once I had something secure to hang on to, I was up, but definitely not raring to go. 

Took some kind of generic pain relieving pill, grabbed an ice packet and headed to my chair. You know how in some companies they have a sign on the wall that states how long they have been accident free? Well, our sign would read zero at this point.

I wasn't always so clumsy, but I definitely am now. So adding new aches and pains to my already in pain body, makes me angry. I'm supposed to start physical therapy for balance and coordination, and boy do I need to work on those two things.

Beautiful sunny day outside. Ada is coming to clean this afternoon, and perhaps I'll take my rollator out into the sunshine and soak up some "real" sun.


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